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Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 167–172

Geometrically necessary dislocations, hardening,

and a simple gradient theory of crystal plasticity
A. Acharya , J.L. Bassani b, A. Beaudoin c

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, USA
Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA
Received 31 July 2002; received in revised form 31 July 2002; accepted 9 August 2002

Geometrically necessary dislocations (GNDs) and incompatible lattice deformations are directly related and char-
acterized by a gradient of the elastic distortion. This measure of GND density can play a natural role in non-local
theories of plasticity. Issues concerning hardening and boundary conditions are addressed in the setting of a simple
Ó 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.

Keywords: Gradient plasticity; Crystal plasticity; Lattice incompatibility; Work hardening; Boundary conditions

1. Introduction distortion generally is not compatible with a reg-

ular (locally single-valued) displacement field (nor
In the (finite-deformation) continuum theory of is plastic distortion), in which case lattice distor-
crystal plasticity, the material deformation gradi- tion is termed incompatible. The latter is directly
ent is generally taken as the product of a plastic related to NyeÕs notion of geometrically neces-
distortion that arises due to slips and an elastic sary dislocations (GNDs), and one is led natu-
part that accounts for lattice distortion and rota- rally to consider their effects on plastic flow of
tion: F ¼ Fe Fp . The assumption that the lat- crystals.
tice––which defines slip variables that enter both Lattice incompatibility is characterized by a
kinematical and constitutive relations––distorts skew-symmetric property of the gradient of the
only elastically is an approximation to the fact elastic distortion field, and this measure (or its
that on the atomic-scale the lattice distorts elasti- physical manifestation, GNDs) can play a natural
cally except at the core of dislocations. Elastic role in a non-local, gradient-type theory of crystal
plasticity. An intrinsic material length-scale must
enter constitutive relations that depend on lattice
incompatibility since the latter has dimension of 1/
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-412-268-4566; fax: +1-412-
length. A significant body of recent work has in-
268-7813. corporated related ideas to model observations of
E-mail address: (A. Acharya). size-scale dependent plastic phenomena with the

1359-6462/03/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. on behalf of Acta Materialia Inc.
PII: S 1 3 5 9 - 6 4 6 2 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 3 3 7 - 8
168 A. Acharya et al. / Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 167–172

general trend that smaller is harder, particularly ness for the rate-independent material [5] are re-
when specimens, geometric features, or material tained in this simple theory. This is in contrast to
microstructures are roughly below tens of mi- the strain gradient theory of Fleck and Hutchinson
crons. 1 [6,7] and Gurtin [8], which involve higher-order
In some continuum theories higher-order stres- stresses and additional BCs, and the theory of
ses and associated boundary conditions (BCs) arise Aifantis [9]. Furthermore, the simple theory preser-
naturally as work-conjugate variables to the sec- ves the constitutive bifurcations from homogeneous
ond-gradient of the displacement field or to the states that have proven useful in understanding and
strain gradient (e.g., in elasticity or closely related analyzing strain localization [10,11].
deformation plasticity theories), but other consis- Lattice incompatibility is characterized by a
tent formulations can be adopted which avoid skew-symmetric part of the gradient of the elastic
those stresses and BCs, particularly when inelastic distortion field Fe (or its inverse; see [12]):
deformations are present. Perhaps the simplest  
e1 e1
constitutive proposal is one where incompatibility K ¼ Fij;k  Fik;j ei  ej  ek ; ð1Þ
only enters the instantaneous hardening relations,
and thus the incremental moduli [1–3]. In that case where ei are Cartesian basis vectors. The third-
the classical structure of the incremental boundary- order tensor K is (essentially) NyeÕs dislocation
value-problem is preserved, which has several density. Rather than proceeding in the kinematical
attractive features, particularly for computations. setting of large deformations (see [3]), further de-
The physical basis of this simple theory is reviewed, tails are presented in the setting of small strain
and related issues of hardening and BCs are kinematics since, perhaps, the key ideas are more
discussed. transparent.
The total displacement gradient in the small-
strain formulation is taken to be the sum of elastic
and plastic parts, ui;j ¼ ueij þ upij , with the symmet-
2. A simple theory
ric parts forming the corresponding components
of total, elastic, and plastic strains, respectively.
As noted above, the elastic distortion of the ðbÞ
The plastic part arising solely from Pslips cðbÞ ðbÞ
lattice is not, in general, compatible with a regular
all systems ðb ¼ 1; N Þ is upij ¼ b cðbÞ mi nj ,
deformation (i.e. one that is derivable from a
where mðbÞ and nðbÞ are unit vectors denoting the
continuously differentiable displacement field), and
slip direction and slip plane normal, respectively.
that implies the presence of certain defects, namely
Even though the total displacement gradient (and
GNDs [4]. Neither are accounted for in the con-
total strain) is compatible with a regular defor-
ventional (local) theory. Acharya and Bassani [1–3]
mation, i.e. a continuously differentiable, single-
proposed introducing a measure of incompatibility
valued displacement field, in general neither the
only in the instantaneous or incremental (tangent)
elastic nor plastic parts individually are compati-
moduli, thereby leaving the stress-rate response as
ble. Incompatibility is expressible in terms of NyeÕs
a homogeneous function of degree one of the de-
dislocation density: 2
formation-gradient rate. As a result, the structure
X ðbÞ ðbÞ ðbÞ
of the boundary-value-problem for incremental aij ¼ ejkl upil;k ¼ ejkl c;k mi nl ; ð2Þ
equilibrium of the conventional theory with its b
natural BCs and all associated results on unique-
while a ¼ 0 implies the absence of GNDs.
Several examples of observed size-scale effects are now well
known: in nano-indentation, particle hardening, patterning of Non-vanishing aij implies the existence of GNDs in the
coarse-slip microstructures, the Hall–Petch effect, thermally sense that the excess of dislocations of one sign, i.e. the net
induced stresses in supported thin films, and (the predicted) Burgers
H vector b,R in any region bounded by a closed curve C is
elevation of stress in the neighborhood of sharp cracks to name bi ¼ C upij dxj ¼ S epjk upik;j rp ds, where r is the unit normal to a
a few. surface S whose boundary is the curve C.
A. Acharya et al. / Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 167–172 169

