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Brief review on plasma propulsion with neutralizer-free systems

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2016 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 043001


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Plasma Sources Science and Technology

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 (14pp) doi:10.1088/0963-0252/25/4/043001

Topical Review

Brief review on plasma propulsion with

neutralizer-free systems
D Rafalskyi and A Aanesland
Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas (CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Sorbonne Universités,
UPMC Univ Paris 06, Univ Paris-Sud), Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France


Received 4 October 2015, revised 8 February 2016

Accepted for publication 18 March 2016
Published 18 May 2016

Electric space propulsion is an intensively developing field addressing new demands and
challenges for long-term spacecraft operation. Many novel plasma propulsion concepts aim
to find new acceleration principles, use alternative propellants, upscale or downscale thrusters
for large thrust or for very small spacecrafts etc. In this work we review the neutralizer-
free concepts, where both positive and negative particles are extracted and accelerated from
plasmas. We can divide these concepts into three main categories, defined by their acceleration
principle: (i) neutral beam generation, (ii) plasma acceleration/expansion and (iii) bipolar
beam acceleration. We describe the basic physical principles and evaluate the main advantages
and drawbacks in view of general space applications. We also present here further detail on
a recent concept where RF voltages are used to accelerate quasi-simultaneously positive ions
and electrons from the same source.
Keywords: space propulsion, plasma thruster, ion extraction from plasma, plasma acceleration,
neutralizer-free propulsion

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction generating a thrust in a given direction. A strong advantage

of electric propulsion comparing to other propulsion systems
Electric space propulsion (EP) was first proposed more than (such as chemical or cold gas propulsion) follows from a
100 years ago by Goddard and Tsiolkovskiy [1, 2], and used direct well-controlled acceleration of the propellant to very
in space since the 1960s. Electrostatic thrusters (like the Hall higher velocities [4]. With higher exhaust velocities, the same
and ion thrusters) are increasingly popular in the space indus- amount of propellant can produce a higher velocity gain ΔV
try and are now used in about 20% of the commercial satel- of the spacecraft, as given by the ‘ideal’ rocket equation [2]:
lites for attitude and altitude control [3]. However, intensive
∆V = Vex ln(m 0 /m1),
development is still going on with the focus on new con-
cepts addressing demands and challenges for long-term and where Vex is the propellant exhaust velocity and m0 and m1
highly manoeuvrable spacecraft operation not possible with are initial and final or dry mass of the spacecraft, respectively.
the existing systems. New systems often focus on providing Since in electrostatic thrusters the exhaust velocity is
a suitable engine for precise orbit control or formation flying, given directly by the applied electric field, this velocity is
orbit transfers, interplanetary EP-powered missions, small theoretically limited to the speed of light c due to relativ-
spacecraft control etc [3, 4]. istic limitations. However, practical limitations are more
Electric propulsion systems convert electrical energy into important and limited by for example the electrical power
directed kinetic energy of a propellant stored onboard, thus available and various technical and engineering constrains.

0963-0252/16/043001+14$33.00 1 © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd  Printed in the UK

