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Lesson 1: The Concept of Entrepreneurship Evaluation:

1. B
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A

1. What are the salient historical functions of entrepreneurship that could influence
economic growth and development?
History functions of entrepreneurship that could influence economic growth and
development include: creating new products and services, improving production processes,
creating new markets and developing new industries.

2. What motivates you to become an entrepreneur in the future?

the first thing motivates me to become an entrepreneur is the income, secondly
becoming entrepreneur will teach you a lot of things or reason such as taking risk and
grow. I believe that entrepreneurship offers endless opportunities for personal growth
and development. Starting a business requires one to be creative, resourceful, and
resilient - all qualities that I aspire to possess.
3. Do you agree that entrepreneurial success follows from personal effort, knowledge
and practice rather that a pre-ordained destiny? Discuss.
Yes, I agree that entrepreneurial success. Follows from personal effort, knowledge, and
practice rather that a pre-ordained destiny. While some individuals may have certain
inherent traits or advantages that could contribute to their success, it is unlimitedly
their hard work, dedication, and constant learning and adapting that leads to success in
entrepreneurship. Success in entrepreneurship is not based on luck, but rather on a
combination of personal effort, knowledge, practice, and seizing opportunities.

4. “An entrepreneur is one who is driven by opportunity” Do you agree? Explain

Entrepreneurship is a term that has gained immense popularity in recent times. It refers
to the process of creating, developing, and managing a business venture with the aim of
making a profit. An entrepreneur is an individual who takes on this challenge and is driven by
opportunity.I agree with the statement that an entrepreneur is one who is driven by
opportunity. Entrepreneurs are individuals who possess a unique set of skills and qualities that
enable them to identify opportunities where others see challenges. They have the ability to
take calculated risks, think creatively, and turn their ideas into successful businesses.

5. Is it difficult to make an exact definition of entrepreneurship? Why or why not?

Entrepreneurship is a term that has been used widely in the business world, but it is
difficult to make an exact definition of it. The reason for this difficulty is that entrepreneurship
encompasses various aspects of business and economic activities. Entrepreneurs are
individuals who take risks to create new businesses or products, and they are often
characterized by their innovative thinking, creativity, and ability to identify opportunities.
One reason why it is difficult to define entrepreneurship is because there are different
types of entrepreneurs. Some entrepreneurs may focus on creating new products or services,
while others may be more interested in developing new markets or expanding existing ones.
Additionally, entrepreneurship can take place in different contexts such as social
entrepreneurship or corporate entrepreneurship.

6. Are there common traits among entrepreneurship that can guarantee success?

Entrepreneurship is a challenging and rewarding journey that requires a unique set of skills
and traits. While there are no guarantees for success, there are common traits among
successful entrepreneurs that can increase the likelihood of achieving their goals.One of the
most important traits is resilience. Entrepreneurs face numerous challenges and setbacks, but
those who can bounce back quickly and learn from their mistakes are more likely to succeed.
Another key trait is creativity. Successful entrepreneurs are able to think outside the box,
come up with innovative solutions, and adapt to changing market conditions.

Lesson 2: The importance of Entrepreneurship

1. C
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. B
1. What is the role of entrepreneurship in the economic growth of the family?

Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in the economic growth of the family. It is the process of creating and
managing a business venture to make a profit. Entrepreneurs are risk-takers who identify opportunities and
take action to exploit them. They create jobs, generate income, and contribute to the overall economic
development of their communities.
Entrepreneurship enables families to become self-sufficient by creating wealth and reducing poverty. It
provides an avenue for individuals to use their skills, knowledge, and creativity to start businesses that meet
the needs of consumers. Entrepreneurship also fosters innovation by encouraging new ideas and technologies
that can improve productivity and efficiency.
Moreover, entrepreneurship promotes competition in markets, which leads to better products and
services at lower prices for consumers. It also encourages investment in research and development, which can
lead to breakthroughs in science and technology.
2. What are the functions of entrepreneurs in the economic growth of the country? Explain

Entrepreneurs play a crucial role in the economic growth of a country. They are the driving force
behind innovation, job creation, and wealth generation. Entrepreneurs identify opportunities and take risks to
create new businesses or expand existing ones. This leads to increased competition, which in turn drives
productivity and efficiency. Entrepreneurs also contribute to the development of new technologies and
products that can improve people's lives. They invest in research and development, which can lead to
breakthroughs in science and technology. This creates new industries and markets that can boost economic
Furthermore, entrepreneurs create jobs by hiring employees who contribute to the economy through
their work. This reduces unemployment rates and increases consumer spending power, leading to further
economic growth.