In the simple theory this measure of incom- where hbg is the instantaneous slip-system hard-
patibility is taken to influence only the instan- ening matrix which, in general, depends upon the
taneous hardening rate. This is done in strict history of slip. Following the proposal of Acharya
adherence to thermodynamic principles [1,3,8]. As and Bassani [2,3], in the simple non-local theory of
a preface to a detailed discussion of hardening, crystal plasticity hbg is taken to depend both on the
first we recall some important and well-known slips and their gradients via the measure of in-
ingredients of rate-independent and rate-depen- compatible lattice deformations, i.e. NyeÕs GND
dent plasticity theories associated with a yield density aij (3):
surface. If the current stress lies within the yield  
hbg ¼ hbg fcðjÞ g; aij : ð4Þ
surface then the incremental response is purely
elastic. If the stress lies on the yield surface, then Under multiple-slip deformations (e.g., defor-
depending upon whether the rate of stressing is mation in polycrystalline metals), one must ask
below or equal to the rate of hardening, the in- whether the interaction of a mobile dislocation
cremental response will be purely elastic or elastic– with the GND content is (predominantly) short or
plastic, respectively. Consequently, elastic–plastic long-range in character. Short-range interactions
constitutive relations are inherently incremental in (in a continuum framework) may be fully ac-
nature, and the incremental response depends in- counted for in the hardening rate. Long-range in-
timately on the instantaneous rate of hardening. teractions arising from the presence of GNDs
This has certainly been the perspective taken by warrants consideration of direct modification to
Hill, whose contributions to plasticity theory have the stress, in the form of a contribution that arises
defined much of current practice. solely due to the presence of an incompatibility.
The incompatibility may be viewed as contributing
to forest hardening; it is related to an obstacle
3. Hardening density on slip plane b as 3
In simulations where the plastic strain evolves kðbÞ ¼ ða nðbÞ Þ ða nðbÞ Þ; ð5Þ
from slip on many systems, one needs evolutionary
rules for many hardening variables, here denoted where nðbÞ is the unit normal to slip plane b. The
sðbÞ measure kðbÞ =b, where b is the magnitude of the
cr for each system b. To prescribe the evolution
of total hardness on each system as a function of Burgers vector, may be interpreted as the number
the evolution of total slips is virtually impossible. density of excess dislocations (GNDs) threading
In contrast, simple rules for the rate of hardening slip plane b.
in terms of the set of slips and the slip rates have The physical basis of forest hardening lies in the
provided a fairly accurate and widely adopted accumulation of additional dislocation density
phenomenological description (see [10,11]). An al- upon interaction of the mobile dislocation with the
ternate approach is to introduce dislocation den- forest obstacle. The rate of this storage, and in
sities and their character into the continuum turn the hardening rate, is associated with the
problem and to prescribe the hardness of each mean free path––that distance a dislocation may
system as a function of these variable (see, e.g. travel before unit length of dislocation is stored
[13]). The merits of such an approach will not be [15]. Stress arises from two sources: the work in-
discussed here; we only note that many more volved in cutting the forest obstacle and the local
variables are involved and prescribing their evo- elastic interaction between the mobile dislocation
lution is a non-trivial task. Here we adopt a widely and forest obstacle [16]. Geometric dislocations
used form for the rate of hardening under multi- contribute to the obstacle density experienced by a
ple-slip deformations [14]:
X 3
At finite strains, kðbÞ ¼ ðK : n^ðbÞ Þ ðK : ^nðbÞ Þ, where ^nðbÞ is
s_ ðbÞ
cr ¼ hbg c_ ðgÞ ; ð3Þ the skew-symmetric tensor defined by ^nðbÞ a ¼ ð1=2ÞnðbÞ
g for all vectors a.
170 A. Acharya et al. / Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 167–172

