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Grammar videos: The past simple – regular verbs – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Yu Quan. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of past
simple regular verbs.

1. Check your grammar: true or false – past simple regular verbs

Are these sentences True or False?

1. We use the past simple for things in the past which have finished. True False

2. We use the past simple for things that are happening now. True False

3. We use the past simple for single events or situations in the past. True False

4. We use the past simple for repeated events in the past. True False

5. We only use the past simple for things a long way back in the past. True False

We use the past simple for things a long way back in the past and things in
6. True False
the recent past.

We use the auxiliary did or didn’t to form questions and negatives in the past
7. True False

8. We use the auxiliary have to form questions and negatives in the past simple. True False

2. Check your grammar: gap fill – past simple regular verbs

Put the verb in the past simple tense to fill the gaps.

1. The cat _______________ (escape) from the garden.

2. They _______________ (agree) with me about the album.

3. He _______________ (try) to start the car.

4. We _______________ (enjoy) the funfair a lot.

5. Tell me, what _______________ (happen)?

6. She _______________ (stop) at a zebra crossing.

7. I _______________ (carry on) working until late.

8. Alfie _______________ (fail) his driving test again.

3. Check your grammar: multiple choice – past simple regular verbs

Circle the correct sentence, a or b.

1. a. Did he talked to you? b. Did he talk to you?

2. a. They no liked the film. b. They didn’t like the film.

3. a. We planed to go on a trip round the US. b. We planned to go on a trip round the US.

4. a. I tryed to help her. b. I tried to help her.

5. a. The door opened and we went in. b. The door openned and we went in.

6. a. Played you tennis last year? b. Did you play tennis last year?

7. a. We decideed to go home. b. We decided to go home.

8. a. They stopped working and went for lunch. b. They stoped working and went for lunch.


Did you like this grammar snack?

What did you do yesterday?
Grammar videos: To be – present and past – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Lucia. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of the
present and past of ‘to be’.

1. Check your grammar: matching – to be

Match the two parts of the questions and answers. Write a–h next to the number 1–8.

1…….. How old a. is she from?

2…….. I b. is from Brazil.

3…….. Where c. are you?

4…….. She d. am sixteen.

5…….. How are e. £5.

6…….. I’m f. it?

7…….. How much is g. you?

8…….. It’s h. fine, thanks.

2. Check your grammar: gap fill – to be

Complete the gaps with a form of ‘to be’ from the box.

Are ‘re ‘s ‘m was was Is were

1. Her job _______________ really cool.

2. Where _______________ you at 8:30 last night?

3. I _______________ here, but I can’t see you.

4. She _______________ a teacher for years before she started writing a blog.

5. They _______________ in my class at school.

6. The airline _______________ so nice to me last week.

7. _______________ you OK?

8. _______________ he still at the café?

3. Check your grammar: gap fill – to be

Write the correct form of ‘to be’ to fill the gaps.

1. He _______________ late again yesterday.

2. Daisy _______________ (not) very happy at the moment.

3. I _______________ 18 years old.

4. _______________ he a friend of yours?

5. They _______________ (not) from round here.

6. We _______________ tired last week, after so much trekking.

7. Alfie _______________ (not) in Ollie’s class last year.

8. What _______________ your journey like this morning?

Grammar videos: Prepositions of time – exercises

Watch the video and read the conversation

between Sophie and Pachi. Then do these
exercises to check your understanding of the
different prepositions of time.

1. Check your grammar: grouping – prepositions of time

Write the words under the correct preposition.

Monday morning 9 o’clock lunchtime Tuesday August

Easter New Year’s Eve 1997 the weekend Christmas

the afternoon my birthday 17th March the past the 60s

in on at

2. Check your grammar: gap fill – prepositions of time

Write the preposition to fill the gaps.

1. I finish school early _______________ Wednesdays.

2. Are you going to work _______________ the summer holidays?

3. I only ever see my cousins _______________ Christmas.

4. _______________ the past, you couldn’t buy such a variety of different foods.

