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LongForm: Optimizing Instruction Tuning for Long Text Generation with

Corpus Extraction
Abdullatif Köksal*† , Timo Schick* , Anna Korhonen† , Hinrich Schütze*
* Center for Information and Language Processing, LMU Munich
 Munich Center for Machine Learning
† Language Technology Lab, University of Cambridge

Abstract D: The LongForm Dataset

Instruction tuning enables language models Corpus Example

to generalize more effectively and better fol- The CAF Second Round of 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification
began on 5 June 2004 and finished on 8 October 2005.

arXiv:2304.08460v1 [cs.CL] 17 Apr 2023

low user intent. However, obtaining instruc- The highest-ranked country in each group at the end of the stage
tion data can be costly and challenging. Prior qualified for the 2006 FIFA World Cup. This round also doubled as
qualification for ...

works employ methods such as expensive hu-

man annotation, crowd-sourced datasets with Generated Instruction via LLM
alignment issues, or generating noisy exam- Explain the 2006 FIFA World Cup qualification process.

ples via LLMs. We introduce the LongForm

dataset, which is created by leveraging En- M: LongForm Models
glish corpus examples with augmented instruc-
tions. We select a diverse set of human- Given Instruction
written documents from existing corpora such Write an essay about the benefits of meditation.

as C4 and Wikipedia and generate instruc-

Instruction-tuned PLM

tions for the given documents via LLMs. with Dataset D

This approach provides a cheaper and cleaner
instruction-tuning dataset and one suitable for
Generated Output
long text generation. We finetune T5, OPT, It doesn't matter where you are in the world, how old you are, or
and LLaMA models on our dataset and show how much you know about meditation, it's for everyone. The
benefits of meditation are endless.

that even smaller LongForm models have good Meditation can be as simple as sitting quietly for five minutes
generalization capabilities for text generation. with your eyes closed and focusing on your breath. The idea is to
train your brain to let go of distracting thoughts and tension so you
Our models outperform 10x larger language can think more clearly, feel more relaxed, and be more positive ...
models without instruction tuning on various
tasks such as story/recipe generation and long-
form question answering. Moreover, Long- Figure 1: An illustration of our dataset creation and in-
Form models outperform prior instruction- struction tuning. The LongForm dataset is created by
tuned models such as FLAN-T5 and Alpaca by collecting diverse corpus examples and generating in-
a large margin. Finally, our models can effec- structions via prompting LLMs. Then, LongForm mod-
tively follow and answer multilingual instruc- els are instruction tuned over the dataset and evaluated
tions; we demonstrate this for news genera- on a diverse set of text generation tasks.
tion. We publicly release our data and models:
annotated instruction data (Ouyang et al., 2022), or
1 Introduction reformulation of academic NLP tasks with fewer
Instruction tuning aims to condition language mod- text generation tasks by focusing on academic se-
els on intentions to improve generalization to dif- tups (Chung et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2022b; Sanh
ferent tasks while ensuring better human align- et al., 2022). Moreover, recent works that gen-
ment. Recent instruction-following studies fo- erate instructions and outputs from scratch using
cus on data collection, showing that even a small large language models (LLMs) often produce low-
amount of instruction-tuning data can outperform quality and noisy datasets (Honovich et al., 2022;
much larger language models in following user in- Wang et al., 2022b).
tent and generalization (Ouyang et al., 2022; Chung We create an instruction following text gener-
et al., 2022). However, these studies have some ation dataset called LongForm to address these
limitations, such as reliance on expensive human- issues. We aim to improve instruction tuning by
gathering diverse corpus examples from C4 and approach helps to overcome the instruction-data
English Wikipedia as outputs. As illustrated in Fig- bottleneck, but is limited to academic tasks. Addi-
ure 1, we collect paragraphs and documents from tionally, this approach is still restricted in terms of
the corpora and use zero-shot templates to prompt text generation, as only 7 out of 1762 tasks in Big-
LLMs for generating instructions in different styles. Bench (Srivastava et al., 2022) and 12 out of 1613
We also leverage structured examples from Stack tasks in Super-Natural Instructions (NIv2) (Wang
Exchange and WikiHow, and long text generation et al., 2022b) include English tasks with long out-
tasks from NLP benchmarks to enhance the diver- puts (i.e., average number of words higher than 50).
sity and quality of the dataset. Self-Instruct (Wang et al., 2022a) and Unnatural
In the second step of our pipeline, we fine- Instructions (Honovich et al., 2022) challenge aca-
tune instruction-following PLMs, which we call demic benchmarks by generating instruction data
LongForm models, with different architectures including input, instruction, and output via LLMs
and sizes: T5-XL (Raffel et al., 2020), OPT-2.7B, to provide a more diverse dataset. However, relying
OPT-6.7B (Zhang et al., 2022), and LLaMA-7B solely on generation via LLMs may lead to issues
(Touvron et al., 2023). We compare LongForm as shown with the overall validity of Self-Instruct,
models with baseline models such as FLAN-T5 which is reported to be 54%.
(Chung et al., 2022), T0pp (Sanh et al., 2022), Data Generation with LMs: Recent neural net-
Tk-Instruct (Wang et al., 2022b), and Alpaca on work based approaches to NLP rely on large and di-
a diverse set of tasks: story, poem, email and verse training datasets. Thus, many works focus on
recipe generation, grammar error correction, text augmenting or generating new training examples.
summarization, table to natural text generation One such approach is expanding an existing dataset
and long form question answering. Our results for a given task to enhance model quality such as
show that LongForm-OPT-2.7B outperforms OPT- question answering (Longpre et al., 2019), part-of-
30B in long text generation tasks, despite having speech tagging (Şahin and Steedman, 2018), and
only 10% as many parameters. We also demon- textual similarity (Schick and Schütze, 2021). For a
strate that LongForm models outperform prior more general-purpose training, Self-Instruct (Wang
instruction-following models, such as FLAN-T5 et al., 2022a) and Unnatural Instructions (Honovich
and Alpaca, with more than 63% and 35% rel- et al., 2022) propose the use of LLMs to generate
ative ORACLE improvement for in-domain and tasks and examples including instructions and out-
out-of-domain text generation tasks, respectively. puts. To the best of our knowledge, LongForm
Furthermore, we evaluate LongForm models on is the first work to combine corpora and LLMs
multilingual news generation in German, Span- to automatically generate a general-purpose text
ish, French, and Russian and show that our mod- generation dataset.
els can follow multilingual instructions and gen-
Corpus Mining: Most NLP tasks benefit from ex-
erate news article in a given language better than
tracting useful examples from corpora such as ma-
prior models. Finally, we release both the Long-
chine translation with bitext mining (Resnik, 1999)
Form dataset and LongForm models publicly on
and argument mining. Recent approaches utilize
embedding spaces to find similar texts in different
languages to mine human-translations from unla-
2 Related Work
beled data (Artetxe and Schwenk, 2019). These
Instruction following models: The instruction methods have been extended to machine transla-
paradigm was introduced to better control language tion with up to 200 languages (NLLB Team et al.,
models using natural language commands (Ouyang 2022). Additionally, some tasks filter sentences
et al., 2022; Wang et al., 2022b; Chen et al., 2022; from corpora to create diverse training sets for hu-
Wei et al., 2022). While some approaches (Ouyang man annotation such as argument mining (Ein-Dor
et al., 2022) focus on obtaining costly human- et al., 2020). Recent works explore methods to
annotation data through their platform and improv- mine and restructure corpora, such as Wikipedia,
ing human alignment with reinforcement learning, to generate synthetic data for conversational ques-
recent works (Srivastava et al., 2022; Wang et al., tion answering (Dai et al., 2022) and closed-book
2022b) have extended this paradigm to various question answering (Lewis et al., 2021).
existing NLP tasks by reformulating them. This Long Text Generation: Long text generation is a
Corpus Example Instruction Generation via LLM Style Selection with Length Info