3. Who are considered entrepreneurs? What types of businesses do they usually set up?

Entrepreneurs are individuals who take risks and create new businesses or ventures. They are known
for their innovative ideas, creativity, and willingness to take on challenges. Entrepreneurs come from all walks
of life and can be found in various industries.
Typically, entrepreneurs set up businesses that cater to a specific need in the market. They may
identify a gap in the market or an opportunity for growth and capitalize on it by creating a business that meets
those needs. Some common types of businesses that entrepreneurs set up include tech startups, retail stores,
restaurants, consulting firms, and service-based companies.
Entrepreneurs often have a strong passion for their work and are driven by the desire to succeed. They
are willing to put in long hours and make sacrifices to achieve their goals. Successful entrepreneurs also
possess strong leadership skills, financial acumen, and the ability to adapt quickly to changing market
4. Do you want to become an entrepreneur? Why? Explain

Entrepreneurship is a term that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It refers to the process of
starting and managing a business venture with the aim of making a profit. Many people are attracted to
entrepreneurship because it offers them the opportunity to be their own boss, pursue their passions, and
create something meaningful.
I want to become an entrepreneur because I believe that it is the best way for me to achieve my goals and
live a fulfilling life. I have always been interested in business and have spent countless hours reading books,
attending seminars, and networking with other entrepreneurs.
One of the main reasons why I want to become an entrepreneur is because it allows me to take control of
my own destiny. Instead of working for someone else's vision, I can create my own vision and work towards
achieving it. This gives me a sense of purpose and motivation that I would not get from working for someone
5. Identify entrepreneurs in your locality. Interview two of them and find out:


a. Why they went into business?

- Simply because they wanted to earn profit, to explore the business industry how cash flows need
to be managed and of course they wanted to gain experience to determine their ability in
handing a business.

b. how they started their business?

- they started in online selling because they believe is an easy way to attract customer and less
hassle. Despite of being a student it is a matter of time management and to be manage and to be
accountable in doing what is needed.
c. what factors do they attribute their success in business?
-being a responsible for a reason that they can be able to organize schedule in term of school and
business. Moreover, being critical thinking because this helps you to think outside the box and to stay
positive under circumstances that may come along the way

Lesson 3: Entrepreneurial Competencies in the New Normal

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. D
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. B

1. In what areas should one be personally competent to succeed in the business?

To succeed in business, there are several areas in which one should be personally competent. Firstly,
communication skills are essential. The ability to articulate ideas clearly and persuasively is crucial for building
relationships with clients and colleagues alike. Secondly, time management skills are vital. In a fast-paced
business environment, it is important to prioritize tasks and manage one's time effectively to meet deadlines
and achieve goals. Thirdly, adaptability is key. The ability to respond quickly to changing circumstances and
adjust strategies accordingly can make the difference between success and failure. Ultimately, success in
business requires a combination of personal competencies that allow individuals to navigate complex
situations with ease while maintaining focus on achieving their goals.

2. What is a risk? What do you think make people afraid of taking risks? What makes entrepreneurs
willing to take risks?

A risk can be defined as an action or decision that has the potential to lead to a positive or negative
outcome. People are often afraid of taking risks because they fear failure and the consequences that come
with it. They may also fear the unknown and uncertainty that comes with taking a risk.
Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are willing to take risks because they understand that success often
requires taking chances. They have a vision for their business and are willing to take calculated risks in order to
achieve their goals. Entrepreneurs are also typically more comfortable with uncertainty and have a higher
tolerance for risk than the average person. Whether or not someone is willing to take a risk depends on their
individual personality, experiences, and mindset. It is important for individuals to weigh the potential benefits
and drawbacks of any given risk before making a decision.

