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L6 Jornada 6B -M-F 6-8

Unit #10 Class Notes

Zapata Bonet William Alexander

#1 Thursday April 18- your career.

The career I'm studying is automotive mechanical engineering. I am studying this
career because it always seemed to me a very interesting area of engineering. I am
very close to finishing my degree. I just need to deliver the degree project this
semester to be able to graduate. When I graduate from the career I will start with a
workshop automotive paint with my cousin who works in the same area and thus
meet my goals in this career
#2- Tuesday April 18- 10A – Articles- Grammar practice
1. 1. An, a
2. A, the
3. The, -
4. The, -
5. - , -
: 6. The
: 7. - , -
8. A, -
1. An
2. -
3. The
4. The
5. A
6. -
7. An
8. -
9. The
10. -
11. -
12. -
13. The
14. -
15. -
16. The
17. –

#3 – Thuesday April 18– ASU Academic Analysis -Unit 7 Sociology

Young people share very different opinions and ideas about life. Many young people
tend to solve challenges and problems in a way that older people think is probably not
the right way to deal with them. Many older people, when they reach an age where
they can retire, tend to do relaxing activities such as traveling or spending more time
with their families. Young people in Ecuador usually start their working life from the
age of 18, this is caused by the low quality of life that exists in the country. I believe
that if the person is studying at the university, he can also get a job. So we can say that
we had work and I have experience. this can help us get a better job when we finish
#4 -Wednesday April 19 – ASU 7.2 mysteries, 7.3 vocabulary
Case 1
The poison was in the ice and the one who drank the tea quickly was not poisoned
because the ice did not melt
Case 2
The maid is the prime suspect because in English-speaking countries, there is no mail
delivery on Sundays.
Baby boomers

#5 – Thuesday April 20-108 Relative Clauses – Grammar Practice

2. Coca-Cola that also called Coke is sold in more than 200 countries
3. Barack Obama who born in Hawaii was the 44th president of the united states of
4. The moon that has water under its surface, might be a future home for humans

#6 - Thuesday April 20- ASU 7.4 Reading #1

1- Eric Busch studied Communications, and is currently studying journalism, I think that
as a journalist he can carry out a good study and analysis on this case between the 2
2- According to an AARP article by Tom Dunkel, the older generation is not only living
longer and accumulating more wealth, but working later in life, what some see as Baby
Boomers unfairly displacing younger workers from high-paying jobs. . While
resentment among Millennials toward Baby Boomers lingers
3- Millennials want a job that really matters to them and that they feel is worth the
effort. As Putter claims that Millennials are less willing to simply take a job that is "just
a job" after they graduate from college. Doing boring and repetitive work as an entry-
level worker while waiting for your dream job is no longer an acceptable concept for
4- The author comes to the conclusion that these intergenerational stereotypes are
not something new and the accusations of laziness and doing things wrong will also be
repeated for future generations in the same way that they already happened with
generations before ours.
# 7 Friday April 21 ASU 7.4 Reading #2 Silver Tsunami
1. I think that this person as a journalist is qualified to carry out the investigation of
this problema.
2. I think the phrase refers to the fact that millennials think they will always be young
and should not have more responsibilities.
3. In the first paragraph we can understand that the boomers perform their jobs in a
better way than the millennials but the massive retirement of the boomers could
generate big problems for the companies for which they have to prepare the
4. I believe that this article seeks to help companies prepare to be able to face the
retirement of the boomers and that they will have to prepare the millenians to occupy
their Jobs.
5. The purpose was to warn companies of a problem that they may have in the future
if they do not train younger workers.
6. In the first paragraph you seem to be against millennials but then explain the
problem that would be in the future not having qualified young personnel for Jobs.

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