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

The typical exhaust velocity range for existing electric pro-

pulsion systems is about 5–50 km s−1 (<0.000 02c) [4]. This
velocity corresponds to an acceleration voltage ranging from
hundreds to thousands of volts in classical electrostatic accel-
eration of xenon ions.
Electric propulsion systems have usually two common
features: propellant ionization and ion acceleration. Most of
the space-proven technologies use a plasma discharges for the
propellant ionization and electrostatic field for the ion accel-
eration. Some new concepts apply a direct plasma-free ion
emission from liquid metals and have been successfully tested
[5]. These devices have small dimensions and mass, do not
require neutralizer and external fuel tank, and already reached
high technology readiness level [5]. Nevertheless, in this work
we constrain ourselves to consider only plasma-based electric
propulsion systems, and we refer to them below as ‘plasma
propulsion’ systems.
The most powerful plasma propulsion systems in opera-
tion today are based on broad-beam ion sources. In all these
sources the ions are accelerated by electrostatic fields, where Figure 1.  Simplified structure of the common plasma-based electric
the acceleration voltage is applied between a set of conduc- propulsion system.
tive grids terminating the plasma source (‘ion thrusters’) or
between the anode and external cathode (‘Hall thrusters’). Another motivation for novel concepts comes from the
Using an ion source in space applications requires neutraliza- increasing interest in small spacecraft (from 1–500 kg total
tion or compensation of both the ion positive space charge mass) [8, 10]. Miniaturization of the spacecraft requires
and the ion current to avoid charging and beam stalling [4]. downscaling of all the sub-systems, including the propulsion
Commonly, the neutralization is achieved with electrons being system. While the thruster itself can be relatively easily down-
injected from an external neutralizer into the downstream scaled, the efficiency of these systems is very low, comparing
beam. The neutralizer is a dedicated device usually based on to the larger systems [8]. Note that the electrical power, pro-
a hollow cathode (HC) or other types of discharges. For the pellant consumption, system mass and dimensions are very
moment, most popular concepts are thermoionic and plasma critical parameters for miniaturized spacecraft [8].
bridge neutralizers where hollow DC or radio frequency (RF) In addition to challenges in downscaling, space propul-
discharges are used [4]. In addition to this, cold neutralizers sion struggles with propellant storage problems. Xenon gas
with field emission from micro-machined array are under used traditionally as the propellant needs to be stored in high-
development [6]. Note here, that a neutralizer acts sometimes pres­sure tanks. High-pressure storage is complicated in both
as a main discharge cathode (for example in Hall thrusters very small systems as well as for very large systems (includ-
[4]), ensuring both ionization and neutralization [4]. ing orbit transfer applications). As a motivation to get rid of
Independently on type, the neutralizer requires an addi- using xenon, solid and liquid propellants with low vapour
tional power supply and gas injection system [4] (see fig- pressure at ambient temperature are proposed due to cost, high
ure 1). Although much progress on neutralizer technology has mass density and reduced explosion risk. Direct replacement
been achieved over the last decade, it is still a fragile part of of xenon by solid iodine (I2) has recently been proposed by
the system, in particular during launch, it is difficult to scale research groups from the USA and France [14, 15]. Iodine pro-
up and down and difficult to operate in other gases than xenon pellant is already tested as a propellant for ion and Hall thrust-
[4, 7–9]. Moreover, the neutralizer is indirectly responsible for ers, as well as for a neutralizer-free concept called PEGASES
some undesired effects in space, such as spacecraft charging, [15, 16]. Other alternative propellants are also under invest­
solar array degradation, communication interference (through igation, including adamantine, fullerene-based mixtures (C60),
a phase shift) etc [4]. The main reason is that the neutralizer different noble gases (Kr, Ar), light gases as H2 and metals
acts as an additional source of background plasma, ejecting (Al, W, Bi etc) [17, 18]. Alternative propellants are required
isotropic electrons, slow ions and neutrals [4]. The initial by some of the neutralizer-free systems [14, 18]. Hence, neu-
velocities and spatial distributions of the accelerated ions and tralizer-free propulsion could reply to various challenges in
the neutralizing electrons are not matched; this allows forma- the modern space industry.
tion of relatively dense background plasma around the space- Common motivation for the novel plasma propulsion con-
craft. The potential of this plasma is hard to control, especially cepts are to find new acceleration principles to allow missions
in the presence of unshielded large area solar arrays [4]. As a not possible with existing systems, such as providing orbit
result of all the issues mentioned above, a significant part of control and long lifetime for very small spacecraft, as light
the novel plasma propulsion concepts aims to provide external as 1 kg, to increase lifetime, robustness etc. In this work we
neutralizer-free systems by generating a quasi-neutral acceler- give an overview of neutralizer-free concepts, representing the
ated flow at the thruster exit [10–13]. majority of novel space propulsion concepts.

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

Figure 2.  Classification of plasma-based neutralizer-free electric

propulsion concepts.

2.  Neutralizer-free electric propulsion

Figure 2 shows an illustration of the different techniques that

can be used to achieve a neutralizer-free acceleration. We Figure 3.  Schematics of the neutral beam thruster (top) and
separate the systems into three subgroups via the acceleration photo of the operating prototype (bottom) [21]. Reproduced with
permission from [21]. Copyright 2015 The Japan Society of Plasma
method: (i) neutral beam generation, (ii) plasma acceleration Science and Nuclear Fusion Research.
and (iii) bipolar beam acceleration. Below we consider these
groups separately.
The main fraction of the thrust is produced by accelerated
positive ions; co-directed electrons provide space charge neu-
3.  Propulsion with a neutral beam tralization such that the flow is quasi-neutral.
In general, quasi-neutral plasmas can be accelerated as a
The first possibility of charge-free acceleration is based on a whole from a source using various physical mechanisms such
neutral beam generation, similarly to the neutral beam sources as high intensity laser radiation, constant and pulsed electri-
for confined thermonuclear fusion [19]. This propulsion prin- cal fields, electrodynamics effects, magnetic nozzles, etc [13,
ciple can be achieved by accelerating initially ionized propel- 22–25]. Besides, plasma accelerators are well known devices
lant species (heavy ions) and neutralizing them on the way used in a wide area of applications, varying from fundamental
through the extraction system. physics [26] to surface modification [27]. Although, as illus-
A neutral beam thruster prototype called CXT (‘charge trated in figure 4, only two plasma acceleration principles are
exchange thruster’) has recently been developed and tested at relevant in electric propulsion: (i) J  ×  B plasma acceleration
the University of Sydney [20, 21]. The CXT thruster schematics by Lorentz force and (ii) plasma expansion (by volume or
and picture of the operating prototype are shown on figure 3. magnetic nozzles) where the ion acceleration is provided by a
A long discharge tube sustains a HC discharge, and the thruster self-consistent ambipolar field.
nozzle is formed by a cylindrical cathode surrounded by an
additional hollow anode ring. High pressure of H2 gas inside
the discharge tube (30 mTorr) ensures efficient neutralization 4.1.  J  ×  B plasma thrusters
of the ions by charge exchange collisions. The exper­imental
Two basic configurations of J  ×  B plasma thrusters are shown
measurements using Doppler spectroscopy show the presence
on figure 5. These devices have typically a coaxial geometry.
of very fast neutral hydrogen atoms (up to 3 · 105 m s−1). The
In the ‘magnetoplasmadynamic’ (MPD) thrusters [22, 28],
total thruster efficiency is still low and remains one of the cru-
which are very similar to quasi-stationary plasma accelerators
cial parameters to be significantly improved.
[24], the electric current is driven through the plasma between
the central and outer electrodes (cathode and anode), and the
4.  Plasma acceleration concepts magnetic field is created by external sources or self-induced
by the cathode current. Various configurations have been pro-
Generation of quasi-neutral accelerated plasma flows has posed and tested over the long history of MPD [28]. The main
been considered as a prospective space propulsion method barrier for the MPD implementation is due to special concept
for at least the last 50 years [22]. The idea consists in direct limitations, such as very high power required in steady state
electro­magnetic, electrodynamic or electrostatic accelera- (up to megawatt range), high erosion rates, short lifetime, low
tion of plasma generated using the propellant stored onboard. to moderate efficiency range etc [28].