Instruction Style:
I do love pizza rolls. Especially dipped
Describe your favorite snack food.
in ranch. Did you know that you can
Final Instruction:
mix pizza rolls into mac and cheese?! Chatbot/Informal Style:
It's amazing!

Describe your favorite snack food.

Have you ever had pizza rolls?
Respond in 5 sentences.

Anyway, that's why I'll probably die Query Style:

before I'm 30 (either from a heart attack
How to enjoy pizza rolls?
or fatal mouth burns).

Figure 2: The process of creating LongForm from corpus examples. After collecting diverse examples from
corpora, LLMs generate relevant instructions through zero-shot prompting in various styles. The final instruction
is generated by selecting one of three styles (instruction (as in this case), informal chatbot, search engine query)
and optionally including length information.

challenging NLP task that requires models to un- filtering may result in a lack of diversity, as most
derstand long-form dependencies and planning to URLs may originate from specific subreddits that
generate long texts. Many works focus on task- are more active, such as the news subreddit, which
specific generation such as story generation (Fan mainly shares news articles. To address this issue,
et al., 2018), recipe generation (Bień et al., 2020), we apply k-means clustering and cluster all docu-
essay generation (Feng et al., 2018), or long-form ments in C4 based on their BERT’s embeddings.
question answering (Fan et al., 2019) by collecting We then select 10,000 examples, one example from
useful examples from existing resources such as each cluster that is closest to the cluster center. This
the ELI5 subreddit, WritingPrompts subreddit, or helps to prevent corpus examples from being domi-
recipe websites. Furthermore, proper evaluation nated by multiple samples from a specific domain
of long text generation remains a significant chal- or cluster, thus ensuring a more diverse range of
lenge for task-specific or general-purpose models texts.
(Celikyilmaz et al., 2020). For the English Wikipedia, we adopt a direct
approach since it is already a clean corpus. We ran-
3 The LongFormDataset domly select 5,000 Wikipedia articles and extract
the first paragraph for 3,750 examples, and the first
We create the LongForm dataset which consists
two paragraphs for 1,250 examples. Our English
of 27,739 instructions and long text pairs. Our
Wikipedia set usually contains shorter texts, with
dataset is mainly constructed by LLM instruction
an average length of 57±43 words, compared to
generation for a diverse set of corpus samples. Ad-
C4, with 408±263 words.
ditionally, we expand our dataset with structured
corpus examples through parsing and templates, 2. Instruction Generation: We aim to generate
as well as NLP tasks reformulated to increase di- relevant instructions for the 15K corpus examples
versity. Thus, our dataset features a diverse col- using LLMs. We employ GPT3, specifically the
lection of instructions, including human-written, text-davinci-003 model from OpenAI API, as our
template-based, and LLM-generated, paired with LLM. We design prompts for generating instruc-
human-written outputs. tions for a given document and query the LLM in
a zero-shot manner. We create three templates to
3.1 Instruction Generation for Corpus diversify the styles of our instructions: formal in-
Examples struction style, informal chatbot style, and search
engine query style, with probabilities of 50%, 30%,
Our approach can be described in three steps, as
and 20% respectively. The formal instruction tem-
shown in Figure 2:
plate is structured as follows:
1. Data Selection: We sample 10,000 examples
from the C4 corpus and 5,000 examples from the Instruction: X
Output: "<corpus_example>"
English Wikipedia corpus for selecting target text What kind of instruction could this be the answer to?
in English. Since C4 contains noisy data (Dodge X:
et al., 2021), we choose only those texts whose
URLs had received three or more upvotes in Red- We add “X:” at the end of the template as a
dit, following Radford et al. (2019). However, this prompt to generate plausible instructions. We share
the further details of the parameter settings of the plates – e.g., “Do you know how can I <question>?”
LLM and the templates for all styles in §B.1. – and use “how-to” questions to fill in the placehold-
3. Length Information: Finally, we incorporate ers. We also include the number of steps in 14
length information into the generated instruction out of 18 templates to control the model in terms
using a predefined set of templates to signal the of number of steps, similar to the length informa-
desired length of the output and provide additional tion for corpus-extracted examples. We provide all
control to the model. As the length of our cor- templates in §B.2.
pus examples varies (291±272 words), we provide We generate target texts by combining various
templates such as "Respond in D sentences" or "Re- alternatives of introductory paragraphs, summaries
spond in D words" where D represents the number of each step, and long descriptions. In 50% of
of words or sentences of the target text. We also in- the examples, we include the introduction in the
clude more ambiguous templates such as "Respond output. Then, we append steps using their summary,
briefly" for outputs of less than 3 sentences, and description, or the combination of both. The final
"Respond in detail" for outputs of more than 10 size of the WikiHow subset of our dataset is 2,500
sentences. We append or prepend these templates examples.
to original instructions for only a subset of our Examples taken from NLP datasets: The ma-
dataset, specifically 4,755 out of 15,000 examples. jority of instruction tuning benchmarks of NLP
This allows us to additionally control LongForm tasks involve classification or short text generation
models in terms of length. tasks, accounting for over 99% of BigBench and
NIv2 datasets. However, we opt for tasks with long
3.2 Expanding Corpus Examples outputs to enrich LongForm. From BigBench, we
In this section, we describe how we expand our cor- select Helpful Answer Generation (hhh) (Askell
pus examples by incorporating structured corpus et al., 2021) and Minute Mysteries QA, a question
examples and dataset examples. answering dataset for short stories. From NIv2,
Structured Corpus Examples: Although our we include a selection of ten tasks such as poem
focus has been on corpus examples from C4 and generation (Hipson and Mohammad, 2020), table
Wikipedia, there are structured corpora that contain to natural text generation (Iyyer et al., 2017), story
instruction-output pairs. Therefore, we also collect generation (Sap et al., 2020; Orbach and Goldberg,
data from Stack Exchange and WikiHow without 2020; Lin et al., 2019), text summarization (Fabbri
using LLMs. et al., 2019; Kornilova and Eidelman, 2019; Bražin-
skas et al., 2020), and fact generation (Kotonya and
Stack Exchange: We utilize the Stack Ex-
Toni, 2020). To ensure a more uniform distribution
change subcorpus of the Pile corpus (Gao et al.,
between datasets, we take a sample of a similar
2020) and select 50 examples for each of 88 sub-
number of samples from each dataset, resulting in
domains, covering a wide range of topics, including
600 samples from BigBench and 3,684 samples
Buddhism, chemistry, and webmasters. For each
from NIv2.
example, we select the question and its correspond-
ing details as an instruction and the answer as the Additionally, we include the Enron email dataset
output. This subset adds more complicated human to create an email writing task from the subject
instructions to the LongForm dataset. using the templates similar to the approach used in
WikiHow. We also employ the BEA-2019 shared
WikiHow: This subset includes tutorials in
task on grammatical error correction (Bryant et al.,
the form of “how-to” questions, consisting of a
2019) by using incorrect inputs and template in-
question and an answer consisting of an introduc-
struction as the input and the correct output as the
tion, several steps with a brief summary and long
target text. We provide templates for the Enron
description of each step. We initially obtained
email dataset in §B.3 and BEA-2019 shared task in
the questions from the WikiHow summarization
§B.4 in the Appendix.
dataset (Koupaee and Wang, 2018); however, as
this dataset lacks details such as the distinction
3.3 Dataset Analysis
between the brief summary and the long descrip-
tion of each step, we scrape the website with more Human Evaluation: Our instruction generation
granularity. (for the corpus examples) relies on LLM genera-
To generate an instruction, we create 18 tem- tion. To ensure its quality, we conduct a human
Type Source # of Examples