mobile dislocation, as the excess dislocation con- relevance to industrial application and has re-
tent shortens the mean free path. Such an effect is ceived little attention in the discussion of size
very naturally included in the incremental hard- effects. Introduction of the incompatibility into
ening rate: one simply associates a mean free relations for incremental hardening captures the
path––or equivalently, a probability for defect dominant size effect for a broad class of metals in a
storage––with the measure kðbÞ =b [17]. Arguably, it constitutive form readily adapted for engineering
should be included in any material description that application. Second, the classical results concern-
describes forest hardening. Irrespective of the ing material instabilities in rate-independent the-
framework that sets the stage for the boundary- ory (see, e.g., [10,11]) is also inherited in the simple
value-problem (and whether or not a higher-order theory, i.e. the onset of localization associated with
stress is included), (4) remains appropriate for a a bifurcation in the incremental solution that
broad class of metals used in engineering applica- progresses from a homogeneous state is also a
tion (e.g., see Gurtin [18], Eqs. (1)–(3)). However, solution in the simple gradient theory. The simple
it should be noted that the notion of the GND theory can be used to study patterned flow
population as contributing to forest hardening resulting from material instabilities that often
involves multiple slip, the subsequent development commence at very small strains, and this has im-
of stage III hardening and, therefore, strains be- plications for supported thin films (e.g., on sub-
yond a few percent. Such physical interpretation strates). In thin films, shear banding with a spacing
further demands a large strain formulation that on the order of the film thickness has been ob-
accounts for development of lattice rotation (tex- served [23], and such inhomogeneous deformation
ture). gives rise to plastic strain-gradients which
The above reasoning neglects the effect of long- can naturally trigger gradient hardening effects.
range interactions between dislocations, and in Therefore, scale-dependent deformations of thin
particular, the contribution of long-range stress films, where the question of BCs at interfaces has
fields by GND density. Certainly, long-range been of recent interest [24], may be significantly
stresses are present, but are they considerable? For influenced by material instabilities.
polycrystalline fcc metals and many bcc metals at
moderate temperature and strain rate, the devel-
opment of a (long-range) back stress arising from 4. First-gradient theory and associated one-sided
a dislocation pile-up promotes the onset of multi- boundary conditions
ple slip. Dislocations tend to arrange themselves in
boundary structures, which further contributes to As noted above, the incremental problem with
shielding of the stresses associated with the GND the incompatibility measure introduced into the
content [19]. As an experimental consequence, the hardening rate has a conventional structure, and
Hall–Petch effect is relatively small at yield, but no additional BCs are required. If one looks for a
evolves substantially with deformation [20]. At solution to the full problem, i.e. to the PDE in-
moderate strains, the grain size effect is dominated cluding time (history) integration, then one can
by forest hardening and readily modeled through show that an additional BC is admitted (while, as
work hardening alone. also noted above, due to distinct plastic loading
Two additional points follow in closing this and elastic unloading behavior, this problem is
section. First, we note that it is straightforward to generally not readily solved). In this section we
introduce rate dependence into the simple theory motivate an additional BC for our simple theory
(as in [21]). For example, one can identify the and also justify a first-order PDE with one-sided
hardness as the mechanical threshold––retaining BCs for plastic distortion as being consistent with
the notion of the rate-independent yield surface as sound physical principles of continuum dislocation
representing a limiting behavior at 0 K––then scale mechanics; the latter has been addressed in recent
as a function of temperature and strain rate ac- papers [25,26]. That a BC may be required when
cording to Kocks et al. [22]. This is a point of great the plastic evolution equation, affected by incom-
A. Acharya et al. / Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 167–172 171

