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Name April Rose C. Salem Course and Block: Bs in Agriculture 2A

Should Textbooks be Replaced by Ipads and Online Resources?
A lot of students nowadays prefer to use gadgets, scrolling through
Facebook or any social media platform than reading textbooks. Some
are using it for school work, capturing some important details, taking
screenshots and etc. Technology has become part of the lives of human
beings, especially students. It has become part of our daily routine.
Wake up and sleep with a gadget beside, scroll through Facebook,
Instagram, Youtube, and many more. Even parents use technology as
entertainment for their kids.

If I’d be asked, I will not replace textbooks with gadgets for textbooks
helped me a lot in elementary and high school. It is much easier to
understand every word in a textbook rather than using the internet.
Studying through textbooks is less distractive than studying on a
phone, especially if there's a notification that pops up, then once it is
opened there is a possibility of forgetting what you read. For every
Content exam, quiz, oral recitation, or any school work that needs
memorization and understanding it’s preferable to write it from a
textbook and not on phone. Writing pointers from a textbook can help
memorize some words.

Technology helped everyone, especially in today’s life but we can’t be

obsessed with technology.
References Use 7th Edition of APA Format

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