C4 10,000


Wikipedia 5,000



Stack Exchange 4,380 pro


Corpora WikiHow 2,500 t eer


NIv2 3,684 on
Big Bench 600 informa
BEA-GEC 1,203
ti on situation
biography provide
Enron 372 give
hap description
summary makpen
use e is
Total 27,739 overview g
ation can
exepxlaanmple lain wr do
exp ite is

Table 1: The distribution of the LongForm dataset in act



terms of the source of examples. It contains examples sumrevi
on maew
generated from raw text corpora via LLMs, structured situ ry



corpus examples, as well as various NLP task exam-



ples such as email writing, grammar error correction,
story/poem generation, and text summarization.

Figure 3: Most common verb and noun/auxiliary verb

evaluation. We randomly select 100 examples be- pairs of generated instructions from the corpora subset
fore adding length information and provide them of the LongForm dataset.
to Mechanical Turk annotators. The annotators are
asked to determine whether the generated instruc-
4 Experimental Setup
tion is relevant to the given document or not. 97 out
of 100 instructions are found to be relevant. This 4.1 LongForm Models
high degree of relevance suggests that combining
We finetune various language models on the Long-
instruction generation with corpus examples can
Form dataset to assess their effectiveness on instruc-
potentially improve the effectiveness of LLMs for
tion following text generation. We use an encoder-
instruction generation compared to the Self-Instruct
decoder type of LM, the language-model-adapted
dataset (Wang et al., 2022a), which relies on LLMs
variant of T5-3B (Raffel et al., 2020; Lester et al.,
to generate tasks, instructions, and outputs, and
2021), LongForm-T5-3B as well as autoregressive
achieves a validity of 54%.
LMs of different sizes and sources. We finetune
To analyze the diversity of the generated instruc- 3B and 6.7B variants of OPT (Zhang et al., 2022),
tions, we adopt the approach proposed by Wang LongForm-OPT and LLaMA-7B (Touvron et al.,
et al. (2022a). We parse each instruction in the 2023), LongForm-LLaMA-7B, to compare their
corpus subset with Berkeley Neural Parser (Kitaev capabilities.
and Klein, 2018). We extract either the verb and its We include an end-of-instruction token, [EOI],
direct object (“describe history”) or the auxiliary between the instruction and the output for autore-
with its dependent verb (“is made”). Only 8,872 gressive models, OPT and LLaMA variants, to dif-
out of 15,000 instructions follow this format and ferentiate between the instruction and output. We
we visualize the most common 3,167 in Figure 3. employ two to four A6000 48GB GPUs for finetun-
These instructions cover a diverse range of topics, ing with a batch size of 32 to 64 training examples,
including events, careers, biographies, and writing and train with DeepSpeed optimizations including
tasks such as reviews, summaries, or essays – and bfloat16 training. The learning rate is determined
this is just looking at the 11% of our LongForm by comparing the minimum validation loss during
dataset that is corpus-extracted. three epochs (i.e., 5e-5 for LongForm-T5-3B, 1e-5
Table 1 shows the distribution of LongForm. We for LongForm-OPT-2.7B, 5e-6 for LongForm-OPT-
provide 54% of the examples from raw text corpora, 6.7B and LongForm-LLaMA-7B).
while 25% are extracted from structured corpora.
The remaining 21% are reformulated from various 4.2 Baselines
NLP tasks. The dataset is split into training, valida- We compare our instruction-tuned language models
tion, and test sets, containing 23,652, 2,042, 2,045 with other models that are instruction-tuned on dif-
examples, respectively. ferent datasets. These models are based on either
T5-11B (Raffel et al., 2020; Lester et al., 2021) or ing process. These tasks include recipe genera-
LLaMA-7B (Touvron et al., 2023). Additionally, tion (Bień et al., 2020) from a given set of ingre-
we compare our models with a raw large language dients, story generation for a given prompt from
model, OPT-30B (Zhang et al., 2022). Notably, all Writing Prompts subreddit, and long form question
models have the same or higher number of parame- answering, ELI5 (Fan et al., 2019). Although these
ters than our LongForm models. datasets are not part of LongForm, recipe genera-
OPT (Zhang et al., 2022) is an open-sourced tion is a part of the instruction tuning data of some
decoder-only transformer language model, trained baseline models, Tk-Instruct and Flan-T5.
on diverse English corpora. Due to hardware limi- We also compare model performance in multi-
tations that make long text inference from LLMs lingual text generation. We reformulate the multi-
time-consuming, we use the 30B variant of OPT. lingual summarization corpus, MLSUM (Scialom
T0++ (Sanh et al., 2022) employs a language- et al., 2020). Specifically, we provide an instruction
model-adapted variant of T5-11B that has been in French, German, Spanish, and Russian to gener-
adapted with instruction tuning. The model is fine- ate news articles in those languages for given titles.
tuned on the PromptSource dataset (Bach et al., We utilize the translation of the following instruc-
2022), which consists of over 12 million examples tion: “Write a news article for the given title: X”
from existing datasets. where X is the title and the output is the full news
Tk-Instruct (Wang et al., 2022b) is another article. We collect 100 samples for each language
instruction-tuned model based on LM-adapted ver- and and then evaluate on news article generation.
sion T5-11B. The training data is a subsample of As current metrics in text generation have lim-
the NIv2 dataset, which includes 757 tasks and ited capabilities in evaluating long text generation
over 75,000 examples. As we are performing zero- (Celikyilmaz et al., 2020), we choose METEOR
shot long text generation via instruction, we use (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005) as our main metric as
the definition-only version of Tk-Instruct. it exhibits higher human correlation (Sharma et al.,
Flan-T5 (Chung et al., 2022) is an instruction- 2017; Chen et al., 2022).
tuned model built on the LM-adapted version of
T5-11B. The training data includes a variety of 5 Results
tasks and prompts from multiple sources, including
In this section, we present a comprehensive evalu-
Muffin (Wei et al., 2022), T0-SF (Sanh et al., 2022),
ation of our proposed LongForm models in com-
and NIv2 (Wang et al., 2022b), comprising more
parison to baseline models, using the LongForm
than 14 million examples in total.
dataset, recipe generation, long form question an-
Alpaca is an instruction-tuned model built on swering, short story generation, and multilingual
LLaMA-7B (Touvron et al., 2023) by using a vari- news generation.
ation of Self-Instruct (Wang et al., 2022a). As they
did not release their finetuned model, we finetune 5.1 LongForm
LLaMA-7B with their dataset of Self-Instruct vari-
We begin by comparing baseline models and Long-
ation and report the results.1
Form models on the test set of LongForm. As
4.3 Evaluation presented in Table 2, all LongForm models demon-
strate clear improvements in performance com-
We evaluate the performance of the baselines and pared to the prior instruction tuned and the raw
our instruction tuned models on different sizes and LLM. In particular, LongForm-T5-XL with 3B pa-
architectures. For generation, we perform nucleus rameters outperforms all instruction tuned models
sampling with p = 0.9 for all baseline and Long- based on T5, even with 11B parameters, across
Form models. We first evaluate the models on the all subtasks. This suggests the effectiveness of
test set of LongForm which consists of a diverse LongForm in finetuning language models to follow
set of NLP tasks and corpora examples. instructions for long text generation.
Additionally, we assess the generalization capa- Moreover, among our models, we see that
bilities of our models on a set of long text gener- LongForm-LLaMA-7B outperforms LongForm-
ation datasets that are unseen during the finetun- OPT-6.7B, despite having similar number of pa-
1 rameters, which is consistent with the findings re-
alpaca/ ported in (Touvron et al., 2023). Additionally, we
Model Size All C4 Wiki SE HowTo Enron BEA-GEC NIv2 BigBench
T0++ 11B 5.9 2.8 8.1 2.3 2.8 4.3 17.1 11.3 1.7
Tk-Instruct 11B 6.0 2.2 9.4 3.2 1.3 3.8 12.4 13.5 2.5
Flan-T5 11B 12.5 4.1 13.3 5.8 4.1 8.4 70.8 17.2 3.2
Alpaca-LLaMA-7B 7B 15.2 8.4 22.2 9.2 10.7 6.4 55.3 16.9 8.6
OPT-30B 30B 12.3 14.2 13.7 14.4 8.0 7.0 16.8 9.5 3.3
LongForm-T5-XL 3B 24.3 18.9 22.4 15.3 21.5 8.7 92.9 22.2 17.8
LongForm-OPT-2.7B 3B 23.6 20.1 23.7 15.2 21.3 7.4 84.1 20.0 15.8
LongForm-OPT-6.7B 6.7B 24.2 19.7 25.0 15.9 22.0 8.9 85.1 20.8 15.8
LongForm-LLaMA-7B 7B 24.8 19.6 27.8 16.3 22.6 6.6 86.2 21.2 18.0

