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1) String | array check if two given array is equal or not

2) String | Linkedlist
3) Given three sorted linked lists merge them so that they will be in descending
order without using extra space
4) stack | linkedlist | string how to reverse string using stack
5) String | Array Reorder string from back to first
6)backtracking arrays sortings strings greedy type
7) Linkedlist | Array | String
8) Check if the single linked list is a palindrome or not.
9) Merge 3 LinkedLists of different lengths
10) Reverse the given string without changing the alphabets of the word.

11)Rotate only words of the string.

e.g. i/p : "The sky is pink "
o/p : "pink is sky The"

* Technical Interview 1- The interviewer asked two coding questions.
i) First- Given a string, rotate the elements towards the right by 2 present only
at even positions.
ii) Second- Stack Push, pop, isEmpty, isFull functions.
* Technical Interview 2- again I was asked 2 coding questions.
i) First- given a string, arrange the characters such that no two same characters
appear consecutively.
ii) Second- Given array 1,3,9,81,9,25 print 3,9,81,9 (print those numbers whose
square/square root is also present in the array)

13)Fibonacci Series Code.

14)Write a code to check whether the given string is palindrome or not?

15)Sort linked list in reverse order, given a number x, find 3 no. a,b,c Such that
x=a*b*c and some puzzles.
17) How can you find if there is loop in linked list.
18) Array
19) traverse linked list, fibbonacci series
20) Find greatest submatrix in any given matrix? | Anagram | Function overloading
and overriding
21) Extract 3/3 matrix from any 6/8 matrix whose sum is maximum
22) You are given 2 sorted integer arrays. Write a code to merge these arrays such
that the merged array remains sorted.
23) Given a string, check whether it is palindromic. | determine the middle element
of singly linked list
24) Q1. Find the intersection point of two linked list? | Q2. Find the kth node
from the end of the linked list using only one loop?
round 1 - printing a pattern | String rotation involve concept of arrays as well
round 2 - data structure merging three round linked list | write a code for string
round 3 = heap algorithm use | puzzle questioon mind twisters | HR questions what
techology i would like to work. where do you see yourself after 5 years
26) array | Linkedlist | stack | queue

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