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Lower()= converts a sting in lower case

2. Upper() = coverts a string into upper case
3. Islower() = returns true if the string contain only lower
case character
4. Isupper() = returns true if the string contain only upper
case character
5. Isalpha() = returns true if the string contain only
alphabets in it
6. Isalnum() = returns true if the string contains
alphanumeric values
7. Isdigit()= returns true if the string contains digits only
8. Isspace() = returns true if the string contains whitespace
9. Replace() = returns the occurrence of the old string with
the new string
10. Title() = returns a copy of the string with title case
11. lsrtip() = returns a left trimmed version of the string
12. rstrip() = returns a right trimmed version of the
13. strip() = returns a trimmed version of the string
14. count() = it returns the number of times whenever
a specified value occurs in a string
15. find(),index() = searches the string for a specified
value and then returns the position
16. startswith() = returns true if the string starts with
the specified value
17. endswith() = returns true if the string ends with the
specified value
18. join() = returns the string in which the element of
sequence have been joined with a string separator
19. split() = splits the string at a specified value and
then returns the list
20. len() = returns the length of the string
21. capitalize() = returns the copy of the string with the
first letter of the letter capitalize
22. partition()= searches the string for the given string
and returns the tuple
23. string is a sequence of characters enclosed in single
quotes and double quotes and are immutable
24. List is an ordered sequence of values ,are mutable,[
25. indexing() = an index value is assigned for each item
present in the sequence
26. append() = adds an item at the end of the list and
does not makes a new list
27. extend() = adds a list at the end of the list
28. insert() = adds an element at the specified index
29. reverse() = reverses the order of elements in a list
30. sort() = sorts all the item in the list
31. For ascending order: list.sort()
32. For descending order: list.sort(reverse=True)
33. clear() = removes all the items from the list
34. pop() = removes an element form a specified index
and then returns the removed element
35. Del statement = removes an element from a
specified index and does not return the removed
36. any() = it returns true if a tuple contains at least one
item or rturns false if a tuple is empty
37. tuple consists a group of values separated by comas

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