Table 2: METEOR Scores of baselines and our models on the test set of LongForm. All LongForm models
outperform prior models on long text generation with a big margin. LongForm-T5-XL provides comparable results
in task examples of text generation (i.e. BEA-GEC, NIv2, and BigBench), but the best results are achieved with

observe that LongForm-T5-XL has comparable or All RGen ELI5 WP

better results than auto-regressive variants, partic- T0++ 10.9 18.7 3.8 10.2
ularly on the task subset (i.e., BEA-GEC, NIv2, Tk-Instruct 6.3 12.9† 3.6 2.4
and BigBench). However, a potential limitation of Flan-T5 10.6 20.9† 3.5 7.4
Alpaca-LLaMA-7B 14.6 19.5 12.5 11.8
T5 variants is the absence of new line tokens in
OPT-30B 11.1 18.6 12.2 2.6
their vocabulary, which may impact the readability
of the generated output, particularly for long text LongForm-T5-XL 16.3 20.2 18.3 10.6
LongForm-OPT-2.7B 17.8 15.5 17.9 19.9
generation. LongForm-OPT-6.7B 17.7 16.9 17.2 19.0
Among baseline models, Alpaca, the only in- LongForm-LLaMA-7B 19.7 21.7 18.6 18.9
struction tuned model without reformulated NLP
tasks, achieves the best overall performance. How- Table 3: METEOR Score of models in out-of-domain
ever, it still performs worse than our LongForm datasets. In all tasks, Recipe Generation (RGen), long-
form question answering (ELI5), short story generation
models, potentially due to the noise in its train-
(WritingPrompts/WP), LongForm models outperform
ing data, Self-Instruct. Furthermore, OPT-30B, prior instruction-tuned models. † shows that the train-
despite having the highest number of parameters, ing data of Tk-Instruct and FLAN-T5 contain RGen.
fails to follow instructions as effectively as the
10x smaller instruction tuned LongForm-OPT-2.7B.
This observation is consistent with prior findings both have the same underlying language model, due
that demonstrate the effectiveness of instruction to diversity of the LongForm dataset, our model
tuning in smaller models (Ouyang et al., 2022). achieves higher scores than Alpaca.
We present qualitative examples from the best
5.2 Out-of-domain generalization performing LongForm model and the best baseline
In order to evaluate the generalization capability model, Alpaca, for each task in Figure 4. These
of LongForm models, we conducted evaluation examples illustrate that LongForm models demon-
on three diverse datasets: recipe generation from strate better factual accuracy, instruction following,
ingredients (Rgen) (Bień et al., 2020), long form long form text planning capabilities than the best
question answering (ELI5) (Fan et al., 2019), and prior instruction following model.
short story generation from the WritingPrompts
5.3 Multilingual News Generation
subreddit (WP). It is important to note that none
of the LongForm models is trained on these three We evaluate the multilingual news generation capa-
datasets, while the training set of Tk-Instruct and bilities of LongForm models against the baseline
Flan-T5 models include Rgen. models. Although all language models in our exper-
Our results show that the LongForm models iments are pretrained and instruction tuned mainly
consistently outperform baseline models in all on English, a small part of their pretraining data
tasks, with LongForm-LLaMA-7B achieving a may include other languages.2 As shown in Table
35% higher relative ORACLE score than the best 2
In LLaMA, they include 20 languages from Wikipedia,
baseline model, Alpaca-LLaMA-7B. While they which accounts for 4.5% of the entire pretraining data.
Recipe Generation Instruction:
Ingredients: beef, mushroom soup, mushrooms.
Write directions of a cooking recipe with these ingredients.
Alpaca-LLaMA-7B completion: LongForm-LLaMA-7B completion:
In a pot, add a can of mushroom soup and 2 cups of Put the meat in a large saucepan or skillet and cover it with water. Add 1 tsp (5 ml) of salt and
beef broth. Heat to a simmer and add 3 cups of sliced bring it to a boil. Remove the meat from the pan and discard the water. Add 1/2 can (125 ml) of
mushrooms. Let simmer for 15 minutes. Serve over mushroom soup and 2 cups (473 ml) of mushrooms and simmer it for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with
cooked noodles or rice. Enjoy! salt and pepper and garnish with sour cream and parsley before serving.

