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Conformal anomaly and gravitational pair production

M. N. Chernodub1
Institut Denis Poisson UMR 7013, Université de Tours, 37200 Tours, France
(Dated: June 7, 2023)
We argue that the rate density of particle pair production Γ in background fields in conformal
field theories is determined by the conformal anomaly and related to anomalous trace of the energy-
momentum tensor as Γ = (π/2)hT µµ i if the trace is positive (and Γ = 0 otherwise). This formula
perfectly reproduces (presumably, non-Hawking) radiation generated by static gravitational fields in
the absence of an event horizon via a new evaporation mechanism suggested recently. Our relation
also correctly describes the one-loop Schwinger pair creation in massless (scalar and spinor) quantum
electrodynamics. It also accurately points to the Savvidi instability of the gluonic vacuum towards
the formation of the chromomagnetic condensate. Photon and neutrino pair production are also
arXiv:2306.03892v1 [hep-th] 6 Jun 2023


Introduction. Signatures of vacuum instability in a of conformal (or trace) anomalies [14–16]1 .

strong electric field were first found in work by Sauter on In addition, one can argue that the particle creation
the Klein paradox [1]. This effect has been recognized in a static gravitational field can also produce particles
and developed further by Heisenberg and Euler [2] and even without the event horizon [18]. In this scenario, the
later formalized in terms of a pair production process in virtual pairs of particles are separated by local tidal forces
QED by Schwinger [3, 4]. and become real particles, similar to what happens in the
Schwinger effect. Some of these real particles will fall to
The physical interpretation of this instability, often
the gravitating body and will later be recaptured, while
called the Schwinger effect, is linked to the quantum vac-
other particles will escape to infinity and create, similarly
uum fluctuations in which virtual pairs of electrons e−
to the Hawking effect, an outgoing flux of matter [18].
and positrons e+ are constantly created to be annihi-
In our article, we argue that in the off-event-horizon
lated shortly later. In a sufficiently strong background
mechanism of Ref. [18] of particle pair production, the
electric field, the created e+ e− particles are taken away
creation rate in the background gravitational field can
in opposite directions by the field. As they are spatially
be directly related to the conformal anomaly. We will
separated, they cannot annihilate and become real par-
show that our approach works for the Schwinger pair-
ticles. Thus, a sufficiently strong electric field creates
production mechanism in QED and is consistent with
matter (e+ e− pairs) from the vacuum.
the Savvidi vacuum instability in non-Abelian gauge the-
A similar phenomenon exists in gravitational fields ories [19].
near black holes. A black hole emits the Hawking ra- We set ~ = c = 1 everywhere in the article and work
diation [5, 6], which can be associated with the parti- in the mostly-plus metric convention.
cle tunneling process [7] in which one particle from the Particle production and effective action. The
pair, created in the vicinity of the event horizon, gets rate density of particle production events dN/dt = Γ is
swallowed by the hole while another particle has suffi- determined by the imaginary part, Γ = 2 Im Leff , of the
cient energy escape to infinity. The escaping particles Lagrangian Leff associated with the effective action [3],
form the outgoing energy flux, which diminishes the mass

of the black hole and, therefore, leads to the black hole W = d4 x −gLeff , (1)
evaporation. Due to a nonlocality of the tunneling pro-
cess, this effect operates in an extended vicinity above which takes into account quantum corrections. The rate
the black hole event horizon, thus creating the notion of Γ has a sense of non-persistence of vacuum due to pair
the quantum atmosphere [8] (see also [9]). It was recently
suggested that such quantum atmospheres could possess
nontrivial thermodynamic features that can be probed in 1 It is worth mentioning about terminology used in the paper.
condensed matter experiments [10]. The terms “scale” and “conformal” in relation to the symme-
tries of the system and the quantum anomalies are often used
In 1+1 spacetime dimensions, the Hawking radiation
interchangeably in the literature. Mathematically, these con-
can be related to a gravitational (Einstein) anomaly cepts correspond to different symmetries as the requirement of
which implies a non-conservation of energy-momentum local conformal invariance is much stronger than the condition
of a chiral particle in a curved spacetime [11]. The of global scale invariance. Physically, the distinction between
the scale and conformal concepts is frequently ignored because
anomaly appears due to quantum fluctuations when clas- all physically relevant scale-invariant field theories in four space-
sical symmetries are inconsistent with the quantization time dimensions also exhibit conformal invariance [17]. More-
procedure [12]. In 1+1 and 3+1 spacetime dimensions, over, since these anomalies are seen as a non-zero trace of the
the Hawking effect can also be interpreted [13] in terms energy-momentum tensor, they are also called “trace” anomalies.