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

Figure 4.  Two common principles of plasma acceleration that

can be used in space applications: J  ×  B acceleration (a) and
acceleration by ambipolar field (b).

Figure 6.  Schematics of (a) the PPT (b) VAT and (c) photo of the
VAT plume. Reproduced with permission from [29]. Copyright
2010 JET Propulsion Laboratory.

plasma towards the system output, and thus provides thrust to

the spacecraft. Recent experimental measurements show that
ion velocities of a few km s−1 can be achieved [11]. This is
however not yet enough to justify replacing existing less com-
plicated cold gas or chemical thrusters that provide similar
exhaust velocities.

4.2.  Pulsed expansion thrusters

Figure 5.  MPD (top) and RMF (bottom) plasma propulsion The second group of plasma acceleration concepts use plasma
concepts. Reproduced with permission from [11]. Copyright 2015
The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research.
expansion. One ‘pioneering’ concept based on this principle
is the pulsed plasma thruster (PPT). The PPT was the first
Recent plasma propulsion concept with rotating magnetic electric propulsion system ever sent to space onboard the
field (RMF) may eliminate some of the limits of MPDs by soviet spacecraft Zond 2 in 1964 [10]. The PPTs are com-
using an electrode-less configuration [11]. The system (see mercialized and currently operated on a few spacecrafts. The
figure  5(b)) uses two pairs of RF coils (antennas) powered principle of the PPT is based on ablating Teflon insulation by
by two RF generators with a π/2 phase-shift. The system is pulsed surface arc discharge, with following plasma expan-
therefore similar to an asynchronous motor, where the plasma sion reinforced by J  ×  B acceleration (similar to the MPD)
replaces the conductive rotor. The RF antennas play two roles (figure 6(a)). A strong advantage of the PPT compared to
in the system operation. Firstly, they couple power to the other concepts follows from a solid fuel storage integrated
plasma providing propellant ionization as in usual inductively into the thruster and simple and robust configuration allowing
coupled plasma discharges (ICP). Secondly, they create a RMF long term stable operation. The PPTs are space proven, easy
B that induces an azimuthal electron current in the plasma to integrate in different platforms and downscale, while the
jθ. As a result, the Lorentz force Fz  =  jθ  ×  B accelerates the efficiency is still very low (<5%) [8, 10, 29].

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

Figure 7.  (a) Coaxial ECR thruster with microwave ECR discharge and magnetic nozzle; (b) inductively coupled electromagnetic (ICE)
thruster with magnetic-free configuration and liquid propellant (water). Reproduced with permission from [32, 35, 36]. Copyright 2015 ERPS.

