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My dream job would be an electronic device businessmen.

addition to experience, I have some qualifications like
undergraduate degree, certification in business. I have a good
communication skill, that is a plus, but I think I need to improve
my data analysis skill to make it easier to work and access work.
I imagine the job would involve saling and investing the
electronic device, and also analyzing the market data to
understand about domestic and foreign device . The most
difficult thing would be analyzing a lot of datas in different
markets in the world, it quite comfusing and need to be careful
when analyzing it, but I think I can get over it. It is my dream job
because I love working with electronic device and analazing
data, and it relate to math so I love it. I love working in a multi-
national corporation in order to improve my skill and learning a
lot of new things that can help me in this work.

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