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From: alejandraarangoserna87@gmail.

Subject: aplication for a job as a software developer
Dear Ms Black,
My name is Alejandra Arango of the city of Medellín, department of Antioquia.
I am writing in response to for the application for the job position in your company
as a software developer i would be grateful if you could provide some further
Firstly, I have researched your company for several days and have only seen and
heard positive things about you.
Secondly, I am interested in working with you and being part of your company, I
feel that I meet the requirements. I have two years of experience as a technologist,
I am responsible, I am cheerful and I really like to help others. I studied at sena a
technology in software analysis and development. I have knowledge in systems
and I can work with ease in everything that has to do with computers.
Finally, I would like more detailed information about the position and the benefits
that I would have to work with you.
i look forward to hearing from youn.
Yours sincerely.

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