A vacuum arc thruster (VAT) is a concept similar to PPT by self-acceleration due to potential fall at the thruster exit.
but promises higher efficiency while keeping the main advan- In order to localize the acceleration process and control plume
tages [8, 10, 29]. In a VAT system, the vacuum arc is ignited divergence, the magnetic nozzles are often used [13, 28, 31].
between two metal electrodes (see figures 6(b) and (c)). The Despite system simplicity, theoretical description of the
thrust is fully controlled by the repetition frequency of the arc expansion plasmas is quite complicated due to the problem of
pulses. The propellant ionization and acceleration principle electron dynamics at the thruster exit. There are several mod-
are similar to the PPT, but the Teflon propellant rod is replaced els on expansion thrusters’ operation available in the litera-
by ablating the electrode material which can be Al, W, Bi or ture [31, 37–40]. In models based on polytropic expansion,
many other conductors, that also change the acceleration pro- the electron dynamics is estimated from polytropic expansion
cess [8, 10]. The choice of cathode material affects the pulse law [40]:
duration, which allows a better control of the ablation process.
Te /Te0 = (n e /n e0 )γe− 1,
Some investigations promise ~20% efficiency for the VAT
systems (including the power processing unit (PPU)) [30]. where Te and ne are electron temperature and density, Te0 and
ne0 are the electron temperature and density at the thruster exit
4.3.  Steady state expansion thrusters plane, and γe is the polytropic coefficient. This allows maxi-
mum ion energy Emax to be obtained:
A relatively low level of thrust (μN range), low efficiency and
pulsed operation of the state-of-the-art PPT and VAT con- Emax /Te0 = 1/2 + γe /(γe − 1).
cepts limit the area of their applications. A concept based on The most important drawback of the polytropic models
steady-state plasma expansion allows well controlled thrust to is that the coefficient γe is a free parameter, varying in the
be achieved in a mN range with significantly higher efficiency range about 1.1–1.4 according to the results of different works
(see figure  7). In these concepts, ambipolar electric field [31, 41, 42]. Therefore, accurate performance estimation with
formed across the plasma source is used for the acceleration these models is complicated.
of quasi-neutral plasma [13, 31]. The propellant ioniz­ation Recent progress on expansion thruster modelling is repre-
and plasma heating can be achieved by using microwave elec- sented by the current-free non-polytropic plasma expansion
tron cyclotron resonant discharge (coaxial electron cyclotron model by Lafleur et al [31], experimentally validated for both
resonance (ECR) thruster [12]), ICP discharge (ICE thruster magnetic and non-magnetic thruster configurations in a broad
[32]), helicon discharge (‘helicon double-layer thruster range of parameters. This model considers potential wall for-
(HDLT)’ [13], ‘CubeSat ambipolar thruster (CAT)’ [33]) and mation assuming that the plasma is ambipolar at any radial
capacitive RF discharge (‘pocket rocket’ [13]). Some concepts position, and that electron velocity distribution in the plasma
assume double stage plasma heating, as helicon and ion cyclo- source is Maxwellian with strong high-energy depletion. The
tron resonant (ICR) heating in the Variable Specific Impulse maximal ion energy at thruster exit is obtained as [31]:
Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) concept [34].
Independent of a discharge type, the operational principle Emax /Te0 = 1/2 [1 + ln(m i /2πm e )] ,
for all these concepts is very similar: propellant ionization by where mi and me are the ion and electron mass. For Xe it gives
plasma discharge and free plasma expansion accompanied Emax / Te0  ≈  5.8. The thrust T can be estimated as:

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

5.  Beam acceleration concepts

This category of concepts is represented by devices based on

simultaneous, alternate or quasi-simultaneous acceleration
of positive and negative ions or positive ions and electrons
extracted from the plasma and accelerated using the polar-
ized grids. Such devices may provide a time averagely quasi-
neutral beam, while the ion flux and energy can be controlled
separately in a simple way, because the propellant ionization
and acceleration are independent. Another advantage of these
concepts compared to others is similarity with space-proven
gridded ion thrusters allowing technology heritage.
Evidently, simultaneous electrostatic acceleration of oppo-
sitely charged particles extracted from the plasma is not a triv-
ial problem. Possible solutions include1: (i) spatial separation
of the oppositely charged particle acceleration; (ii) temporal
separation of positive and negative acceleration from the same
source and (iii) quasi-simultaneous acceleration, where con-
Figure 8.  Ratio of the ionization rate factor to the Bohm velocity tinuous acceleration of heavy positive ions is accompanied by
Kiz/uB, as a function of electron temperature for Xe. Reproduced
with permission from [31]. Copyright 2015 IOP Publishing.
periodical injection of electrons from the same source.

