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Eating Vaginal Discharge

During Intercouse Health Benefits

Performing oral sex on a woman can be extremely pleasurable for her,
and satisfying for you to watch. But it is not dangerous or bad for health
if you lick or swallow the fluid from her vagina.
The fluid that is present in her vagina when you are performing oral sex
is naturally produced by a gland in her vagina to help lubricate it —
making it easier for penetration. It is also a sign that she is aroused.
Usually a little alkaline in taste, this fluid normally does have an odour
but not a foul one. Largely it is safe to ingest and does not have any ill
effects on your health. You could also give your girlfriend some tips on
how to clean herself before oral sex.

The Vaginal
The woman’s Vagina contains a type of “good bacteria” known as the
probiotics. This probiotics are also gotten from supplements or
yoghurts. The vaginal contains lactobacillus, a bacteria that grows to
regulate vaginal pH.
The vagina has a healthy PH level of 4.5, the Lactobacilli produce lactic
acid, to help keep this PH level.

Health Benefits of Eating Vagina

Hi dear, I must tell you the next time you are considering going down
on your woman, bear in mind that her body is designed for your full

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benefit. As you pleasure yourself eating her pussy you are relieved from
some typical healthy defects such as:
• Prevention of Heart Disease and Cancer
Researchers have discovered that eating a girl’s private organ could
save you from fatal diseases such as cancer and heart disease.
According to the research that was made in the State University of New
York, the most important meal that a man should take is eating a
First, you should know that the medical experts say that the hormones
such as the DHEA Hormones and Oxytocin are being produced during
oral sex. These hormones are capable of preventing cancer to an
• Aids Digestion
Eating Probiotics present in the vagina aids in digestion, allowing good
microorganisms to balance out your gastrointestinal system, according
to Medical Daily.
• Mood Eleviation
Eating probiotics can also boost your mood and help alleviate
depression1, according to Medical Daily. This is getting interesting,
isn’t it?
• Improved Mental And Physical Healthy
The female orgasm also benefits your mental and physical health. An
orgasm releases oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins, which can even
alleviate pain — if you come back feeling much pain don’t ask for a
massage, Ask for a pussy.

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What does Vagina Fluid Taste Like?
The vagina is alkaline in taste, it has a unique odur, but surely not a fowl
one. With all the above benefits it is important, to remember that the
vagina is safe for eating and does not have any ill effects on your health.
You could also give your girlfriend some tips on how to clean herself
before oral sex.

Does That Make Oral Sex Healthy?

Oral sex cannot be deemed safe sex and you are likely to contract an
STD (sexually transmitted disease) through oral sex. While performing
oral sex on a woman is considered a low-risk way to contract an STD,
you can catch it if you have sores in your mouth. In this case you can use
some protection to protect yourself from the infection — like using a
dental dam. So, if you know that the girl you are performing oral sex on
does not have an STD, it is safe to go ahead and give her all the pleasure
in the world.

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DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is an endogenous hormone (made in
the human body) and secreted by the adrenal gland. DHEA serves as
precursor to male and female sex hormones (androgens and
estrogens). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30 and
are reported to be low in some people with anorexia, end-stage kidney
disease, type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes), AIDS,
adrenal insufficiency, and in the critically ill. DHEA levels may also be
depleted by a number of drugs, including insulin, corticosteroids,
opiates, and danazol.
By age 40, DHEA has declined markedly. Replacement results in
immune enhancement, therefore making DHEA extremely
important in cancer and infection prevention. DHEA is a
precursor to the sex hormones and is therefore an important
building block in the production of these hormones. DHEA helps
the breakdown of fats and cholesterol, while reducing the
formation of atherosclerotic plaques.
Dehydroepiandrosterone is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands
and is derived from cholesterol. (Remember any hormone that is
derived from cholesterol or sterols is called a steroid.
DHEA, estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are all
beneficial, natural steroids.) It is the most abundant steroid
hormone in the body. DHEA has many beneficial effects. It is the
building block that is necessary to make estrogen, progesterone and
testosterone. For many years DHEA was felt to have no particular value
other than as a precursor to our sex hormones. Researchers then
discovered that DHEA dropped steadily as we aged and could be used
as a biomarker to measure the aging process itself. A recent study from
the National Institute of Health, published in 2002, showed that the
only factors in humans that have been shown to prolong lifespan are
caloric restriction and elevated levels of DHEA. Indeed, a study in the