patibility-enhanced hardening, is viewed as a gov- The initial state of stress associated with some
erning equation for the plastic distortion as a initial distribution of dislocations is not arbitrary
function of space and time, as opposed to the in- but has to be consistent with the plastic distortion
cremental case where the objective is the deter- that satisfies (2) and equilibrium.
mination of the plastic distortion rate field as a Clearly, the equation for the dislocation density
function of space, was pointed out in Acharya and ðqÞ in (7) is a first-order PDE that requires a one-
Bassani [3, Section 7]. We note here that the de- sided BC on the dislocation flux u_ pyx . If that BC is
termination of precise conditions that constitute a an inflow condition (i.e., only on points on the
well-set theory in this ÔtotalÕ evolutionary setting is boundary where the inner product of the disloca-
an open problem for all strain-gradient plasticity tion velocity and the outward normal vector is
proposals. negative), then one can show that the solution is
We consider an idealized scenario comprising unique (when V is a specified function of position
a continuum with only straight edge disloca- and time) [28]. This makes sense physically as
tions with burgers vector in the y-direction and dislocation velocity is a directional physical entity
with line direction along the z-axis. These dislo- and such a mathematical description is consistent
cations can move only in the y-direction, i.e. single with physical laws for systems that describe the
slip with the slip plane being the y–z plane with ÔflowÕ of physical quantities, in this case disloca-
normal in the x-direction. Let q be the number tions. Additionally, it can be shown [28] that if u_ pyx
density of such dislocations per unit area perpen- is allowed to be non-vanishing at a boundary of
dicular to the z-axis, and assume that all fields the body, the above set of equations result in the
vary only with respect to x and y. Then, it can be production of transverse total displacement (a slip
shown that the evolution of the field q is given by step) at the boundary. Consequently, if a ÔrigidÕ
[27,28]. transverse displacement BC is enforced, the flux
would necessarily have to vanish at such bound-
q_ ðx; y; tÞ ¼ fV qg;y ð6Þ aries, and we conjecture that this will be accom-
modated by the system by not allowing such
in the absence of dislocation nucleation, where V boundaries to be inflow and consequently not re-
is the magnitude of the dislocation velocity and quiring a BC on the dislocation flux to be specified
r ryx . Eq. (6) is derived from a careful consid- on them. The no-flux BC would be achieved by
eration of the kinematics and balance of contin- suitable r and q field being generated in the vi-
uum dislocations [29,30]. Motivated by the form of cinity of the boundary, all driven by the BC on the
the driving force for dislocation velocity that may total displacement.
be derived from thermodynamic considerations We now ask the question about the type of
[28], we assume a velocity following a linear drag gradient plasticity theory suggested by the ideal-
relationship: V ¼ ðrqbÞðCb2 Þ=B, where B is the ized continuum dislocation mechanics scenario (7).
dislocation drag coefficient, and the numerator One option in this regard is to try to express the
represents the force per unit length on the dislo- field q as a functional of the field upyx in a suitable
cations threading a cross-sectional area of Cb2 , way so that the first of (7) can be satisfied identi-
where C is a constant. With these assumptions, cally. This in effect eliminates the dislocation
  density from our considerations, in a way such
q_ ¼  Cb3 =B rq2 ;y and u_ pyx ¼ Arq2 ; ð7Þ that solutions of the equilibrium equations, stress
constitutive equation, and the second of (7) with q
where A ¼ ðCb4 =BÞ. These equations are to be replaced by its representation in terms of upyx field,
supplemented with the equation of equilibrium in also define solutions to the first of (7)––in effect, we
which the stress tensor is a function of the dis- are looking for a set of equations involving only
placement gradient and the plastic distortion total displacement and plastic distortion whose
tensors. In the present case, the only non-zero solutions define a small class of solutions to the
component of the plastic distortion tensor is upyx . whole of (7). This program may be followed
172 A. Acharya et al. / Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 167–172

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