T = η D m′iVex,
(5) 5.1.  Spatial separation

where ηD is divergence efficiency and m′i is the ion mass flow Hence, the first possibility to solve the bipolar acceleration
rate. Divergence efficiency coefficient is about 0.55 for non- problem consists in a space separation of positive and negative
magnetic expansion and 0.7–0.85 for more efficient systems acceleration. In this case, the acceleration system consists of
with magnetic nozzles [31, 39]. two (or multiple) separated parts or segments allowing accel-
As follows from equations  (3) and (4), ion energy for eration of positive and negative particles extracted from two
expansion thruster is inversely proportional to the electron primary plasmas. It is important to mention that two sepa-
temperature in the discharge. Thus, there is a limit for ion rated plasma sources should be used in this system due to the
energy and consequently for the exhaust velocity that can be requirement of an equipotential boundary at the extraction
achieved because there is a maximum ionization rate factor system exit. Otherwise, formation of an enclosed current loop
(see figure 8) [31]. As recently shown by [31] the maximum between oppositely charged particle sources can be expected
achievable exhaust velocities for the plasma expansion thruster [43]. Necessity to use two or more plasma sources with dedi-
with or without the magnetic nozzle are about 25 km s−1 cated extraction systems makes this concept quite similar to
for Xe and 45 km s−1 for Ar. It should be noted that these standard propulsion systems with positive ion acceleration
values are comparable to the performances given by standard and electron neutralizer. However, since a ‘neutralizer’ in a
Hall and ion thrusters. conventional sense is eliminated, we briefly describe these
Requirement of high electron temperature for efficient systems below.
plasma acceleration stays in some contradiction with energy There are two examples of space-oriented exper­
loss minimization requirement. As a result, unavoidable extra- imental realization of the spatial separation principle; the
losses of energy in plasma expansion thruster should be well first ‘PEGASES’ (plasma propulsion with electronegative
balanced with propellant losses due to non-efficient accelera- GASES) thruster [14] and fullerene-based thruster [18] (see
tion. An example of good balance between power and pro- figure 9). Both concepts are based on positive and negative ion
pellant utilization efficiency is demonstrated by miniature extraction and acceleration using electrostatic grids, without
ECR coaxial thruster (ONERA, France) (figure 7(a)) [12]. any external electron source needed for beam neutralization.
Recent investigation shows 16% of total thruster efficiency Despite the apparent simplicity, these concepts struggle
and about 10 km s−1 of exhaust velocity for Xe propellant. with the problem of efficient broad negative ion beam extrac-
Corresponding thrust is about 1 mN and adsorbed power is tion with low electron fraction. This problem is well known
only 30 W [12]. in the negative ion source community, though the solution is
Although in principle all plasma expansion concepts pro- always compromising [19, 44]. The most important require-
vide long term neutralizer-free operation, the demonstrated ment for efficient negative ion extraction is very high plasma
performances such as specific impulse and thrust efficiency are electronegativity, such that the electron density is a few orders
generally lower than the performances provided by the tradi- of magnitude lower than the negative ion density. A so-
tional electric propulsion concepts (ion and Hall thrusters [4]). called ion–ion or electron-free plasma is formed in this case,
However, these thrusters can be easily downscaled, require
simple control onboard and minimal number of subsystems, 1
This classification is initially proposed by Prof S Dudin in private conver-
which makes them very attractive for the small spacecrafts [8]. sation at Kharkiv National University, Ukraine (2012).

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

Figure 9.  PEGASES (top) and fullerene-based (bottom) thruster

concepts. Bottom part of the figure is reproduced with permission
from [18]. Copyright 2015 ERPS.

providing equal fluxes of oppositely charged ions to the grids.

In this case, broad negative ion flow can be accelerated with-
out extra losses and plasma disturbance [45]. The efficiency
for negative ion acceleration can even reach the same values
as for positive ions [45].
High plasma electronegativity requires strongly electroneg-
ative non-standard propellants, such that electrons can attach
to the neutral molecules. The propellant can be halogens such
as SF6 (electron affinity Ea  =  2.6 eV) and I2 (Ea  =  2.42 eV)
or heavy fullerenes C60 (Ea  =  2.65 eV), C78 (Ea  =  3.05 eV)
or very electronegative C60F48 (Ea  =  4.06 eV). Note, that all
these propellants may have certain advantages in space due
to much easier storage than Xe gas; SF6 is easily liquidized Figure 10.  Series plasma systems allowing generation of
(critical pressure is 37.59 bar), I2 and fullerenes are solids at ion–electron ((a), (b)) and ion–ion quasi-neutral ((c), (d)) beams.
normal conditions. However, proof-of-principle is already Reproduced with permission from [46, 47]. Copyright 2014, 2004
AIP Publishing.
demonstrated only for I2, SF6 and C60 propellants [15, 16, 45].
In addition to initially space-oriented concepts with spatial
separation, few other original concepts with spatially sepa- the exit system. There is no information in the literature avail-
rated extraction exist [46, 47]. These concepts use a ‘series able about possible application of these concepts to the space
connection’ of two plasma sources, separated by the extraction propulsion, though they can be considered as neutralizer-free
and acceleration system, and one additional extraction system thruster candidates.
at the source exit. In the cases shown in figures  10(a)–(d)
the electrons [46] or negative ions [47] are accelerated
5.2.  Temporal separation
together with positive ions. Particles of one sign of charge are
extracted from the upstream plasma source and accelerated Temporal separation of positive and negative acceleration can
toward the downstream source. After passing the downstream be another option for reaching bi-polar propulsion. In this
plasma the initially accelerated particles reach the exit extrac- case, the generated beam can only be time averagely quasi-
tion system where they are decelerated. The exit extraction neutral, while time-resolved beam parameters such as space
system accelerates the oppositely charged particles extracted potential, particles density and energy, oscillate.
from downstream plasma. Due to acceleration–deceleration To our knowledge there is only one propulsion concept
scheme, equal energies of both positive and negative species based on this principle, which is the second version of the
can be achieved but with two times higher acceleration volt­ PEGASES concept [45]. The PEGASES II thruster uses elec-
age applied to the middle acceleration system compared to trostatic grids to accelerate alternately positive and negative

