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Communications & Public Relations www.IODE.

ca October 2020


IODE Canadian Disaster Fund

In 2019, a house fire in Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug, also known as Big
Trout Lake First Nation in northern Ontario took the lives of a mother and
four children.
A 47-year-old single mother, three adopted children ages 7, 9 and 12, along
with her 6-year-old biological daughter perished in the early morning fire.
Her older daughter was not home at the time.

Firefighters suggested that if a smoke detector had been installed, the loss
of life might have been prevented.
IODE Ontario has a long time relationship with the First Nation Community
sends parcels to the Aglace Chapman Education Centre and the community
Nursing Station.
With the advice of Fire Service Professionals to determine the appropriate
model for the conditions, the Provincial Chapter decided to spearhead a pilot
project to provide smoke detectors to the community.
The Board of Directors was approached for financial assistance from the
IODE Canadian Disaster Fund to purchase the detectors. The IODE
Canadian Disaster Fund is supported by chapters and private donations to
provide relief to disaster victims. Since 1997, IODE Canada has allocate
funds to those who have sustained heavy losses for essential items or other
necessities of life.

IODE Canada, 40 Orchard View Blvd. Suite 219, Toronto, Ontario M4R 1B9
IODE Ontario purchased 102 smoke detectors at a cost of $2,197. They are
on their way to this northern fly-in community courtesy of IODE Ontario's
partners the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) Indigenous Policing Bureau
Team. Once in Big Trout Lake, an experienced tradesperson in the
community will install the units.
THANK YOU to IODE Ontario, Ontario Fire Services, the OPP and the
community of Big Trout Lake for participating in this collaborative effort.

Smiling behind those masks (from left to right)

Virginia Reade, IODE Ontario Services Officer;
Patricia Scallan of the IODE 48th Highlanders Chapter, Toronto
and OPP Officer Sargent Gilles Lachance

About IODE Canada

Founded in 1900, IODE Canada is a national women’s charitable organization
dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals through education
support, community service and citizenship programs. For more information
about our organization and charitable work, please visit the Media Centre on our
website. Become a Member.

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