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My Profession Is:Computer Engineering

From a very early age, I have always been fascinated by the power and potential of computers
and how they can transform society in all aspects. This fascination has led me to choose the
profession of a computer engineer as my path in life.

There are several reasons why I myself chose this profession, first of all I would like to be part of
a discipline that is constantly evolving and that it has a significant impact on the world around
us.In addition, problem solving is a fundamental aspect in this profession, be it optimize
algorithms, design software systems or improve efficiency of hardware systems. Every day
presents new challenges that require a analytical mindset and critical thinking skills, and that's
exactly what i look for in a career.

Another reason why I want to be a computer engineer is the diversity of opportunities offered
by this profession. Technology is present in almost all aspects of our lives, from communication
and entertainment to health and education. This means that as a computer engineer, I can
choose from a wide range of fields and sectors in which to work.

This profession gives me the opportunity to apply my creativity and logical thinking to create
technological solutions that have a positive impact on people's lives. Inside of me career I plan
to focus on software development and programming.

I like the idea of creating applications and programs that improve efficiency and productivity in
different areas, be it in business, education or entertainment. However, although my main focus
is software development, I can not ignore my love for video games.Since I was a child, video
games have been a source of inspiration and entertainment for me. The possibility of creating
interactive experiences and immersing players in virtual worlds is something that excites me
deeply.Therefore, I also aspire to develop video games.

I understand that the game development industry is highly competitive and demanding, but I
am willing to put in the time and effort to learn and improve my skills in that field. I believe that
the combination of my training as a computer engineer and my passion for video games give me
a solid foundation to explore this area and contribute to the industry growth.

Abraham Mendoza

4 Section "B"

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