creation [3, 4]. end of our considerations, m = 0. The charged (com-

In our paper, we argue that in conformal field theories, plex) scalar field carrying the elementary electric charge
the pair-creation rate Γ in a background gravitational q = e has N = 2 degrees of freedom with corresponding
and gauge (electromagnetic or gluon) fields can be related modifications of Eq. (4).
to the conformal (trace) anomaly: The remarkable feature of the pair-production ef-
fect (3) is that it can take place in static gravitational
Γ= Tµ , (2) fields, which immediately suggests that this effect is a
2 Hawking-type of radiation associated with the presence of
where T µµ ≡ T µµ an is the anomalous trace of the

an event horizon [5, 6]. However, the pair production (3)
energy-momentum tensor T µν . Relation (2) is quan- takes place even in the absence of an event horizon (that
tum because, in classical conformal theories in an even is, not only for a black hole), thus indicating that this
number of spacetime dimensions, the trace of the stress- phenomenon is either an addition or a generalization of
energy tensor vanishes identically, (T µµ )cl ≡ 0. Quantum Hawking radiation [18].
fluctuations can violate this identity, T µµ 6= 0, hence Effective action, trace anomaly, and pair pro-

the term “trace anomaly” or “conformal anomaly”. duction. It is instructive first to start from the sim-
In order to keep Eq. (2) as simple as possible, we used plest case of the scalar field for which the trace anomaly
the convention that this equation has been elaborated in great detail in Ref. [20]. Our rela-

a relation to the tion (2) between the conformal (trace) anomaly and the
pair production if and only if T µµ > 0. Otherwise,
Γ < 0 is equivalent to Γ ≡ 0 because a negative pair off-event-horizon particle production can be deduced by
production rate does not lead to the production of pairs. matching the anomalous term in the one-loop effective
The particle production rate of N massless scalar de- action W represented as an integral over the proper time
grees of freedom in the curved d = 3 + 1 dimensional s of Ref. [20] with the representation of the same action
spacetime (described by the metric gµν ) in the pres- in terms of the spectral parameter s in the heat-kernel
ence of the classical electromagnetic field (characterized approach of Ref. [18] based on the Barvinsky–Vilkovisky
by the field strength Fµν ) has been found in the recent expansion [21].
work [18]2 : The one-loop action functional W is given by a for-
mal divergent
expression, W = (i/2) ln det G , where
G(x, x′ ) ≡ iT φ(x)φ(x′ ) represents the Green func-

N 1
Rµναβ Rµναβ − Rµν Rµν

ΓN sc = (3) tion associated with the quadratic Lagrangian (4):
32π 180
q2 √
1 1  1 
+ − ξ R2 − Fµν F µν , − √ ∂µ −gg µν ∂ν + ξR + m2 G(x, x′ ) (5)
2 6 12 −g

= δ(x − x′ )/ −g .
where the curved background is expressed via the Rie-
mann tensor Rµναβ , the Ricci tensor Rµν = Rαµαν , and The functional W has a close relation to the expecta-
the scalar curvature R ≡ Rµµ . The subscript “N sc” in tion value of the energy-momentum tensor, hT µν i, in
Eq. (3) stands for N scalar degrees of freedom (for ex- its response, W → W + δW to the metric variation,
ample, N = 1 for a neutral scalar field and N = 2 for a gµµ → gµν + δgµν in (even) D spacetime dimensions:
complex scalar field).
i √ 1
The quantity q in Eq. (3) is the electric charge of the
δW = Tr GδG = dD x −ghT µν i δgµν ,
scalar particle minimally coupled to electromagnetism. A 2 2
neutral (q = 0) scalar field carrying one degrees of free-
thus giving access to the evaluation of the trace T µµ ,

