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Network Starter Pack


Layer 1 - Physical: transmission and reception of RAW BIT STREAMS, pcs connected

Layer 2 - Data link, two pcs linked, hub example and the problems that it brings.

Layer 3 - Network → addition of Switch to our equation. Pcs now have distinct addresses in a
network, we can now send data specifically to the pc we want.
● Ip addresses have 32 bits, 4 octects
● DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration P
● Subnet masks → allows a HOST to determine if an ip address it needs to communicate with is
local or remote. Therefore, it determines if the host will need to use a gateway or local.
● Route Tables → Router compares packet destination IP and Route table for matching
destinations. If the destination matches with more than one rule, it will always goes to the
more specific ones. /0 is least specific and 0/32 is the most specific.
● Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) → Proccess that occurs when data is being moved
from layer 3 to layer 2. The laptop has the local IP, destination IP and subnet mask, so it can
calculate if the destination is on the local network. If it is, it broadcasts to all Fs looking for
the destination machine. The machine will then respond to the broadcaster with its MAC
Address. The source machine will then use the MAC Address to encapsulate the data packet
in a frame which has the MAC address of the destination machine.

○ So, after encapsulation, the data is moved through L1 via DST MAC to the
destination. Destination machine L1 receives and hands the raw DATA to the
L2 which detects it matches the destination MAC address and then strips the
data and pass the payload to L3 which uses it for whatever task.
○ If the machines are on different networks, it uses ARP to find the MAC
address of the Router. The router receives the frame, strip it and uses
ARP to check if the packet is destined to some machine in this network
or send it to another.

● the problems with L3: No method for channels of communications, just SRC
and DST.
● packets can be delivered out of order.
● Next layers might fix these problems.

LAYER 4 and maybe 5

● Layer 3 provides no ordering mechanism. Each packet ir router independently.
Packets can go missing.
○ Per packet routing can introduce delays to packets en route.
○ Layer 3 have no communication channels. Can not split packets by APP or
Channel. How to separate individual applications?
○ No flow control, can saturate internet connection which results in package
● LAYER 4 - TCP and UDP
○ both run on top of IP
○ TCP → slower but reliable
■ Connection oriented Protocol
■ Set up a bidirectional channel between 2 devices.
○ UDP → faster but not reliable.
○ Segments (specific of TCP)
■ TCP segments are placed inside of IP packets
■ Architecture of TCP header
● Source Port
● Destination Port
● Sequence Number → It can be used if we gave error for remission, or
uniquely identify a particular segment in a particular conection.
● Acknowledgment → is the way that one side can indicate it received
a segment to the origin device.
● Flags n Things → Use to close connections or to synchronize
sequence numbers.
● Window → provides additional levels of control on how data transfer
speed or similar features.
● Checksum → check for errors, rearrange data to be sent again.
● Urgent Pointer →

● Error Packets are not acknowledged, it is checked then retransmitted

● Client communicates to the Server. It sends data to a specific Server Port(Well Known Port)
from a random Client Port(Ephemeral Port). It becomes a bidirectional channel. Random Port
→ Server Port and Server Port → Random Port. We will have two different kinds of packets,
distinguished by the Source and Dest port.

● TCP Connection 3-way Handshake

○ FIN → close
○ ACK → Acknowledgments
○ SYN → Synchronize

● Sessions and State

○ Stateless Firewall → It doesnt understand the state of the connection. You need two
rules, one for allowing inbound and one for allowing outbound.

○ Stateful → Sees just one thing






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