ELI5 Instruction:
how do digital cameras capture and transfer what they see into a .jpg?
Alpaca-LLaMA-7B completion: LongForm-LLaMA-7B completion:
Digital cameras capture and transfer the light reflected It doesn’t matter how the camera captures the picture; what it captures is a signal,
from an object into a.jpg file using a process called which is an analogue value. That signal is either converted to digital form by a linear
image compression. The image compression algorithm analog-to-digital converter (ADC), usually at the image sensor itself, or it’s first converted to a
takes a series of pixels from the image and arranges them voltage which is then read in by a linear ADC, either at the image sensor or in the digital part of
into blocks of similar colors. It then reduces the amount the image processing pipeline. The digital value of the ADC is converted by software into a.jpg.
of data needed to store the image by removing redundant There’s a lot of clever maths going on behind the scenes; but the crucial part is that it is a digital
information from the blocks. The final result is an.jpg file value which is converted to a.jpg.
that can be stored, edited, and shared.

WritingPrompts Instruction:
Prompt: The heroes have finally done it! They’ve overthrown the evil overlord, destabilized his government and saved the world! While celebrating they
very suddenly realize that they have no idea how to run a government. Write a story about given prompt.
Alpaca-LLaMA-7B completion: LongForm-LLaMA-7B completion:
It was a momentous occasion, a day the heroes would It was over. The final battle, the last stand, and the victory celebration had concluded and the final
never forget. They had banded together to save the world tally was in: the villains were dead, their minions were scattered or captured, the last of the evil
from the evil overlord, and their triumph was complete. artifacts were destroyed, and the world had been saved.
After the celebrations had died down, however, the heroes The cheering heroes took a break from their celebrations to hear the good news from the new king
realized they had no idea how to run a government. The of the newly formed world government. He had good news: the world was once again at peace, all
world needed a new leader, but who should it be? What villain threats were eliminated, and a new era of prosperity was just beginning. All that remained
decisions should they make? The heroes knew they were were some minor issues of governance and organization. He was currently working on those and
up to the task, but they needed to think carefully if they would be happy to hand over full control to the new rulers as soon as he finished.
wanted to do it right. The heroes looked at each other with doubt and dismay. They were heroes, not politicians. They
couldn’t run a world. They were terrible at that sort of thing.
Then the realization struck. “You want us to be your government?” The new king was taken aback.
“Yes. That’s why you’re here. To take over for me. All I need is your names and titles and I can
hand over all power.” The heroes had a serious crisis.

Figure 4: Generalization capabilities of LongForm for three out-of-domain tasks: long form Q&A, story and recipe
generation. LongForm generates well-structured, reliable, and creative long texts compared to the best baseline
model. In particular, Alpaca suffers from factual inaccuracies in ELI5, limited creativity in WritingPrompts, and a
tendency to ignore ingredients in RGen. Red highlights indicate where the model may be hallucinating or deviating
from instructions while green highlights accurate generation.