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

Figure 11.  Explanation to the alternate ion extraction from ion–ion plasma ((a), (b)) and schematic view on the PEGASES II thruster
prototype (c). Reproduced with permission from [45]. Copyright 2014 AIP Publishing.

ions applying a square voltage waveform to the plasma grid scientific missions and other applications requiring weak per-
as shown on figure  11 [45, 48]. At frequencies lower than turbations to the spacecraft environment.
the ion plasma frequency the extraction phases are long
enough to be considered similar to a DC case, while transient 5.3.  Quasi-simultaneous extraction from plasma
processes between the phases can slightly change the time-
averaged space charge [49]. During each extraction phase Quasi-simultaneous extraction from plasma is based on using
a focusing plasma meniscus can be formed in front of the significant difference in mass between positive and negative
extraction apertures when the appropriate voltage is applied. species in electropositive plasma, leading to different response
The thickness of the space charge sheath located between the of ions and electrons to the time-oscillating electric field. The
plasma edge and second grid can be estimated using a modi- idea of ‘quasi-simultaneous’ ion–electron acceleration using a
fied Child law [49]. RF biased gridded plasma source has been firstly proposed in
Due to a negligible amount of electrons and almost equal the 1990s at Kharkiv University (Ukraine) [50, 51].
mass of the ions, the positive and negative acceleration peri- The system is schematically shown on figure 13 and oper-
ods are very similar. Experimental measurements show that ates as follows. The source combines RF inductive and capac-
positive and negative extraction at similar conditions in SF6 itive discharges with RF antenna and biased electrodes. RF
plasma leads to very similar positive and negative ion beam power delivered to antenna controls plasma density and ion
formation [45, 48]. This is demonstrated in figure 12(a) show- flux towards the extraction system. Two RF-biased electrodes
ing measured velocity distribution functions of positive and of different areas have an electrical contact with plasma,
negative ions when 600 V p–p alternate voltage is applied to besides the smaller electrode is made as a conductive grid
the extraction system. (mesh). RF voltage is applied through a capacitor blocking
Slight difference in the mass of positive and negative ions the DC current in the system, and RF frequency is set between
is leading to different ion currents being extracted during the ion plasma and electron plasma frequencies (normally few to
positive and negative extraction phases. Examples are shown hundreds MHz range). With RF voltage applied to the elec-
on figures 12(b) and (c) where the extracted currents of positive trodes, space charge sheathes in front of electrodes form a
and negative ions (different products of SF6) are plotted as a structure close to capacitive divider, where each space charge
function of applied positive and negative acceleration voltages sheath plays a role of capacitor, while plasma electrically con-
and duty cycle (the frequency is fixed at 200 kHz). Despite the nects these capacitors. As a result of the different electrode
observed difference in extracted currents, the amount of emit- areas, equivalent sheath capacitance is also different for two
ted charge (or level of neutralization) can easily be controlled electrodes, and most of the applied RF voltage drops over the
by changing the waveform symmetry relatively to zero volt­ space charge sheath formed in front of the smaller electrode.
age and/or by controlling the duty cycle. Due to electron-free Different response time of ions and electrons to the oscillat-
plume [44] the PEGASES II thruster may be promising for ing field leads to rectification of the sheath voltage (so called

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

Figure 13.  Schematic view on the single grid system with quasi-
simultaneous ion/electron extraction (top) and equivalent electrical
circuit (bottom).

as a charge capacitor, efficiently smoothing space potential

oscillations [52].
The system can work in principle with any propellants, and
allows separate control of exhaust velocity and ion flux. In
addition, the presence of only one grid increases robustness
and eliminates the possibility of inter-grid breakdowns and
similar faults. However, this system, initially proposed as a
new etcher for microelectronic, was not investigated yet con-
sidering any thruster-related applications. One of the reasons
is the number of disadvantages and limitations considering
propulsion applications, namely: (1) ion acceleration in front
Figure 12.  (a) Positive and negative ion energy distribution
of the grid causes sputtering and limits lifetime; (2) high ion
functions; (b) positive and negative ion beam currents as a function
of acceleration voltage; (c) positive and negative ion fluxes from the energy range (>300 eV) cannot be easily achieved due to very
thruster as a function of the duty cycle at 200 kHz frequency and intense sputtering in this case; (3) focusing plasma meniscus
600 V p–p acceleration voltage. Reproduced with permission from in front of the apertures is replaced by defocusing meniscus
[45, 48]. Copyright 2014, 2013 AIP Publishing. due to acceleration scheme, which decreases efficiency; (4)
neutral gas and ion transparencies of the extraction system are
self-bias effect) [51]. As a result, massive ions are accelerated equal (in the best case), thus propellant utilization efficiency
in front of the gridded electrode by averagely positive poten- is lower than for classical ion thrusters [51, 53].
tial difference and leave the system through the extraction
holes. At the same time, much lighter electrons responding to
5.4.  Self-bias within the double-grid system
almost simultaneous electrical field are extracted from plasma
in short bursts when oscillating plasma potential approaches Recently, a new quasi-simultaneous plasma propulsion con-
zero values. Finally, the presence of a blocking DC capacitor cept has been proposed [54, 55]. Here ions and electrons are
in the system ensures the absence of any DC current, thus the also co-extracted from plasma, but capacitive divider and self-
total amount of extracted ions and electrons is time-averagely bias effects are achieved within the double-grid extraction
equal. This produces a well-compensated beam composed of system (see figure  14). In fact, when RF voltage is applied
continuously accelerated ions and pulsed electrons [51]. Due only between two closely spaced grids being in contact with
to the high mobility of electrons, the produced plume serves plasma, the equivalent circuit is very similar to the single-grid

