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Valedictory Address

May 21, 2011ischoolsericsonalietoLeave a commentGo to comments

“Education is the greatest social transformer.” This is one of the great reasons making Education one
of the pillars of advancement, a cornerstone of progress, a foundation of national strength, and a key
to all pleasing ideals of man.

If we are to observe the trend of our time, the flow of our ways, the system of the community and the
demands of the present, it would be redundant to say that more than before, now, Education is of
greater importance. It is the Educated Graduates of the country that greatly participate in the different
spectrum of nation building. The graduates who have received the training of the mental faculty, the
discipline of wisdom, the rationalization of feelings and the ideals of service could lend great aids in
the different fields comprising the sphere of our interrelated lives.

With this notion at hand, we realized that we, graduates of this time, should not only feel elated
because we have reached the culmination of an academic phase, but also should reflect on the
demand tagged along with privilege that we have gained. Consequently, we understand that our
journey has just started. There are much to fulfill and much to realize ahead of us. So, I say, to all of
us, graduates of this humble academic institution, let us not cease from learning. Let us not stop from
fulfilling our dreams. Let us not cave in to the different trials of lives. Instead, let us be ever daring
and spirited as we move on to greater forms of learning.

Our celebration is a recognition that our achievements are not credited to our own self, but to the
contribution of many – our parents’ unceasing love and support, our friends’ encouragement, our
mentors’ tireless dedication, and God’s mighty help. Hence, let me thank all of you, in behalf of the
graduates whose voices and sentiments are represented by me at this very moment.

Accept our expression of gratitude along with our promise that the sprouting seed of education
planted in our hearts will be cared by us and, in due time, its fruits will be shared to many. With God’s
grace and guidance, we hope to become people who serve others, work for the country, act for peace,
seek for change and live for others and for God.

Classmates and friends, this is our promise. A promise for the keeping and fulfilling. Thank you and
may God be with us, always.

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