5. What shall we do _______________ the weekend?

6. Mobile phones were invented _______________ the 80s.

7. My exam is _______________ 7th June.

8. I’m having my first guitar lesson _______________ Friday afternoon.

3. Check your grammar: multiple choice – prepositions of time
Circle the correct sentence.

1. a. We were waiting during five hours.

b. We were waiting for five hours.
c. We were waiting at five hours.

2. a. What are you doing at the weekend?

b. What are you doing in the weekend?
c. What are you doing the weekend?

3. a. It’s so beautiful in the park on summer!

b. It’s so beautiful in the park at summer!
c. It’s so beautiful in the park in summer!

4. a. We woke up on dawn because of all the mosquitoes!

b. We woke up in dawn because of all the mosquitoes!
c. We woke up at dawn because of all the mosquitoes!

5. a. I’m going on holiday tomorrow! I’m going in two weeks.

b. I’m going on holiday tomorrow! I’m going for two weeks.
c. I’m going on holiday tomorrow! I’m going at two weeks.

6. a. I always go out at Friday nights.

b. I always go out on Friday nights.
c. I always go out in Friday nights.

7. a. It’s very noisy at night in this street.

b. It’s very noisy in night in this street.
c. It’s very noisy on night in this street.

8. a. I’ll see you on next Friday.

b. I’ll see you next Friday.
c. I’ll see you on at next Friday.


Think of your favourite day of the week. What time do you get up? What do you do, and when? What is the
best part of the day for you?
Grammar videos: Personal pronouns and possessives – exercises

Watch the video and read the conversation

between Sophie and Hakan. Then do these
exercises to check your understanding of personal
pronouns and possessives.

1. Check your grammar: multiple choice – personal pronouns and possessives

Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.

1. Could you / her / your take a message, please?

2. They showed us all they / their / ours holiday photos last night.

3. I’m sorry but these seats are my / their / ours .

4. Sandy and I / me / her are going to the café.

5. Do you want I / me / my to turn this off?

6. I saw your sister’s paintings yesterday. She / They / Its were very good.

7. They’ve got two babies and they take they / their / them everywhere.

8. Let he / my / him help you with that.

2. Check your grammar: gap fill – personal pronouns and possessives

Complete the gaps with a word from the box.

I I me me me mine you you

he She it its we us our

1. That’s my brother’s cup and this is ____________. My grandmother gave it to ____________.

2. Good morning. Can ____________ help ____________?

3. Ah, there’s Jade’s watch. Could ____________ pass it to ____________? I’ll keep it safe.

4. That poor dog has lost one of ____________ legs.

5. Look! I’ve got Poppy’s phone number! She gave ____________ it last night.

6. ____________ don’t mind where ____________ go but ____________ doesn’t like the beach.

7. ____________ never lets ____________ watch TV after 9 p.m.

8. Do you like ____________ new car? ____________ is second-hand.

Grammar videos: Personal pronouns and possessives – exercises

3. Check your grammar: gap fill – personal pronouns and possessives

Complete the sentences with a personal pronoun or a possessive adjective.

1. Has Jack left? He has forgotten _______________ hat.

2. Some of them didn't give the teacher _______________ homework.

3. I love these earrings! My friend gave _______________ to me for my birthday.

4. She's probably hungry. Can you offer _______________ something to eat?

5. When will we get _______________ exam results?

6. Why are the cats making so much noise? Have you fed _______________ yet?

7. If anyone phones for me, tell _______________ I'll call them back.

8. It's not Daisy's! It's _______________! My mum bought it for me.


What's the best present you've ever had? What was it and who gave it to you?
Grammar videos: The present simple - exercises

Watch the video and read the conversation between

Sophie and Niwat. Then do these exercises to check
your understanding of the present simple.

1. Check your grammar: true or false – the present simple

Circle True or False for these sentences about the present simple.