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New England Journal of Medicine in 1992 proved that low levels of
DHEA were associated with increased mortality from cardiovascular
disease and cancer; higher levels were protective against heart disease
and cancer. Conclusion: maintain optimal DHEA levels for optimal
DHEA improves the function of the immune system, improves brain
function, relieves stress, and has been shown to be a very potent anti-
cancer supplement. DHEA also increases energy and reduces
body fat and cholesterol, thereby preventing heart disease.
Most of these effects are a result of a shift from a catabolic state to an
anabolic or protein building state. There has been a significant amount
of research published on its critical role in our health and well-being,
which is why it is the focus of some of the most exciting medical
research in this country.
DHEA has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity, which means that
less insulin is required. This in turn results in protection against
diabetes, and greater control for those with diabetes. It has also been
shown to have a significant effect in treating connective tissue
disorders such as Lupus, which is a disease that tends to have minimal
improvement from standard therapy. Pharmaceutical DHEA will soon
be FDA approved as a drug to treat Lupus.
Most of the tremendous effects seen from DHEA are based on its ability
to stimulate protein synthesis within the cell, which in turn results in an
increase incell regeneration and an improvement of immune function
which forestalls disease processes. DHEA is an antioxidant as it appears
to prevent the formation of free radicals.
Insulin resistance has lead to over 14,000,000 Americans having some
form of diabetes. Insulin resistance, or inability of insulin to do its job,
results in increased glucose, increased weight, obesity, and heart
disease. A decline in DHEA precipitates insulin resistance that can lead
to damage of the cardiovascular system. Diabetics that have been
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given DHEA have shown a slight decrease in insulin resistance which
prevents the harmful effects of insulin on the vasculature. Two recent
studies in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism have
proven the beneficial effects of DHEA in preventing cardiovascular
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism in 1995 stated
that there are over 2500 published papers documenting DHEA’s
multiple benefits. This important paper acknowledges that we produce
half of the DHEA at age 40 than we did when we were 20. Some elderly
people produce no DHEA whatsoever which puts them at a significant
risk. DHEA was shown to improve the quality of life and postpone many
of the unpleasant effects of aging such as fatigue and muscle weakness.
Patients receiving DHEA slept better, had more energy, and were
better equipped to handle stress compared with a placebo group not
receiving DHEA. Other potential benefits of DHEA include immune
enhancement, anti-cancer effects, anti-atherosclerotic effects and
cognitive enhancement.
DHEA is available over the counter and is common in drug stores,
grocery stores and health food stores.
Unfortunately, many of the over -the-counter
products come from foreign countries and contain
contaminants and preservatives and t herefore are
not entirely pure pharmaceutical grade DHEA. The
half-life of DHEA from over -the-counter sources is
approximately six hours, which would require that
one take the supplement three times a day.
DHEA should be prescribed in a sustained release, micronized form,
which allows for complete absorption as well as a sustained level over a
24-hour period; thereby foregoing the need to take the supplement
three times a day. In addition, DHEA by prescription should be of a pure

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pharmaceutical grade that is compounded by a pharmacy to assure a
100% pure pharmaceutical product.

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Does the vaginal lubrication contain vitamins or other
components that would serve medical purpose?
Women lubricate the vagina every 80 minutes during sleep, and men
have and erection every 80 minutes during sleep.
The vaginal lubricative fluid contains water, pyridine, squalene, urea,
acetic acid, lactic acid, complex alcohols and glycols, ketones, and
aldehydes. In addition, glycogen is a major component.
It can vary in consistency, texture, taste, color, and odor, depending on
sexual arousal, the phase of the menstrual cycle, the presence of an
infection, certain drugs, genetic factors, and diet.
So the answer is no, there is no medical purpose to vaginal secretions
than to keep the vagina healthy and lubricated.
Vaginal fluid is slightly acidic and can become more acidic with certain
sexually transmitted diseases. The normal pH of vaginal fluid is
between 3.8 and 4.5, whereas male semen is typically between 7.2 and
8.0 (a neutral substance has a pH of 7.0).
The microflora of the human vagina has been meticulously scrutinized
for over one hundred years, beginning with the Döderlein study of
lactobacilli in 1892. The fact that glycogen in shed vaginal epithelial
cells is the carbohydrate precursor of vaginal lactic acid, and the basis
of vaginal pH, was established as early as 1897.
Vaginal lubrication is a lubricating fluid that is naturally produced in a
woman's vagina. Vaginal lubrication or moistness is always present, but
production increases significantly during sexual arousal in anticipation
of sexual intercourse. Vaginal dryness is the condition in which this
lubrication is insufficient, and sometimes artificial lubricants are used
to augment it. Without sufficient lubrication, sexual intercourse can be
painful to the woman. The vagina has no glands, and therefore must
rely on other methods of lubrication. Plasma seepage from vaginal
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walls due to vascular engorgement is considered to be the chief
lubrication source, and the Bartholin's glands, located slightly below
and to the left and right of the introitus (opening of the vagina), also
secrete mucus to augment vaginal-wall secretions.
It can vary in consistency, texture, taste, color, and odor, depending on
sexual arousal, the phase of the menstrual cycle, the presence of an
infection, certain drugs, genetic factors, and diet.
Vaginal fluid is slightly acidic and can become more acidic with certain
sexually transmitted diseases. The normal pH of vaginal fluid is
between 3.8 and 4.5 [whereas male semen is typically between 7.2 and
8.0 (a neutral substance has a pH of 7.0.
The human vagina is innervated by nerves that respond to vasoactive
intestinal polypeptide (VIP). As a consequence, VIP induces an increase
in vaginal blood flow accompanied by an increase in vaginal lubrication.
The findings suggest that VIP may participate in the control of the local
physiological changes observed during sexual arousal: genital
vasodilation and increase in vaginal lubrication.