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

Figure 15.  Schematic view of the experimental setup (a) and image
of the plume (b).

As follows from expression (6), the space charge limited cur­

rent is almost doubled in the RF case comparing with the DC
case for the same average value of acceleration voltage and
distance between the grids. This means that the thrust per area
Figure 14.  Illustration of the double grid propulsion concept with
ratio can be almost doubled using the RF acceleration prin-
RF acceleration scheme. Time moments t0 and t1 correspond to the ciple, which is very promising for propulsion technologies.
minimum and maximum values of the instantaneous electrical field. The concept is proposed in 2014 and proof-of-concept
has recently been achieved for Ar and N2 gases, where it was
case considered above. Electrical asymmetry required for the found that the RF ion acceleration has the same efficiency as
capacitive divider effect follows from partial screening of the traditional DC acceleration [55]. The floating potential of the
second grid from plasma by a first one [55]. beam is found to be lower than in the case of DC acceleration
In contrast to a single-grid system, this concept is free with neutralizer, which can be explained by highly directional
of sputtering problems since ion acceleration is localized extraction of electrons with RF acceleration scheme. Below
between the grids. In addition, focusing plasma meniscus in we present recent experimental results, where the thruster
front of the first grid can be formed, similarly to classical dc proto­type was installed on a 1 m scale vacuum tank.
thrusters. Another important feature of the RF acceleration The experimental setup is schematically shown on figure 15.
follows from the reduced positive space charge between the The thruster prototype called Neptune is made as a metallic rec-
grids, due to periodical electron injection. The space charge tangular parallelepiped with size 8  ×  12  ×  12 cm. The plasma is
limited current density JCL can be estimated using the modi- generated using an RF antenna supplied by a 4 MHz 200 W RF
fied Child–Langmuir law [56]: power. A set of two grids is placed at the source exit. Both grids
⎛ 2e ⎞1 / 2 V 3 / 2 are made of stainless steel and have an optical transparency of
JCL = ξ ⎜ 0 ⎟
(6) , 0.6 and an aperture diameter of 2.5 mm; the intergrid distance
⎝ mi ⎠ d2 is 2 mm. The extraction system is a rectangle with dimensions
65  ×  105 mm. An RF distribution and matching system is intro-
4 200
ξDC = ≈ 0.44, ξRF =
(7) = 0.82, duced to allow matching of the RF generator with the plasma
9 243 load and to distribute the RF power between the ICP antenna
where V is the average value of a voltage waveform, d is the and extraction grid system. The first grid in contact with the
distance between the grids and ξDC and ξRF are proportional plasma is biased with RF voltage via a blocking capacitor and
coefficients for the pure DC and RF ion acceleration cases [56]. the applied RF voltage amplitude is controlled in the range

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

Figure 17.  Angular distribution of the collimated Faraday probe

current measured for different RF acceleration voltages.