dom (N = 1) is described by the following Lagrangian:
allowing us to uncover an eventual conformal (trace)
1 1 1 anomaly.
L = − ∂µ φ∂ µ φ − ξRφ2 − m2 φ2 , (4)
2 2 2 The variation of the effective action (6) can be ex-
pressed in the proper-time representation of Schwinger
where the parameter ξ controls the local coupling of the
and DeWitt [3, 22] (in notations of [20]):
Ricci curvature scalar R to the scalar field. The confor-
mally invariant massless theory corresponds to ξ = 1/6. i
Z ∞
ids −isH
For consistency with previous studies, we also add to δW = − δTr e , (7)
2 0 is
Eq. (4) the mass term, which will be set to zero at the
via a relativistic Hamiltonian-like operator H = ∆ +
ξR + m2 , where a second-order differential operator ∆
represents the kinetic term, the coupling to the curva-
2 We have slightly re-arranged and combined the original expres- ture R plays a role of an external potential, and m2
sions of Ref. [18] for further convenience. gives the mass term. The correct analytical properties

of Eq. (7) and similar subsequent relations are main- In the massless theory (m = 0), the last term in Eq. (10)
tained by an appropriate complex continuation of the reduces to a traceless tensor, and the trace of the energy-
mass term, m2 → m2 (1 − i0+ ), silently assumed here. momentum tensor (10) is fully determined by the trace
The effective Lagrangian (1) takes the following form: (scale) anomaly (11):

T µ ≡ gµν hT µν iren = A4 , [for m = 0] , (12)
Z ∞
1 1 ids −im2 s
Leff = D D e F (x, x; is; D) , (8)
2 (4π) 2 0 (is) 2
where the short-hand notation T µµ is used for represen-

where F (x, x′ ; is; D) is the weight bi-scalar in the proper- tational convenience (see also the discussion of Ref. [14]
time Green’s function hx, s|x′ , 0i = hx|e−isH |x′ i defined on non-commutativity of the regularization operation
in a manner similar to Eq. (8). The Green’s function and the trace operation).
satisfies the Schrödinger-like equation: − ∂is ∂
hx, s|x′ , 0i = Finally, combining Eqs. (9), (11), (12) and match-
Hhx, s|x′ , 0i, which gives a quantum-mechanical flavor to ing them with the O(s2 ) term in the effective action of
the whole proper-time formalism. Ref. [18] leads us to our main result (2). In the rest of
We will not dwell on the precise definition of the bi- the paper, we ensure that Eq. (2) is valid for physical en-
scalar F , which can be found in detail in Refs. [20, 22]. vironments where both sides of this equation are known.
The key mathematical point of our arguments is that the We also discuss photon and neutrino pair production.
function F allows for the power-series expansion in terms A neutral scalar field in curved spacetime. As
of the proper time s (omitting other arguments): the first check of our result (2), we consider a single-
component neutral scalar field of mass m and generic
F = 1 + is f1 + (is)2 f2 + . . . , (9) non-conformal coupling ξ to gravity described by La-
grangian (4). It is well known that quantum fluctuations
where, in four space-time dimensions, the O(s2 ) term in this theory produce the following trace anomaly [20,
captures the trace anomaly [20]. On the other hand, the 23]:
O(s2 ) term in an identical3 expansion of the same 1-loop 
effective action over the proper time s has been shown
µ 1 1 1
T µ 1sc = Rµναβ Rµναβ − Rµν Rµν (13)
in Ref. [18] to be associated with the (off-event-horizon) (4π)2 180 180
pair-production rate Γ. The mentioned equivalence of 
1 1