1. We use it for talking about permanent states or situations. True False

2. We use it for things happening at the moment. True False

3. We use it for general facts (e.g. scientific facts). True False

4. We use it for talking about timetables (e.g. bus or lesson timetables). True False

5. We use it for future plans. True False

6. We use it for routines (e.g. things we do every day or week). True False

7. We use it for talking about likes and dislikes. True False

8. We use it for giving opinions (e.g. with the verbs think / believe). True False

2. Check your grammar: multiple choice – the present simple

Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

1. Jack go / goes to a film club on Wednesdays.

2. I love / loves reading in my free time.

3. They don’t / doesn’t usually see each other during the week.

4. The train leave / leaves at 6.30.

5. Do / Does Ollie play chess?

6. Daisy like / likes most sports.

7. We always get up / gets up at 7 o’clock.

8. What do / does you think of their new album?

3. Check your grammar: gap fill – the present simple

Write the word in the correct form to fill the gaps.

1. Alfie ________________ in London. (live)

2. ________________ you go swimming a lot? (Do)

3. Sophie ________________ in Thailand today. (be)

4. We ________________ go to the same school. (do not)

5. I ________________ old black and white films. (hate)

6. She ________________ as a travel writer. (work)

7. My dad ________________ breakfast before us. (have)

8. They ________________ taekwondo on Tuesdays. (do)

Grammar videos: The present continuous – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Hadiyah. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of the
present continuous.

1. Check your grammar: true or false – present continuous

Are these sentences True or False?

1. We use the present continuous for permanent states or situations. True False

2. We use the present continuous for temporary situations. True False

3. We often use the present continuous for things happening right now. True False

4. We can use the present continuous for future arrangements. True False

5. We can use the present continuous with all verbs. True False

6. Some verbs – for talking about emotions, thinking, the senses, etc. –
True False
cannot be used in the continuous form.

7. Sometimes the spelling of the infinitive form changes when we add -ing. True False

2. Check your grammar: gap fill – present continuous

Write the words to fill the gaps. Put the verb in the present continuous tense.

1. I’m really busy – I _______________________ (study) for the exam.

2. Right now we _______________________ (ride) camels!

3. They said they _______________________ (have) a great time.

4. Daisy _______________________ (download) an album.

5. What _______________________ (you do) at the moment?

6. They _______________________ (wait) for me in the café.

7. _______________________ (Oliver work) hard?

8. The weather’s terrible, so we _______________________ (not go) walking much.

3. Check your grammar: multiple choice – present continuous
Circle the correct sentence.

1. a. The TV no is working.
b. The TV is not working.
c. The TV is not works.

2. a. She sending a message to Billie.

b. She is send a message to Billie.
c. She is sending a message to Billie.

3. a. Come on, the film’s starting.

b. Come on, the film’s start.
c. Come on, the film is start.

4. a. She’s knowing Alfie very well.

b. She knows Alfie very well.
c. She knowing Alfie very well.

5. a. You going to Chinese classes?

b. Are you going to Chinese classes?
c. Do you going to Chinese classes?

6. a. He going to buy some milk.

b. He is go to buy some milk.
c. He’s going to buy some milk.

7. a. The price of food goes up at the moment.

b. The price of food is going up at the moment.
c. The price of food going up at the moment.

8. a. What are you doing?

b. What are you do?
c. What do you doing?


Are you good at doing lots of things at the same time?

What are you doing now, apart from practising your English?
Grammar videos: Some, any, every and no – exercises

Watch the video and read the conversation

between Sophie and Hakan. Then do these
exercises to check your understanding of some,
any, every and no.

1. Check your grammar: grouping – some, any, every and no

Write the phrases in the correct group.

I really don’t like some You won’t find Anything is better

I’d like some advice.
of his songs. anywhere like this. than this!

There was nothing There was nobody She can go anywhere Anyone can answer
he could do. at the door. she wants. that question!

Zero Limited Unlimited

2. Check your grammar: gap fill – some, any, every and no

Complete the gaps with a word.

1. I think the house was empty because __________________ one answered the door.

2. Could I have __________________ grapes, please? Just a few.

A: “__________________ else, sir?”

B: “No, thank you, that’s everything.”

4. I wish I knew __________________ who could help me with this.

5. There isn’t __________________ that sells sunglasses in the shopping centre. Try the High Street.

A: “Where would you like to go on holiday?”