As mentioned above, when only the RF voltage is applied

to the acceleration grids a plasma self-bias effect leads to
the DC voltage generation. This effect is demonstrated on
figure 16, where the experimentally measured voltage wave-
forms are plotted for different RF voltages applied to the grids
(note, that the second grid is grounded). It is seen that the self-
generated DC component of the grid voltage is similar to the
amplitude of the RF voltage applied.
The time-averaged ion and electron energy distribution
functions (EDF) simultaneously measured by a RFEA are
shown on figure  16(b). It is seen that the ion EDF is multi-
peaked in the range 70–250 eV, while the electron EDF is
situated at low energy. Plume potential oscillations are shown
on figure 16(c) for different cases of acceleration RF voltage
applied. It is seen that the plume potential oscillates on a quite
small level (few volts) comparing to the applied RF accelera-
tion voltage (hundreds volts). Electron extraction moments
correspond to the plume potential minima, and between these
moments the plume potential increases with approximately
80 V μs−1 slope for the highest acceleration voltages.
The ion beam was further characterized by measuring
beam divergence angle. Figure 17 shows angular distributions
of the collimated Faraday probe current measured at three dif-
ferent acceleration voltages. Calculated half-divergence of the
beam reaches 14 degrees for the highest acceleration voltages,
which is comparable to other ion thrusters [4].
Figure 16.  (a) Voltage waveform of the first grid when 200, 400 In order to investigate the directionality of emitted elec-
and 600 V p–p RF voltage is applied. (b) Ion and electron EDFs
measured simultaneously in the downstream of the Neptune thruster trons, the EEDFs have been measured in the beam down-
with 200 V p–p RF acceleration voltage. (c) Waveform of the plume stream at different radial positions of RFEA and with
potential. different angular orientation with respect to the beam direction
(0 and 90 degrees). Figure  18(a) presents radial distribution
0–600 V p–p. The second grid is grounded. The Neptune proto­ of the electron fluxes measured along the beam direction, and
type is attached to a 1 m long cylindrical test chamber, where perpendicular to it (the RF voltage amplitude is 200 V). The
the propagating beam is analyzed. The main diagnostics con- electron flux has been deduced by integrating electron EDFs.
sists of a rotating RF-compensated double grid retarding field For comparison, figure  18(b) shows the same curves meas-
energy analyzer (RFEA), the beam target, Langmuir and planar ured with a DC powered system and a neutralizer installed.
probes, and collimated Faraday probe. The collimated probe As follows from figure 18, the electron flux is highly aniso-
has aspect ratio 10 and can be rotated around the axis. The Ar tropic in the ion beam region for the RF case only, and is equal
gas at 20 sccm mass flow is used, the pressure in the prototype in both directions (isotropic) at the beam periphery for both
is about 2 mTorr, and in the test chamber is 0.2 mTorr. RF and DC cases. Therefore, the electrons are directionally

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

Results of measurement of the ion current as a function of the

DC voltage component are shown on figure 19. As seen from
the figure, the RF acceleration provides higher ion current,
being in good agreement with predicted reduction of a space
charge. It should be noted, that a similar result has been previ-
ously measured with a single grid RF biased source [54].

6. Summary

In this work we considered neutralizer-free electric space pro-

pulsion concepts, where neutral or both positive and negative
particles are extracted from plasma and accelerated using the
single system. These concepts have been classified by accel-
eration principle on three categories: neutral beam generation,
plasma acceleration and bipolar beam acceleration concepts.
We considered basic physical principles of operation for each
category of concepts, comparing the main advantages and
The neutral beam propulsion concepts have the smallest
readiness level, being represented by only one system (CXT
thruster). In this system ions are accelerated from plasma and
converted into a fast neutral beam by charge-exchange pro-
cess. Despite the significant progress achieved, total thruster
efficiency remains one of the crucial parameters that needs
significant improvement.
Plasma acceleration concepts form the biggest group of
neutralizer-free plasma propulsion systems. This group is rep-
Figure 18.  Radial distribution of the electron fluxes measured resented by the already tested in space PPT concept, by the
along the beam direction and perpendicular to it with a RF-powered various prospective concepts based on free plasma expansion
acceleration system (a) and in a classical DC system with a and J  ×  B acceleration (coaxial ECR, RMF, HDLT, VAT, CAT
neutralizer (b). etc). The demonstrated performances such as specific impulse
and thrust efficiency for the plasma acceleration concepts are
generally lower than the performances provided by the tra-
ditional electric propulsion systems (ion and Hall thrusters).
However, these thrusters can be easily downscaled, require
simple control onboard and a minimal number of subsystems,
which makes them very attractive for many applications.
Beam acceleration concepts are represented by devices
based on simultaneous, alternate or quasi-simultaneous accel-
eration of positive and negative ions or positive ions and elec-
trons extracted from plasma using the polarized grids. The
strong advantage of beam acceleration concepts compared to
other neutralizer-free plasma propulsion systems follows from
strong technology heritage with existing ion thrusters. In this
work we briefly describe the Pegases and fullerene-filled ion–
ion thruster concepts, and ion–electron concepts based on RF
Figure 19.  Ion currents extracted using the double grid RF biased
As shown here, a recent concept with RF acceleration
(a) and DC biased acceleration system.
scheme seems to be one of the most prospective from novel
co-extracted along with ions from the Neptune thruster EP concepts. This concept assumes using the plasma self-bias
prototype. effect in the RF-powered gridded system, providing quasi-
Finally, the ion extraction efficiency has been compared simultaneous ion–electron acceleration. The first proof-of-
with the case of standard DC ion acceleration and a neutral- concept is already achieved, demonstrating similar efficiency
izer installed. The same plasma source at the same ICP power as for traditional gridded ion thrusters. The ion and electron
has been used in two experiments, where grids were powered fluxes emitted by the source are equal helping to achieve much
with RF or DC voltage. In the last case, the appropriate hot better beam neutralization than in traditional systems with
filament neutralizer has been installed in the source proximity. neutralizers. The experiments show that the emitted flow of

Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 25 (2016) 043001 Topical Review

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