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Postulation to work as Systems Enginner

Good morning, my name is Carlos Arturo Merchan Gutierrez, i am 20 years old and
i want to apply for the employ of the company.

The application is for the offer of Systems Enginner, my porpuse to the application
to this work is because i actually study all about the systems and computation and i
think i am qualified to do the works that the company need. My habilities are:
créate softwares for the companies, use the differents applications like Word,
Porwerpoint, Excel, Canva, JiraSoftware, Corel, Inventor, Photoshop, LucidChart,
Scrum, etc… Im very responsable with my works, I am a person who works in
groups and has good ideas. I offer to the company all my knowledge and my effort
to make all the works the company need, with new and creative ideas to improve
the company. If you are interested to contact with me my basic information are:

Phone Number: 3225637496


House Number: 8822772

Address: Tr 7 No 4ª 83

Another Number to contact with me: 3114536080

Without more to say, i hope we can work together and be a great team to improve
the company.



Carlos Arturo Merchan Gutierrez

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