3. What are your strengths? Your weaknesses?

As individuals, we all have our own unique strengths and weaknesses. Identifying these traits is crucial in
understanding ourselves better and improving our personal growth. My strengths include being a good
listener, having strong communication skills, and being able to adapt to new situations easily. These skills have
helped me in both my personal and professional life.
However, I also recognize my weaknesses, which include procrastination and a tendency to be overly
critical of myself. These traits have hindered my progress at times, but I am actively working on overcoming
them through self-reflection and setting achievable goals.

4. How do you generate new ideas?

Generating new ideas is a crucial aspect of creativity and innovation. There are numerous ways to
generate new ideas, but the most effective method is to keep an open mind and be receptive to inspiration
from various sources.
One way to generate new ideas is through brainstorming sessions with colleagues or friends. This
technique involves throwing out as many ideas as possible without judgment or criticism. Another approach is
to observe the world around you and identify problems that need solving. This can lead to innovative solutions
that address real-world issues.
Reading books, attending conferences, and engaging in conversations with people from diverse
backgrounds can also spark new ideas. It's important to stay curious and constantly seek out new information
and experiences. taking breaks and allowing your mind to wander can also lead to breakthroughs in creativity.
Whether it's going for a walk or practicing mindfulness meditation, giving your brain time to rest can help
generate fresh perspectives on old problems.

5. What is your greatest fear, and how do you manage fear?

My greatest fear is the fear of failure. The thought of not achieving my goals and disappointing myself and
others terrifies me. To manage my fear, I try to focus on the present moment and take small steps towards my
goals. I break down my tasks into manageable chunks and celebrate each accomplishment along the way



Lesson 4: Forms of Small Business Ownership

1. A
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
1. Visit one sole proprietorship business in your places and ask their form of organization, management
and activities.

I had the opportunity to speak with the owner of a sole proprietorship. The owner informed that their
business was organized as a sole proprietorship, meaning that they were the sole owner and operator of the
business. As such, they were responsible for all aspects of management and decision-making.
The owner also shared with me some insights into their daily activities. They explained that they were
responsible for managing all aspects of the business, including finances, marketing, and customer service.
They also mentioned that one of the biggest challenges they faced was balancing their workload with their
personal life. Overall, my visit to this sole proprietorship provided me with valuable insights into how small
businesses operate and the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in managing their own businesses.
2. Identify one type of partnership business in your locality, and interview them how do they manage
their partnership business.

In my locality, there are several types of partnership businesses, but the most common one is a general
partnership. I interviewed the owners of a local restaurant that operates as a general partnership to
understand how they manage their business. When it comes to managing finances, they keep detailed records
and use an accounting software program to track income and expenses. They also have a system in place for
handling any disputes or disagreements that may arise between partners.

3. Explain how corporations are formed and how they operate.

Corporations are formed by a group of individuals who come together to create a legal entity that is
separate from its owners. The process of forming a corporation involves filing articles of incorporation with
the state government, which outlines the purpose and structure of the corporation. Once approved, the
corporation becomes a legal entity with its own rights and responsibilities. One key feature of corporations is
limited liability, which means that shareholders are not personally liable for any debts or obligations incurred
by the corporation. This allows investors to invest in corporations without risking their personal assets.

4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the corporate form of ownership.

The corporate form of ownership is a popular business structure that offers several advantages and
disadvantages. One of the main advantages of this form of ownership is limited liability, which means that the
owners are not personally responsible for the company's debts or legal liabilities. This allows them to protect
their personal assets from any financial risks associated with the business.
Another advantage is access to capital, as corporations can issue stocks and bonds to raise funds for
expansion or other projects. Additionally, corporations have perpetual existence, meaning they can continue
to operate even if one or more owners leave or die. there are also some disadvantages to the corporate form
of ownership. One significant disadvantage is double taxation, where both the corporation and its
shareholders are taxed on profits. This can result in a higher tax burden for corporations compared to other
forms of ownership.

5. Research on Sole Proprietorship Corporation its advantages and organization. Place your research
output in a short bond paper and short folder to be passed during our meeting.

Sole proprietorship is a type of business organization where an individual owns and operates the
business. This type of corporation has been studied extensively, and research has shown that it has several
advantages over other forms of business organizations. One advantage of sole proprietorship is that it is easy
to set up and operate. The owner has complete control over the business, which allows for quick decision-
making and flexibility in adapting to changing market conditions.

Lesson 5 : Types of Small Business

1. B
2. D
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. D
1. What makes selling interesting and challenging? Give examples.