B: “__________________ with sun and a beach. I want a tan!”

7. Has __________________ seen my purse?

8. Mum! There’s __________________ on the phone for you!

3. Check your grammar: gap fill – some, any, every and no

Complete the gaps with a word from the box.

anyone nothing None anywhere

some Nobody somewhere any

A: “Can I have a biscuit?”

B: “Sorry, there aren’t ____________________ left.”

She has an allergy which means she can’t eat ____________________ types of cheese, but there
are a few kinds that are OK.

3. I’ve never met ____________________ like her before.

4. ____________________ of us knew the answer. We didn’t have a clue!

5. Can we sit ____________________ quieter, please? It’s very noisy in here.

6. You can’t buy real pizza ____________________ in this town!

7. ____________________ knows the exact date this planet was created.

8. There’s ____________________ good on TV tonight, so we’re going to the cinema.

Grammar videos: Question words – exercises

Watch the video and read the conversation

between Sophie and Neema. Then do these
exercises to check your understanding of question

1. Check your grammar: gap fill – question words

Complete the gaps with a question word from the box.

What Where How How often

When Why Who whose

1. A: ____________________ are you going on holiday?

B: Next Friday.

2. A: ____________________ are you going?

B: Croatia.

3. A: ____________________ bought the tickets?

B: My mum did.

4. A: ____________________ do you go on holiday?

B: Once every two years.

5. A: ____________________ don’t you go more often?

B: Because we don’t want to.

6. A: ____________________ do you do the other years?

B: We relax in the garden and visit friends.

7. A: ____________________ do you choose your holiday destination?

B: We use the internet.

8. A: And ____________________ idea was it to go to Croatia?

B: Our neighbours recommended it.
Grammar videos: Question words – exercises

2. Check your grammar: multiple choice – question words

Circle the correct sentence.

1. a. What you have for lunch?

b. What did you have for lunch?
c. What had you for lunch?

2. a. Who is that letter from?

b. From who is that letter?
c. Who is from that letter?

3. a. She always sings in the shower?

b. Sings she always in the shower?
c. Does she always sing in the shower?

4. a. Can we go and visit Gran?

b. We can go and visit Gran?
c. Can go and visit Gran?

5. a. Who you bought those boots?

b. Who bought you those boots?
c. Who did buy you those boots?

6. a. Do you go to the cinema how often?

b. How often do you go to the cinema?
c. How often you go to the cinema?

7. a. What did he in Germany?

b. What he did in Germany?
c. What did he do in Germany?

8. a. Would you like another piece of cake?

b. Do you would like another piece of cake?
c. Do you like another piece of cake?
Grammar videos: Question words – exercises

3. Check your grammar: ordering – question words

Write the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. to Who were you ? talking

2. are at they ? looking What

3. music ? down the you Could turn

4. is for What homework the today ?

5. Who that photo ? took

6. match time does ? the start What

7. you How clean often ? do teeth your

8. penguins bears Why don’t ? polar eat



What questions do you like to ask people when you first meet them?
Grammar videos: There is / There are and It – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Maria. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of the
There is / There are and It.

1. Check your grammar: correct or incorrect

Are these sentences correct or incorrect?

1. There’s difficult to say. Correct Incorrect

2. There’s really raining hard now. Correct Incorrect

3. It’s six o’clock and there’s dark already. Correct Incorrect

4. Sophie says it’s time to go. Correct Incorrect

5. Don’t look now, but it’s a dragon behind you. Correct Incorrect

6. It’s not all fun and games. Correct Incorrect

7. It’s a good film on this evening. Correct Incorrect

8. They said there will be snow later. Correct Incorrect

2. Check your grammar: multiple choice

Circle the best answer for these questions.

1. __________ a new girl in my class.

is there
2. How far __________ to your house?
is it

Is there
3. __________ anything happening?
Is it

4. __________ nice to meet you.

5. __________ a party at Alfie’s tomorrow.

Is there
6. __________ time for a quick snack before we go?
Is it
Is there
7. __________ Sunday tomorrow?
Is it

8. __________ always a lot going on in Barcelona.