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12 Foods Your Vagina Wants You To Eat
If your vagina could talk, she'd probably ask for a snack. Turns out, the
right foods and beverages can keep your vagina healthy, ease
discomfort, stave off infections, and even spice things up a bit between
the sheets. Here's exactly what to snack and sip on for optimal below-
the-belt health. (Looking to take back control of your health?
Prevention magazine has smart answers—get 2 FREE gifts when you
subscribe today.)

For fewer UTIs…

You've likely heard that guzzling cranberry juice can help fight urinary
tract infections. And that's true: The juice contains compounds that
help stop infection-causing bacteria from sticking to your bladder wall's
tissue. But cranberry juice is also loaded with sugar, which means you
probably don't really want to be downing the stuff on a daily basis.
Instead? Try green tea. Findings show that the catechins in this brew
have a potent antimicrobial effect that could help fight UTIs. "By
drinking green tea, catechins are passed through the urinary tract,
decreasing bacteria and hence decreasing the risk of infection," says
Carolyn DeLucia, FACOG, MD, gynecologist and women's sexual health
expert at VSPOT Medi Spa in New York. Sipping 2 to 3 cups a day
should do the trick, DeLucia says.

For cramping…
If your period tends to come with a side of abdominal pain, eat more
fish. Cramping during that time of the month is caused by the release
of inflammatory compounds called prostaglandins, which help your
uterus muscles contract and shed tissue. But the omega-3 fatty acids in
fish, like salmon and tuna, boast anti-inflammatory compounds that
studies suggest may help ease this discomfort.

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MORE: 7 Surprising Things Your First Period Says About You

For fewer yeast infections…

A healthy vagina is home to plenty of lactobacillus, a type of good
bacteria that helps your tissues maintain a healthy pH level, says
DeLucia. It's also home to yeast like candida. Normally, the acidity from
the lactobacillus keeps the yeast from growing out of control. But the
good bugs can take a hit from things like antibiotic use, menopause,
unmanaged diabetes, or even using birth control or hormonal therapy.
And when that happens, you're at higher risk for developing a yeast
Thankfully, regularly eating probiotic-rich foods like plain yogurt,
sauerkraut, or kimchi, tempeh, and miso can make a difference.
"Probiotics help maintain the healthy balance of bacteria to promote a
good pH to promote the healthy growth of lactobacillus," DeLucia says.
MORE: This Is What It's Really Like To Be In A Sexless Marriage

For dryness…
Vaginal dryness is the unpleasant result of reduced levels of estrogen,
which helps keep your tissues elastic and well lubricated. But
menopause, childbirth, breastfeeding, and even the use of certain
allergy and cold medications can all cause your estrogen levels to fall,
leaving you dry and uncomfortable.
Try eating more minimally processed soy foods, like organic edamame,
tofu, or tempeh. They contain estrogen-mimicking plant compounds
called isoflavins, says DeLucia. They're also hydrophilic—meaning
they're good at attracting more water to your tissues.

For more fun in bed…

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An apple a day doesn't just keep the doctor away. It might also boost
your session in the sack: A study published in the Archives of
Gynecology and Obstetrics found that women who snack on apples
more than once a day had higher levels of lubrication and sexual
function compared to those who ate apples less than once a day.
MORE: Try A New Sex Position Tonight
That reason could be that apples contain phloridzin, a compound that
mimics the female sex hormone estradiol. What's more, apples are
loaded with polyphenols that help boost blood flow to vaginal tissue,
which makes it easier to climax. Talk about a fruit with benefits.

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DHEA Supplements
DHEA supplements are used by some people who believe they can
improve sex drive, build muscle, fight the effects of aging, and improve
some health conditions. But there isn't much evidence for many of
these claims. And the supplements have some risks.
Here's a rundown of what science actually knows about DHEA
supplements and what you need to know about their safety.