1 1

the O(s2 ) terms allows us to identify the trace-anomalous + − ξ R + − ξ R 2 + m4 .
6 5 2 6 2
origin of the pair production and eventually leads us to
Eq. (2) as we discuss below. We substitute Eq. (13) to our formula (2) and recover
The renormalized energy-momentum tensor, exactly the result of Ref. [18] given in Eq. (3) for the off-
horizon pair creation rate for a single (N = 1) neutral
1 (q = 0) massless (m = 0) scalar field4 . The subscript
hT µν iren = A4 g µν + non-anomalous part, (10)
4 “1sc” in Eq. (13) stresses that this expression is derived
contains the anomalous part given by an A4 function and for a one-component scalar field.
a non-anomalous part (not shown explicitly). In D = 4 General case. A quantum field theory of NS scalar
spacetime dimensions, the A4 function in stress-energy degrees of freedom, NF Dirac fermions (a single Majo-
tensor (10) is related to the O(s2 ) prefactor in the power rana or Weyl fermion contributes half of a Dirac fermion,
series expansion (9) of the bi-scalar F [20]: NF = 1/2) and NV species of massless vector fields, the
2 h trace anomaly gets the following form [14, 24, 25]:
1 1

∂ i
−im2 s
T µ = bC 2 + b′ E4 + cFµν F µν ,

A4 = e F (x, x; is, 4) . (11) (14)
2 (4π)2 ∂is s=0
C 2 = Rµναβ Rµναβ − 2Rµν Rµν + , (15)
3 Taking into account the signs and i-th prefactors arising from the 3
difference between Minkowski/Euclidean spacetimes employed in is the Weyl tensor squared and
Refs. [18, 20] one finds that f1 = ( 16 − ξ)R term in Eq. (A20) of
the proper-time approach of Ref. [20] coincides precisely with the
second, O(s) term under the integral in Eq. (S.17) of the heat-
E4 = Rµναβ Rµναβ − 4Rµν Rµν + R2 , (16)
kernel expansion of Ref. [18]. Analogously, f2 in Eq. (A24) of
Ref. [20] coincides precisely with purely gravitational contribu-
tion to the third, O(s2 ) term under the integral in Eq. (S.17) of
Ref. [18]. The f2 term in series (9) is also reproduced, up to ir- 4 These equations correspond to the same physical result since
relevant contact term R, by the m = 0 expression in the square the R term, present in Eq. (13) and absent in Eq. (3), can be
brackets of our Eq. (13) below. Notice that our functions fa in removed by a finite local counterterm during the renormalization
Eq. (9) correspond to fa of Ref. [20] and not to fa of Ref. [18]. procedure and is, therefore, physically irrelevant.

is the Euler density (the integrand of the topological, basis of equation (3). Here we show that the conformal
Gauss–Bonnet term) in D = 4 dimensions. In Eq. (14), anomaly plays an essential role in this relation.
the physically irrelevant R term is omitted5 and the Consider a theory of NS species of massless complex
conformal coupling (ξ = 1/6 for scalars) is assumed. The scalars coupled to electromagnetism with the same elec-
parameters are as follows [13–16, 20, 26]: tric coupling e (a “scalar Quantum Electrodynamics” or
sQED). Since we already established the relation with
1 1 the gravitational part of the trace anomaly in this the-
b= (NS + 6NF + 12NV ) , (17)
120 (4π)2 ory, we consider below a flat spacetime where first two
1 1 (gravitational) terms in the trace (14) vanish. However,
b′ = − (NS + 11NF + 62NV ) . (18)
360 (4π)2 this theory still possesses the trace anomaly because its
one-loop beta function is non-zero [29, 30],
As an immediate check, one finds that in a pure gravita-
tional background (Fµν = 0), NS = N species of neutral 1loop NS e3
βsQED = . (20)
scalar fields (with ND = NV = 0), Eq. (14) expectedly 48π 2
reduces to Eq. (13) with a factor N and leads us, via Equations (19) and (20) imply that the coefficient in the
Eq. (2), to the recent result (3). last term of the trace anomaly (14) is c = NS e2 /(96π 2 ).
The last term (14) represents a non-universal (“mat- Then Eq. (2) gives us ΓsQED = −NS e2 Fµν F µν /(192π),
ter”) part which accounts for renormalization effects re- which exactly coincides with the pair production rate (3)
lated to the scale dependence of the couplings of the the- of Ref. [18] if one takes into account that each complex
ory. While Eq. (14) gives the matter term for a vector- field carries two degrees of freedom: N = 2NS .
field background, a nontrivial scalar background in an According to our convention in Eq. (2), there is no
interacting scalar field theory can also generate a matter- particle production for a negative production rate. Since
type contribution to the conformal anomaly which can be Fµν F µν = 2(B 2 − E 2 ), implies the absence of particle
found in Ref. [27]. creation in a pure magnetic field because ΓsQED < 0.
For gauge vector fields coupled minimally with matter However, in the electric-field background, one gets the
fields via the electric coupling e, the prefactor following well-known result the complex scalar field (re-
produced also in Ref. [18] for NS = 1):
c=− , (19)
2e e2 E 2
ΓsQED = NS . (21)
of the last term in Eq. (14) depends the beta function
β(e) = µ de/dµ associated with the running of the cou- This equivalence further supports the validity of Eq. (2)
pling e. A nonvanishing beta function expresses the fact in one loop.
that radiative corrections make the electric charge e = Spinor QED. The pair creation rate in the (spinor)
e(µ) dependent on the renormalization energy scale µ. QED with a single flavor of massless Dirac fermion and a
This effect appears as a result of vacuum polarization single gauge (electromagnetic) field can be derived with
which implies, for example, that the electric charges of the use of correspondence (2) together with the anomaly
a particle probed at a large distance (by a low-energy relations (14)–(19) by setting NS = 0, NF = 1, and
photon) does not match the charge of the same particle NV = 1. Taking into account that the one-loop beta
at a short distance (probed by a high-energy photon). function of the spinor QED is four times bigger (per par-
Therefore, radiative corrections can break the scale in- ticle) than its scalar analogue (22) [30]:
variance of the system and naturally contribute to the
1loop e3
scale anomaly (14). βQED = , (22)
12π 2
Notice that the gravitational part of the anomaly rep-
resented by the first two terms in Eq. (14) is exact in one gets the following prediction for the particle produc-
one loop implying that the higher-order corrections to tion rate:

this expression vanish. This statement is not true for (m=0) 1
ΓQED = −19Rµναβ Rµναβ + 184Rµν Rµν
the third, matter term since radiative corrections exist, 11 520π
generally, in all loops [28]. (23)
Scalar QED in flat spacetime. A similarity be- 2

tween the gravitational particle production and the − 55R2 − Fµν F µν ,
Schwinger pair production in flat spacetime in the back-
ground electric field has been noticed in Ref. [18] on the Notice that in flat background, the particle production
rate in the massless QED (23) reduces exactly to the
well-known QED result [3, 30] in the limit m → 0:
(m=0) e2 E 2
5 See also a relevant discussion on R in Ref. [14]. ΓQED = [electromagnetic] . (24)

To estimate the contribution of the gravitational part No photon production. In realistic QED in weak
to the production rate, consider now a purely gravi- background electromagnetic fields with the strength be-
tational background given by the static Schwarzschild low the Schwinger limit, the four-photon scattering
spacetime of a body with the mass M : can be neglected [30], so that photon propagation can
   −1 be described by free Maxwell theory with simple La-
2M G 2M G grangian, Lph = −(1/4)Fµν F µν . The particle creation
ds2 = − 1 − dt2 + 1 − dr2
r r rate corresponds to NF = 0, NS = 0 and NV = 1
+ r2 (dθ2 + sin2 θdϕ2 ) (25) and gives us the following discouraging result Γph =
−13G2 M 2 /(120πr4 ) < 0 implying that no photons can
Given Ricci flatness (Rµν = 0) of this metric, the gravi- created in the gravitational field due to this conformal
tational contribution to the pair-creation rate (23) is pro- anomaly mechanism.
vided only by the Kretschmann scalar: Neutrino–anti-neutrino pairs. Similar considera-
tions can also be applied to neutrino–anti-neutrino pair
G2 M 2 creation with the appropriate replacement of the spinor
K = Rµναβ Rµναβ = 48 . (26)
r6 degrees of freedom by the sum of Dirac and Majo-
Thus, it appears that the purely gravitational contribu- rana/Weyl neutrino species: ND → Nν = ND +(1/2)NM
tion to the pair production rate (23) is always negative and taking NV = NS = 0 in the above expressions. One
gets Γν = 7G2 M 2 /(240πr4 ) > 0, so that the pairs of light
(m=0) 19 G2 M 2 neutrino can potentially be created by sufficiently strong
δΓQED = − [gravitational] , (27) background gravitational field. For a Dirac neutrino, the
240π r6
pair production rate Γν is 7/2 times bigger than the rate
implying that our conformal anomaly mechanism alone of pair production for scalar particles which is about two
cannot create particles outside of the event horizon even times bigger than the one for the Hawking radiation. The
in the presence of the strong gravitational field and even relevant estimations for scalar particles in physically in-
for massless QED. Moreover, our result imply that the teresting gravitational fields can be found in Ref. [18].
ordinary Schwinger pair production due to background Finally, one could ask whether these results, derived for
electric field (24) will be inhibited by the gravitational massless spinors, are applicable to particles with mass
contribution (27) in curved spacetime. mν . For the pure electromagnetic contribution to the
It is worth here mentioning that the considerations of pair creation rate (23), the condition is well known [30]:
Ref. [14] on the sense of the conformal anomaly in the the electric field strength should substantially exceed
context of renormalization of quantum field theories sug- the critical Schwinger field, E ≫ EcSch = m2e /e ≃
gest that in conformally-non-invariant theories (for ex- 1.3 × 1018 V/m. Likewise, the same condition can be
ample, for massive fields),