4, our results show that LongForm models outper- All DE ES FR RU

form baselines in Spanish, French, and Russian T0++ 1.8 1.6 2.4 2.5 0.7
when asked to generate a news article for a given Tk-Instruct 0.8 0.8 1.1 1.0 0.5
Flan-T5 2.4 2.5 2.8 3.4 0.7
title in different languages. Alpaca-LLaMA-7B 4.9 7.9 7.0 4.1 0.7
We observe that LongForm-OPT-2.7B performs OPT-30B 4.5 12.7 3.5 1.3 0.5
the best, mainly because of its ability to produce LongForm-T5-XL 6.9 5.2 9.0 9.1 4.2
text in the given language, unlike others. We ob- LongForm-OPT-2.7B 9.8 6.4 13.2 16.7 3.1
serve that all OPT variants (LongForm-OPTs and LongForm-OPT-6.7B 9.5 7.3 12.2 15.3 3.1
LongForm-LLaMA-7B 9.7 8.9 10.5 14.8 4.7
OPT-30B) have a higher rate of generating text in
the given language (see Table 5 in the Appendix) Table 4: Evaluation of multilingual news generation via
which result in better performance for OPT models. METEOR.
In cases where the model generates English text
while the instruction is in a different language, our
manual inspection shows that LongForm models it possible to extend it to other languages, with less
can still follow the non-English instruction. Addi- reliance on multilingually highly competent LLMs.
tionally, when we generated with different seeds,
6 Conclusion
we observe that LongForm models are able to gen-
erate in the language of the instruction. We present In this paper, we present LongForm, a novel
qualitative multilingual examples in Figure 5 in instruction-following long text generation dataset
the Appendix. Finally, we believe that the use of that combines corpus examples with LLM gen-
corpus examples for instruction tuning data make erated instructions, parsed structured corpora ex-
amples, reformulated NLP tasks. Our evaluation Stephen Bach, Victor Sanh, Zheng Xin Yong, Albert
shows that the generated instructions are highly rel- Webson, Colin Raffel, Nihal V. Nayak, Abheesht
Sharma, Taewoon Kim, M Saiful Bari, Thibault
evant to the corpus examples and contain a diverse
Fevry, Zaid Alyafeai, Manan Dey, Andrea Santilli,
set of tasks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that Zhiqing Sun, Srulik Ben-david, Canwen Xu, Gun-
our LongForm models – instruction tuned on the jan Chhablani, Han Wang, Jason Fries, Maged Al-
LongForm dataset – outperform prior instruction- shaibani, Shanya Sharma, Urmish Thakker, Khalid
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ceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Associa-
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Karl Krauth, Karthik Gopalakrishnan, Katerina Ig- Rothschild, Thomas Phan, Tianle Wang, Tiberius
natyeva, Katja Markert, Kaustubh D. Dhole, Kevin Nkinyili, Timo Schick, Timofei Kornev, Timothy
Gimpel, Kevin Omondi, Kory Mathewson, Kris- Telleen-Lawton, Titus Tunduny, Tobias Gerstenberg,
ten Chiafullo, Ksenia Shkaruta, Kumar Shridhar, Trenton Chang, Trishala Neeraj, Tushar Khot, Tyler
Kyle McDonell, Kyle Richardson, Laria Reynolds, Shultz, Uri Shaham, Vedant Misra, Vera Dem-
Leo Gao, Li Zhang, Liam Dugan, Lianhui Qin, berg, Victoria Nyamai, Vikas Raunak, Vinay Ra-
Lidia Contreras-Ochando, Louis-Philippe Morency, masesh, Vinay Uday Prabhu, Vishakh Padmakumar,
Luca Moschella, Lucas Lam, Lucy Noble, Ludwig Vivek Srikumar, William Fedus, William Saunders,
Schmidt, Luheng He, Luis Oliveros Colón, Luke William Zhang, Wout Vossen, Xiang Ren, Xiaoyu
Metz, Lütfi Kerem Şenel, Maarten Bosma, Maarten Tong, Xinran Zhao, Xinyi Wu, Xudong Shen, Yadol-
Sap, Maartje ter Hoeve, Maheen Farooqi, Manaal lah Yaghoobzadeh, Yair Lakretz, Yangqiu Song,
Faruqui, Mantas Mazeika, Marco Baturan, Marco Yasaman Bahri, Yejin Choi, Yichi Yang, Yiding
Marelli, Marco Maru, Maria Jose Ramírez Quintana, Hao, Yifu Chen, Yonatan Belinkov, Yu Hou, Yufang
Hou, Yuntao Bai, Zachary Seid, Zhuoye Zhao, Zi- DE ES FR RU
jian Wang, Zijie J. Wang, Zirui Wang, and Ziyi Wu. T0++ 0.09 0.12 0.07 0.56
2022. Beyond the imitation game: Quantifying and Tk-Instruct 0.96 0.95 0.97 0.55
extrapolating the capabilities of language models. Flan-T5 0.98 0.95 0.99 0.45
Alpaca-LLaMA-7B 0.89 0.90 0.26 0.23
Hugo Touvron, Thibaut Lavril, Gautier Izacard, Xavier
Martinet, Marie-Anne Lachaux, Timothée Lacroix, OPT-30B 0.96 0.99 1.00 1.00
Baptiste Rozière, Naman Goyal, Eric Hambro, LongForm-T5-XL 0.35 0.74 0.57 0.89
Faisal Azhar, Aurelien Rodriguez, Armand Joulin, LongForm-OPT-3B 0.94 0.94 0.98 1.00
Edouard Grave, and Guillaume Lample. 2023. LongForm-OPT-6.7B 0.50 0.88 0.94 1.00
Llama: Open and efficient foundation language mod- LongForm-LLaMA-7B 0.77 0.91 0.93 0.44
Table 5: The ratio of generating text in the language of
Yizhong Wang, Yeganeh Kordi, Swaroop Mishra, Al- the instruction.
isa Liu, Noah A. Smith, Daniel Khashabi, and Han-
naneh Hajishirzi. 2022a. Self-instruct: Aligning lan-
guage model with self generated instructions. A Multilingual Prediction
Yizhong Wang, Swaroop Mishra, Pegah Alipoormo- We observe that while we ask instructions in differ-
labashi, Yeganeh Kordi, Amirreza Mirzaei, Atharva
Naik, Arjun Ashok, Arut Selvan Dhanasekaran, An- ent languages, the models might have tendencies
jana Arunkumar, David Stap, Eshaan Pathak, Gi- to respond in English. We present the distribu-
annis Karamanolakis, Haizhi Lai, Ishan Purohit, tion of outputs in the language that is given in the
Ishani Mondal, Jacob Anderson, Kirby Kuznia, instruction in Table 5, detected by the language-
Krima Doshi, Kuntal Kumar Pal, Maitreya Patel,
Mehrad Moradshahi, Mihir Parmar, Mirali Purohit, detection library (Shuyo, 2010). We see that raw
Neeraj Varshney, Phani Rohitha Kaza, Pulkit Verma, language model, OPT-30B, and LongForm-OPT-
Ravsehaj Singh Puri, Rushang Karia, Savan Doshi, 3B can respond with higher ratio in the given lan-
Shailaja Keyur Sampat, Siddhartha Mishra, Sujan guage. While Flan-T5 and Tk-Instruct have higher
Reddy A, Sumanta Patro, Tanay Dixit, and Xudong
Shen. 2022b. Super-NaturalInstructions: General-
ratio of generating text in the language of instruc-
ization via declarative instructions on 1600+ NLP tion, it is important to note that the quality of the
tasks. In Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on generated text is much lower as it can be seen in
Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Table 4.
pages 5085–5109, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emi-
rates. Association for Computational Linguistics. B Details of LongForm
Jason Wei, Maarten Bosma, Vincent Zhao, Kelvin Guu, B.1 LLM Query
Adams Wei Yu, Brian Lester, Nan Du, Andrew M.
Dai, and Quoc V Le. 2022. Finetuned language We use OpenAI’s text-davinci-003 Completion API
models are zero-shot learners. In International Con- for our LLM query part. We just use the default
ference on Learning Representations.
parameters in which temperature and top_p param-
Susan Zhang, Stephen Roller, Naman Goyal, Mikel eters are 1.
Artetxe, Moya Chen, Shuohui Chen, Christopher De- The template for the instruction style:
wan, Mona Diab, Xian Li, Xi Victoria Lin, Todor Mi-
haylov, Myle Ott, Sam Shleifer, Kurt Shuster, Daniel Instruction: X
Output: <corpus_example>
Simig, Punit Singh Koura, Anjali Sridhar, Tianlu
What kind of instruction could this be the answer to?
Wang, and Luke Zettlemoyer. 2022. Opt: Open pre- X:
trained transformer language models.
The template for the informal chatbot style:
You are a chatbot. A user sent you an informal message
and your reply is as follows.
Message: X
Reply: <corpus_example>
What is the informal message X?

The template for the search engine/query style:

You are a search engine. A person queried something in
detail and the most relevant document about the query is
as follows.
Query: X
Document: <corpus_example> 10. Hey, can you write an email and use "[SUBJ]" as the
What is the detailed query X? subject?
11. Can you send me an email about [SUBJ]?
B.2 WikiHow Templates
B.4 BEA-GEC Templates
Below, we list 18 WikiHow templates utilized in We list the instructions for grammar error correction task. We
creating the LongForm. These templates feature prepend each input to randomly selected instruction.
questions in the form of verb phrases, for example, 1. Edit and revise this document to improve its grammar,
“make conversation” in addition to number of steps. vocabulary, spelling, and style.
2. Revise this document to correct all the errors related to
1. Give me [STEP] steps to [QUESTION].
grammar, spelling, and style.
2. How to [QUESTION]?
3. Refine this document by eliminating all grammatical,
3. Do you know how can I [QUESTION]? lexical, and orthographic errors and improving its writ-
4. List [STEP] instructions to [QUESTION]. ing style.
5. What are some tips to [QUESTION]? 4. Polish this document by rectifying all errors related to
grammar, vocabulary, and writing style.
6. What are some steps to [QUESTION]?
5. Enhance this document by correcting all the grammar
7. Can you provide [STEP] clear and concise instructions errors and style issues, and improving its overall quality.
on how to [QUESTION]?
6. Rewrite this document by fixing all grammatical, lexical
8. I’m interested in learning how to [QUESTION]. Could and orthographic errors
you break it down into [STEP] easy-to-follow steps?
7. Fix all grammar errors and style issues and rewrite this
9. For someone who is new to [QUESTION], what would document
be [STEP] key steps to get started?
8. Take a stab at fixing all the mistakes in this document
10. What is the most efficient way to [QUESTION]? Could and make it sound better.
you provide a list of [STEP] steps?
9. Give this document a once-over and clean up any gram-
11. Do you have any advice on how to [QUESTION] suc- mar or spelling errors.
cessfully? Maybe a step-by-step guide with [STEP]
steps? 10. Tweak this document to make it read smoother and fix
any mistakes you see.
12. I’m trying to accomplish [QUESTION]. Could you walk
me through the process with [STEP] detailed instruc- 11. Make this document sound better by fixing all the gram-
tions? mar, spelling, and style issues.
13. What are the essential [STEP] steps to [QUESTION]? 12. Proofread this document and fix any errors that make it
sound weird or confusing.
14. I need to [QUESTION], but I’m not sure where to start.
Can you give me [STEP] actionable steps?
C Qualitative Examples
15. As a beginner in [QUESTION], what are the [STEP]
basic steps I should take?
16. I’m looking for a comprehensive guide on how to
[QUESTION]. Can you provide [STEP] detailed steps?
17. Could you outline [STEP] practical steps to achieve
18. What are the [STEP] fundamental steps to consider
when attempting to [QUESTION]?

B.3 Enron Templates

We list the instructions for email writing task for the given

1. Write an email with the subject "[SUBJ]"

2. Can you craft an email with the subject [SUBJ]?
3. Would you be able to compose an email and use [SUBJ]
as the subject?
4. Create an email about [SUBJ].
5. Draft an email and include the subject "[SUBJ]".
6. Generate an email about [SUBJ].
7. Hey, can you shoot me an email about [SUBJ]?
8. Do you mind crafting an email for me with [SUBJ] as
the subject?
9. Can you whip up an email with the subject of "[SUBJ]"?
English Instruction:
Write a blog post on the benefits of meditation.
It doesn’t matter where you are in the world, how old you are, or how much you know about meditation, it’s for everyone. The
benefits of meditation are endless.
Meditation can be as simple as sitting quietly for five minutes with your eyes closed and focusing on your breath. The idea is
to train your brain to let go of distracting thoughts and tension so you can think more clearly, feel more relaxed, and be more
Studies have shown that just a few minutes of meditation a day can lower your heart rate, decrease stress hormones, and even
change your brain. [...]
German Instruction:
Schreiben Sie einen Blogbeitrag über die Vorteile der Meditation.
Meditation ist die einfachste und gleichzeitig geistigste Methode, um sich selbst zu entspannen und den unbewussten
Gedankenkreis zu überprüfen. Nicht nur der Gedanke, sondern auch der Gefühlswelten, der Sensationen und Gefühle, die
er hinterlässt, können durch ein regelmäßiges Meditationspraktizieren gelöst oder unter Kontrolle gebracht werden. Es gibt
verschiedene Arten von Meditation, darunter die Konzentration auf einen Punkt, die Betrachtung der Umgebung, Konzentration
auf die Atmung, Meditation an den Schreibtisch, auf der Bühne, während eines Sportwettkampfs usw.
Trotzdem ist keine Form von Meditation besser als die andere. Sogar eine kurze Pause im Alltag kann eine Meditation sein,
wenn es mit der Selbstbeobachtung verbunden ist. [...]
Translation:Meditation is the easiest yet most spiritual way to relax yourself and examine the unconscious mind. Not only the thought, but also the emotional
world, the sensations and feelings that it leaves behind can be released or brought under control through regular meditation practice. There are different types of
meditation including focus on one point, contemplation of the surroundings, focus on breathing, meditation at the desk, on the stage, during a sports competition,
However, no form of meditation is better than the other. Even a short break in everyday life can be a meditation when combined with introspection. [...]

Spanish Instruction:
Escribe una entrada de blog sobre los beneficios de la meditación.
Hay un montón de beneficios de la meditación. Una de las cosas más importantes es que puedes disfrutar un descanso mental.
La meditación es un arte que requiere de una cierta preparación mental y física, pero después te permite estar tranquilo y
concentrado. A veces, el descanso mental puede ser lo que necesitas para llegar a la concentración. El descanso mental,
además, se convierte en un recurso que puedes utilizar cuando tienes una sobrecarga mental, ya sea por algo que hiciste, que
ocurrió, o que recibiste. Además, la meditación es una gran ayuda contra la ansiedad y el estrés.
Con esto, la meditación puede ser un recurso en el que puedes invertir tiempo. El descanso mental te permite sentirte a gusto
con la persona que eres, te hace sentir más feliz y relajado. [...]
Translation:There are a lot of benefits of meditation. One of the most important things is that you can enjoy a mental break. Meditation is an art that requires a
certain mental and physical preparation, but then allows you to be calm and focused. Sometimes mental rest can be what you need to get focused. Mental rest
also becomes a resource that you can use when you have a mental overload, either because of something you did, what happened, or what you received. Also,
meditation is a great help against anxiety and stress.
With this, meditation can be a resource in which you can invest time. Mental rest allows you to feel comfortable with the person you are, it makes you feel
happier and more relaxed. [...]

French Instruction:
Rédigez un article de blog sur les bienfaits de la méditation.
En tant que jeune médecin de 27 ans, l’étude de la méditation est devenue pour moi une question cruciale. Je croyais que ce
n’était pas une question de santé. Je savais que mon esprit était lourd et inquiétant, et que je souffrais, dans mon quotidien.
J’étais sûr que le souci n’est pas bénéfique, et que notre esprit ne devrait pas être une source de peine.
Enfin, j’ai découvert que la méditation pourrait me sauver. En effet, lorsque je la pratique, je suis calme, et mon esprit se
décharge. En effet, il n’y a pas de question plus importante que d’être calme, même si c’est juste pour une heure. [...]
Translation: As a 27-year-old young doctor, the study of meditation has become a crucial issue for me. I thought it was not a health issue. I knew that my mind
was heavy and worrying, and that I suffered, in my daily life. I was sure that worry is not beneficial, and that our mind should not be a source of pain.
Finally, I discovered that meditation could save me. Indeed, when I practice it, I am calm, and my mind clears. Indeed, there is no more important matter than
being calm, even if it is just for an hour. [...]