Selling is a challenging and interesting profession that requires a unique set of skills. One of the most
significant challenges in selling is the need to constantly adapt to changing market conditions and customer
preferences. Salespeople must be able to identify the needs of their customers and tailor their approach
accordingly. For example, a salesperson selling cars MAY NEED TO EXPLAINE THE FEATURES AND BENEFITS OF A VECHLE
2.What are the ways of promoting sales? Explain each.

Promoting sales is a crucial aspect of any business. It involves creating awareness about the products or
services offered by a company and persuading potential customers to make a purchase. There are several
ways of promoting sales, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. One way of promoting
sales is through advertising. This involves using various media channels such as television, radio, print, and
online platforms to reach out to potential customers.
3.How can dishonesty ruin a business? Cite examples. Explain properly.

Dishonesty is a vice that can ruin any business. It is a cancer that eats away the trust and credibility of an
organization. Dishonesty can take many forms such as lying, cheating, stealing, and misrepresentation. When
dishonesty becomes rampant in a business, it can lead to disastrous consequences.

Lesson 6 : Micro Small and Medium Enterprises-SME’s

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. A

1. What are the characteristics of micro, small and medium enterprises in the Philippines? Identify
businesses in your locality.

a. Micro
Micro enterprises in the Philippines are characterized by their small size, limited resources, and
informal nature. They typically employ fewer than 10 people and operate in the informal sector. Micro
entrepreneurs often lack access to formal financing and rely on personal savings or loans from family
and friends. They are also highly adaptable, able to quickly respond to changes in market demand.
Despite their challenges, micro enterprises play a vital role in the Philippine economy by providing
employment opportunities and contributing to local communities.

b. Small
Small enterprises in the Philippines are characterized by their limited resources, small-scale
operations, and informal structures. These businesses are often family-owned and operated, with a
focus on providing goods and services to local communities. They face numerous challenges such as
lack of access to capital, limited market reach, and competition from larger corporations. However,
they also play a vital role in the country's economy by creating jobs and contributing to local
development. With government support and innovative strategies, small enterprises can continue to
thrive in the Philippines.

c. Medium
Medium enterprises in the Philippines are characterized by their size, which falls between small
and large enterprises. They typically employ 50 to 199 workers and have an asset value of between
PHP 15 million to PHP 100 million. These businesses are often family-owned and operate in various
industries such as manufacturing, retail, and services. Despite facing challenges such as limited access
to financing and market competition, medium enterprises play a crucial role in driving economic
growth and providing employment opportunities in the country.

2. What are the indicators of sustainability of the MSME’s in the country?

Small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are crucial to the economic development of any country.
In order for these businesses to thrive, they must be sustainable. Sustainability refers to the ability of a
business to meet its present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs. There are several indicators that can be used to determine the sustainability of MSMEs in a country.
financial stability is a key indicator of sustainability. A business that is profitable and has access to capital
is more likely to survive in the long term. Secondly, environmental responsibility is another important factor.
MSMEs that implement sustainable practices such as reducing waste and using renewable energy sources are
more likely to be successful in the long run.
Finally, social responsibility is also an important indicator of sustainability. Businesses that prioritize
employee welfare and contribute positively to their local communities are more likely to have loyal customers
and a positive reputation. In conclusion, financial stability, environmental responsibility, and social
responsibility are all important indicators of sustainability for MSMEs in any country. By prioritizing these
factors, businesses can ensure their long-term success while also contributing positively to society and the
3. Discuss the role of government lending institutions like Small Business Corporation (SBC) Abra
Diocesan Teachers and Employees Cooperative ADTEMPCO- private lending institution and Banks in
the growth and development of MSME’s in the country.

Government lending institutions like Small Business Corporation (SBC) play a crucial role in promoting
economic growth and development. These institutions provide financial assistance to small businesses that
may not have access to traditional lending sources. SBC offers loans, training, and other resources to help
entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. By supporting small businesses, government lending
institutions help create jobs, stimulate local economies, and promote innovation. Additionally, they can also
provide a safety net for businesses during times of economic hardship. Overall, the role of government lending
institutions like SBC is vital in fostering a thriving business environment and driving economic progress.
ABRA Diocesan Teachers and Employees Cooperative (ADTEMPCO) is a private lending institution that
plays a significant role in the financial lives of its members. The cooperative provides loans to its members at
reasonable interest rates, helping them meet their financial needs. ADTEMPCO also offers various savings
schemes, which enable members to save money for future use. The cooperative has been instrumental in
improving the economic well-being of its members by providing them with access to credit and encouraging
them to save regularly. Overall, ADTEMC0 is an essential institution that supports the financial stability of its

Lesson 7: Business Plan: What is a Business Plan For?