the right-hand-side of Eq. (2) obtained by demanding that the gravitational contribu-
should be modified: T µµ → gµν hT µν iren − hgµν T µν iren . tion should exceed the anticipated6 ∝ m4e term generated
This conjecture implies, in particular, that the explicitly by the explicit breaking of the conformal symmetry. For
non-conformal mass term m4 will not enter Eq. (2). neutrinos in the field of a gravitating body with mass M ,
Coming back to the massless case in flat spacetime, the the applicability condition then reads as r ≪ rc with the

proportionality of the pair-creation rates for scalar (21) critical field rc = GM /mν up to a O(1) factor.
and spinor (23) QED to their beta functions, Eqs. (20)
Savvidi magnetic instability in QCD. In the
and (22), respectively, is not surprising given an inti-
pure magnetic field, both in scalar QED and spinor QED,
mate relation between the effective Euler-Heisenberg La-
the right-hand of Eq. (2) is a negative quantity and,
grangian and the beta function (for an excellent review,
therefore, no instability associated with the particle pro-
see Ref. [30]). Since the beta function also contributes
duction can occur. Of course, this natural conclusion is
to the trace anomaly, the relation of the trace anomaly
supported by the fact that their beta functions, Eqs. (20)
to the pair-creation rate closes the logical triangle, thus
and (22), are positively defined. But what happens if the
qualitatively supporting Eq. (2) on physical grounds.
beta function is negative?
Our results (2) suggest that in the flat spacetime, the
Consider, for example, Yang-Mills (YM) theory which
creation rate of pairs of massless particles in classical
determines non-perturbative properties of Quantum
(electromagnetic) background is related to the respective
Chromodynamics (QCD). The beta function of Nc -color
beta function:
YM theory, βYM (g) = −11Nc g 3 /(48π 2 ), is a negative
πβ(e) function of the strong coupling constant g. Adopt-
Γflat = − Fµν F µν . (28) ing Eq. (28) to non-Abelian fields possessing the field-
This result should be valid at least in one-loop order with
the already mentioned reservation that a negative pro-
6 Cf. the last term in Eq. (13).
duction rate implies no production.

strengths Fµν , one gets the following formal perturbative accordance with widely accepted ideas about the nature
expression for the gluon production rate: of the QCD vacuum.

11Ncg 2 a a,µν Our mechanism suggests that the photon pairs can-
YM = F F not be produced in a static Schwarzschild spacetime.
192π µν
11Nc  However, our estimations show that a sufficiently strong
(gB a )2 − (gE a )2 ,

≡ (29) gravitational field can create pairs of neutrinos and anti-
neutrinos (as well as other light spinors), thus providing
where the sum over the gluon species, a = 1, . . . , Nc2 − 1, us with another channel for the evaporation of black holes
is implicitly assumed. and other gravitating objects.
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not applicable to the ground state of YM theory be-
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