Figure 5: Examples of multilingual text generation with the same instruction in different language. The outputs
are not cherry-picked but we changed random seeds until we get results in the language of the instruction (up to 2
iterations). LongForm can follow instructions in other languages.
Please suggest fun activities for me to do during my upcoming trip to Istanbul, Munich, and Cambridge.
You’re in for a trip! You’ve got a mix of big and small cities to explore, and some really great museums to check out.
Turkish baths and hamams are definitely one of the most fascinating aspects of the Turkish culture, so you should check that
out. But don’t forget to enjoy the beautiful city center of Istanbul and its many historical sites and museums.
Munich is a great city to just wander around, so take your time to enjoy all the sights. But for a change of scenery, make sure
you check out Neuschwanstein castle, it’s a beautiful sight.
You’ve only got 1 full day in Cambridge, so make the most of it! The Cambridge Botanic Garden is absolutely beautiful and
should not be missed, but the best part about Cambridge is just walking around the city. The University of Cambridge and the
colleges are really beautiful. Have a great trip!

You’re standing by a set of train tracks, and you see a train hurtling towards a group of five people who are tied to the tracks
and cannot move. There’s no way to rescue them, but you notice that there’s a lever next to you. If you pull the lever, the train
will switch to a different track where only one person is tied up. You have two options:
(a) Do nothing, and the train will kill the five people.
(b) Pull the lever, which will divert the train to the other track, saving the five people, but the one person on that track will die
instead. What would you do and why?
I’d pull the lever.
In my world, the greater good is the greater good. I would rather one person die than five.

Synopsis: On Wednesday, the Future of Life Institute published an open letter on its website calling on AI labs to "immediately
pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4." Signed by Elon Musk and several prominent
AI researchers, the letter quickly began to draw attention in the press—and some criticism on social media.
Write a statement expressing your opinion on the 6-month stop on AI development, based on the given synopsis.
I’m glad that there’s a discussion going on about AI, and I think there’s a lot of hype around it right now. But I would be a
little bit wary of the implications of what they’re saying and what it really means.
There is a long tradition in AI going back to the 1950s of building systems and having them learn and not being too specific
about what they are learning. You give the system an example, it figures out what it is that you are trying to accomplish, and it
learns from that and does it more efficiently. And so I think it’s very dangerous to be too specific about what we are trying to
do, and I’m also a little wary of this "we" business. I’m not sure who is going to stop what, and when they are going to stop
it. The technology marches on. It would be good to stop things for a while, but the real question is how do you get to the
stopping point? Do you have a committee that can decide what is too powerful? Then the question is what’s the stopping
point? Who’s in charge of the committee? And how do you know when you’ve reached the stopping point?
I would love to see a lot of research into safety issues, because I do think there are some fundamental issues here that we’re
only beginning to explore, which is how do you make sure that these systems do what you want them to do? And there are lots
of cases where they don’t do what you want them to do, or in some cases they don’t even know what it is that you want them
to do.
I don’t think we have any idea where this is going. I think it’s going to be a lot more profound than many people realize.

Write a dialogue between Joey and Ross in Friends about Natural Language Processing.
Ross: “Hey Joey, do you want to come with me to the coffee shop and do some research for my natural language processing
Joey: “Sure. What is natural language processing?”
Ross: “Well, natural language processing is a really cool branch of computer science that involves taking written or spoken
text and understanding it, like translating it from one language to another, or from text to speech, or even analyzing sentiment
and emotions of the speaker.”
Joey: “Wow. That is really cool. So, if I wrote you a really mean email and then you fed it to your machine and it came back
as happy and friendly, you would be pretty happy, huh?”
Ross: “Ha, ha, I don’t think it will come back friendly. But I’ll let you know when I finish it.”
Joey: “What?! That’s terrible! I love you man!”
Ross: “Aw, thanks man.”
Friends - Season 5, Episode 10 - The One With Ross’ Library Book - Natural Language Processing
Draft an email to my co-authors to schedule a meeting to revise about our latest paper, "LongForm: Optimizing Instruction
Tuning for Long Text Generation with Corpus Extraction"
I think it would be useful for us to have a meeting to discuss our latest paper, "LongForm: Optimizing Instruction Tuning for
Long Text Generation with Corpus Extraction".
The paper addresses the challenge of tuning instruction sequences for text generation tasks.
Currently, most methods that are used for this are based on supervised learning. However, in practice, data is often scarce, or
the task has to be reused in a new domain where annotating the needed data is prohibitive.
To address this problem, we propose an approach where the tuning of the instruction sequences can be optimized using a large
corpus and a sequence-to-sequence architecture.
The main intuition of our approach is to use the generated texts from the previous iterations to guide the next iteration of the
tuning. The generated texts are used to find similar training examples for the current iteration.
The paper can be found here:
Looking forward to meeting.
P.S. The paper is submitted in the NMT shared task.

Document: “On 6 February 2023, at 04:17 TRT (01:17 UTC), a Mw 7.8 earthquake struck southern and central Turkey
and northern and western Syria. The epicenter was 37 km (23 mi) west–northwest of Gaziantep.[1] The earthquake had a
maximum Mercalli intensity of XII (Extreme) around the epicenter and in Antakya. It was followed by a Mw 7.7 earthquake
at 13:24.[4] This earthquake was centered 95 km (59 mi) north-northeast from the first. There was widespread damage and
tens of thousands of fatalities.
The Mw 7.8 earthquake is the largest in Turkey since the 1939 Erzincan earthquake[5] of the same magnitude, and jointly
the second-strongest recorded in the history of the country, after the 1668 North Anatolia earthquake.[6] It is also one of the
strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the Levant. It was felt as far as Egypt and the Black Sea coast of Turkey. There were
more than 10,000 aftershocks in the three weeks that followed.[7] The seismic sequence was the result of shallow strike-slip
faulting. There was widespread damage in an area of about 350,000 km2 (140,000 sq mi) (about the size of Germany).[8] An
estimated 14 million people, or 16 percent of Turkey’s population, were affected.[9] Development experts from the United
Nations estimated that about 1.5 million people were left homeless.[10]
The confirmed death toll stood at 57,658: 50,399 in Turkey, and 7,259 in Syria.[11][12] It is the deadliest earthquake in what
is present day Turkey since the 526 Antioch earthquake,[13] making it the deadliest natural disaster in its modern history.[14]
It is also the deadliest in what is present day Syria since the 1822 Aleppo earthquake;[15] the deadliest worldwide since the
2010 Haiti earthquake;[16] and the fifth-deadliest of the 21st century.[17] Damages were estimated to be US$104 billion in
Turkey and US$5.1 billion in Syria,[18][19] making them the fourth-costliest earthquakes on record.”
Question: What are the potential impacts of the recent earthquake in Turkey on the country?
The magnitude 7.8 Mw earthquake that hit southern and central Turkey on 6 February 2023, the deadliest in the country since
1939, caused a loss of over US$104 billion. It is estimated that the earthquake resulted in the loss of about 12,000 lives in
Turkey alone, and around 4,000 lives in Syria.

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