What Is DHEA?
DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone produced by your
body's adrenal glands. These are glands just above your kidneys.
DHEA supplements can be made from wild yam or soy.
Scientists don't know everything DHEA does. But they do know that it
functions as a precursor to male and female sex hormones, including
testosterone and estrogen. Precursors are substances that are
converted by the body into a hormone.
DHEA production peaks in your mid-20s. In most people, production
gradually declines with age.
Testosterone and estrogen production also generally declines with age.
DHEA supplements can increase the level of these hormones. That's
why a number of claims have been made about their potential health
Those claims range from benefits such as:
▪ Building up the adrenal gland
▪ Strengthening the immune system
▪ Slowing natural changes in the body that come with age
▪ Providing more energy
▪ Improving mood and memory

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▪ Building up bone and muscle strength

DHEA Supplements for Anti-Aging

Since DHEA levels decline with age, some researchers speculate that
supplementing your body's falling levels of the hormone might help
fight aging. And some small studies have reported positive anti-aging
effects from the use of DHEA supplements. But a similar number of
studies have reported no effect.
According to the National Institute on Aging and the National Center
for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, there is not enough
scientific evidence to support the idea that DHEA can affect how fast
you age.
Both agencies report that little is known about the effect of long-term
use of DHEA. And there is some concern that continued use of DHEA
supplements could be harmful.

DHEA Supplements for Health Conditions

DHEA supplements show some promise for easing mild to moderate
depression. But more research is needed.
In a small, six-week study, researchers from the National Institute of
Mental Health found that treatment with DHEA supplements helped
relieve mild to moderate depression that occurs in some middle-aged
people. DHEA may also be effective for improving aging skin in the
As for other conditions, both National Standard and the NIH say the
evidence is unclear whether DHEA has any significant benefit in
treating conditions such as:

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❖ Alzheimer's disease
❖ Low bone density
❖ Heart disease
❖ Cervical cancer
❖ Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)
❖ Crohn's disease
❖ Infertility
❖ Rheumatoid arthritis
❖ Schizophrenia
❖ Sexual dysfunction
Both agencies also say there is little evidence to support claims that
DHEA has value in treating conditions such as fibromyalgia, addressing
issues with memory or muscle strength, or enhancing and stimulating
the immune system.

Safety of DHEA Supplements

Possible side effects of DHEA supplements can include:
❖ Oily skin and acne, as well as skin thickening
❖ Hair loss
❖ Stomach upset
❖ High blood pressure
❖ Changes in menstrual cycle
❖ Facial hair in women
❖ Deepening of the voice in women
❖ Fatigue
❖ Nasal congestion
❖ Headache
❖ Rapid or irregular heart beat
❖ Insomnia
❖ Unfavorable changes in cholesterol levels
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Some of these side effects can result from DHEA raising the level of
testosterone and estrogen in a person's body. Medical experts caution
that little is known about the long-term effect of the elevated hormone
levels. DHEA supplements should not be taken long-term without
consulting with a health care professional.

DHEA and Weight Loss

A version of DHEA supplement known as 7-Keto has been widely
promoted as an aid for reducing body fat and raising metabolism. The
idea is that leaner body tissue and higher metabolism will burn calories
more efficiently, making it easier to not only lose weight but also keep
it off.
Unfortunately, most of the studies that have been done have shown
little effect from DHEA in losing weight or increasing metabolism. It's a
good idea to talk with your doctor or a nutritionist before investing in a
DHEA supplement for weight loss.

DHEA and Athletic Performance

DHEA supplements are sometimes used by athletes because of a claim
that it can improve muscle strength and enhance athletic performance.
That's because DHEA is a "prohormone" -- a substance that can
increase the level of steroid hormones such as testosterone.
There is little evidence to show that DHEA has any effect on enhancing
muscle strength. Its use is banned by sports organizations such as the
National Football League, Major League Baseball, and the National
Collegiate Athletic Association.

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There are risks associated with using any pre-steroid enhancer. And the
higher the dose, the greater the risk. Possible side effects include:
❖ Permanent stunting of growth
❖ Aggressive behavior, known as "roid rage"
❖ Mood swings and other psychological symptoms
❖ Higher blood pressure
❖ Liver problems
❖ Changes in cholesterol level
Since DHEA can increase the level of both testosterone and estrogen,
women who use DHEA can sometimes experience such side effects as:
❖ Voice changes
❖ Hair loss
❖ Growth of facial hair
❖ Men can sometimes experience such symptoms as:
❖ Breast enlargement
❖ Shrunken testicles
❖ Reduced sperm production

Talking With Your Doctor

If you are thinking of using DHEA supplements, there are several
reasons you should discuss doing so with your doctor first:
❖ Many of the claims for DHEA involve serious medical conditions.
These conditions need to be evaluated and treated by a health
care professional.
❖ DHEA can interact with some medications and could alter their
❖ Because DHEA can raise the level of both male and female
hormones, the supplements can have a negative effect on

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hormone-sensitive cancers, such as breast, ovarian, or prostate
❖ Use of DHEA carries some risk and can cause a range of side
effects, though this usually just occurs at the higher end of the
dose range.

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