3. Check your grammar: ordering

Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. it Today ‘s birthday ! my

2. where ? you are Is it sunny

3. . people of here lots are There

4. in the there giants Were ? street

5. It being was than better at home .

6. not are the holidays until left There days many .

Grammar videos: The definite article – exercises

Watch the video and read the conversation

between Sophie and Emma. Then do these
exercises to check your understanding of the
definite article.

1. Check your grammar: grouping – the definite article

Write the words and phrases in the correct group.

youngest roses (in general) Monday Moon Jane’s

Danube Andes first Lake Geneva Beasley Street

love (in general) Mount Everest Ministry of Education

the ……… Ø ………

2. Check your grammar: multiple choice – the definite article

Circle the best answer to complete the sentences.

a. books
1. He collects _______________. He's got over two thousand!
b. the books

a. Alps
2. We're going skiing in _______________ for New Year!
b. the Alps

a. a president
3. She's _______________ of a country in Europe.
b. the president
a. a dog
4. Honey, could you feed _______________, please?
b. the dog

a. animals
5. My sister loves _______________. She wants to be a vet.
b. the animals

a. a cinema
6. My mum wants to go to _______________ for her birthday.
b. the cinema

a. Pacific Ocean
7. The Gilbert and Ellis Islands are in _______________.
b. the Pacific Ocean

a. money
8. They say _______________ makes the world go round.
b. the money

3. Check your grammar: gap fill – the definite article

Complete the sentences with ‘the’ or ‘Ø’.

1. What's on at _______________ theatre _______________ next week?

2. Who is _______________ most famous athlete in _______________ world?

3. 'Jamie! Your mother's on _______________ phone!'

_______________ Mount Everest is in _______________ Himalayas, in both _______________

Nepal and _______________ China.

5. Washington DC, _______________ capital city of _______________ USA, isn't in a state.

6. Everybody needs _______________ love.

7. I want to sit on _______________ beach and watch _______________ sun go down.

8. Could you take _______________ rubbish out, please?


Have you ever visited a different country? What did you see? What differences did you notice between
there and home?
Grammar videos: Comparative and superlative adjectives – exercises

Watch the video and read the conversation between

Sophie and Giovanni. Then do these exercises to
check your understanding of comparative and
superlative adjectives.

1. Check your grammar: true or false – comparatives and superlatives

Are these sentences True or False?

1. To compare two things, we add -er to many adjectives. True False

2. We add -est to make the superlative form of many adjectives. True False

3. We never change the spelling of the adjective before adding -er / -est. True False

4. We often use "than" after a comparative. True False

5. We often use "the" before a superlative. True False

6. With longer adjectives, we use "more" + adjective or "most" + adjective. True False

7. There are a lot of irregular comparatives and superlatives. True False

2. Check your grammar: gap fill writing – comparatives and superlatives

Write the words to fill the gaps. Use comparatives and superlatives.

1. The clothes here are _______________________ (good) than in my town.

2. That’s my _______________________ (bad) mark ever!

3. It’s _______________________ (far) than I thought – I think we’re lost.

4. That’s the _______________________ (disgusting) meal I’ve ever had!

5. I hope your team’s _______________________ (lucky) today than last week.

6. They’re _______________________ (happy) in their new school than in their old one.

7. It’s the _______________________ (good) song on the album.

8. Your spaghetti sauce is _______________________ (tasty) than my mum’s.

3. Check your grammar: multiple choice – comparatives and superlatives
Circle the correct sentence.

1. a. The more amazing thing just happened to me!

b. The most amazing thing just happened to me!
c. The amazingest thing just happened to me!

2. a. He’s a lot taller than you.

b. He’s a lot taller you.
c. He's a lot taller from you.

3. a. She’s worst than me at maths.

b. She’s worse than me at maths.
c. She’s more bad than me at maths.

4. a. He’s the most good in the team at goal scoring.

b. He’s the best in the team at goal scoring.
c. He’s best in the team at goal scoring.

5. a. This pizza isn’t as good as Alfie’s.

b. This pizza isn’t as good Alfie’s.
c. This pizza isn’t as best Alfie’s.

6. a. It’s frighteninger if you look down.

b. It’s more frightening if you look down.
c. It’s the frightening if you look down.

7. a. Where’s the most cheap place to eat?

b. Where’s the more cheap place to eat?
c. Where’s the cheapest place to eat?

8. a. I’ve been running a lot. I think I’m faster now.

b. I’ve been running a lot. I think I’m more fast now.
c. I’ve been running a lot. I think I’m more faster now.


Which meal do you think is tastier, fish and chips or pizza? Where do you get the best pizza where you
Grammar videos: This, that, these, those – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Anita. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of this,
that, these and those.

1. Check your grammar: gap fill – this, that, these and those
Complete the gaps with the best answer from the box.

these / those general things physically near us

that / those far away from us On the phone

We use 'this / that' for singular and uncountable nouns and _________________________ for
plural nouns.

2. We use ‘this / these’ for things which are _________________________.

3. We use ‘that / those’ for things which are _________________________.

4. We also use _________________________ for things which are distant from us in time.

5. We can use ‘this / that’ to refer to _________________________, e.g. what somebody has said.

6. _________________________ we can say, ‘This is Ollie’ (if you are Ollie) or ‘Is that Alfie?’

2. Check your grammar: multiple choice – this, that, these and those
Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

1. We’re going to play tennis this / that morning.

2. Shall I wear this shirt or that / those one?

3. Can I have a look at that / those trousers?

4. Let’s go to this / that new club in the city centre.

5. These / Those posters you gave me look great on my wall.

6. Look at this / that ring over here.

7. We’ll have to do some work now; this / that isn’t a holiday, you know.

8. Hi Stuart, this / it is my friend Sylvie.

3. Check your grammar: gap fill – this, that, these and those
Write the word to fill the gaps. Use this, that, these or those.

1. I’m really busy _______________ morning.

2. _______________ cake you made last week was delicious.

3. Let me introduce you. Sue, _______________ is Tom.

4. I’m going to take back _______________ shoes I bought last week.

5. Are you going to watch _______________ DVD with us?

6. First you need to chop up _______________ tomatoes over there.

7. Hello, _______________ is Nick speaking.

8. Yes, _______________’s right. I completely agree with you.


Did you enjoy this Grammar Snack? Do you think Oliver will like that shirt?
Grammar videos: The past simple – irregular verbs – exercises

Watch the video on our website and read the

conversation between Sophie and Lucia. Then do
these exercises to check your understanding of past
simple irregular verbs.

1. Check your grammar: true or false – past simple irregular verbs

Are these sentences True or False?

1. To form the past simple, we add -ed to the end of regular verbs. True False

2. There are many different forms of irregular verbs in the past simple. True False

3. We use did + not + infinitive to form past simple negatives with all types of verbs. True False

We use did + subject + infinitive to form past simple questions with all types of
4. True False

5. There are clear rules about how to form the past simple for irregular verbs. True False

6. You have to learn all the different irregular verb forms of the past simple. True False

2. Check your grammar: multiple choice – past simple irregular verbs

Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. hear
We _______________ about the storm on the news.

2. find out
They _______________ that it was my birthday.
found out

3. bring
The waiter _______________ us the menu to look at.

4. sleep
I didn’t _______________ very well last night.

5. leave
Did you _______________ your coat in the cafe?

6. freeze
It was so cold that the pipes _______________.
7. tell
She didn’t _______________ us what to do for homework.

8. feel
He _______________ bad about failing the test.

3. Check your grammar: gap fill – past simple irregular verbs

Put the irregular verb in the past simple tense to fill the gaps.

1. I _______________ (buy) some food for lunch.

2. Who _______________ (meet) you at the airport?

3. We all _______________ (have) the same idea.

4. _______________ (do) you speak to Sophie?

5. I _______________ (see) the weather forecast earlier.

6. He _______________ (give) us a lift into town.

7. She _______________ (read) three books in one week!

8. They _______________ (take) a taxi to the hotel.

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