1. J
2. I
3. H
4. G
5. F
6. E
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. A

Multiple Choice:
1. D
2. A
3. D
4. C
5. D
1. What are the advantages of good business planning? Explain.
Good business planning is essential for the success of any organization. It helps to identify the goals and
objectives of the business, and provides a roadmap for achieving them. There are several advantages of good
business planning. Firstly, it helps to minimize risks and uncertainties. When everyone is working towards a
common goal, there is greater clarity in decision-making processes and better coordination among different
departments. Finally, good business planning also helps businesses to adapt to changing market conditions. By
regularly reviewing their plans and making necessary adjustments, businesses can stay ahead of the
competition and remain relevant in today's fast-paced business environment.

2. Enumerate the parts of a business plan. Describe the contents of each.

A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, strategies, and operations of a
company. It serves as a roadmap for entrepreneurs to follow in order to achieve success. A well-written
business plan should include several key components. Firstly, an executive summary should be included at the
beginning of the plan. This section provides an overview of the entire document and highlights the most
important points. Secondly, a company description should be included which outlines what your business
does, its history, and its mission statement. Thirdly, market analysis is crucial in determining your target
audience and competition. This section should include research on industry trends and customer
3.Conduct a simple survey to find out the need for products and services in your community.

Conducting a simple survey to find out the need for products and services in your community is an
essential step towards understanding the market demand. The survey can be conducted through various
means, including online questionnaires, phone calls, or door-to-door interviews. The primary objective of this
survey is to gather information on what products and services are needed in the community.
The survey should focus on identifying gaps in the market that businesses can fill. For instance, if there is
a shortage of grocery stores in the area, entrepreneurs can invest in opening one. Additionally, it helps
businesses understand their target audience better and tailor their products or services to meet their needs.
The results of the survey will provide valuable insights into what products and services are lacking in your
community. This information can help entrepreneurs make informed decisions about starting new businesses
or expanding existing ones.
4.List down products or services that your community sells to other communities.

In today's globalized world, communities are no longer isolated entities. They are interconnected and
interdependent on each other for various products and services. In this regard, it is essential to identify the
products or services that a community sells to other communities.
One of the most common products that communities sell to others is agricultural produce. Many rural
communities specialize in farming and sell their crops to urban areas where there is a high demand for fresh
produce. Additionally, some communities may offer unique handicrafts or artisanal goods that are popular
with tourists or collectors.

5. Screen the ideas from Activity 1 and Activity 2 and select one as the most promising idea.

In the process of generating ideas, it is important to screen and evaluate them to determine which one
has the most potential for success. This is particularly true in business, where resources are limited and
decisions must be made based on careful analysis.
Activity 1 and Activity 2 provide a wealth of ideas that can be screened to identify the most promising
one. The screening process involves assessing each idea based on its feasibility, market demand, profitability,
and sustainability. The idea that scores highest in these areas is likely to be the most promising. Once the most
promising idea has been identified, it should be further developed through research and testing. This will help
to refine the concept and ensure that it meets customer needs and expectations.

6.Prepare a simple business plan on one promising idea. Submit your business plan for evaluation.
Deadline of submission will be on December 04, 2020.




Lesson 8: Fundamental of Market

1. A
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. C
1. What is customer value? Explain.

Customer value is a term that refers to the perceived worth of a product or service in the eyes of the
customer. It is the benefit that a customer derives from using a particular product or service, and it can be
both tangible and intangible. Tangible benefits include features such as price, quality, and convenience, while
intangible benefits include factors such as brand reputation, customer service, and emotional appeal.
The concept of customer value is essential for businesses because it helps them understand what their
customers want and how they can meet those needs effectively. By providing high-quality products or services
that offer real value to their customers, businesses can build strong relationships with their clients and create
loyal customers who will return again and again.
2.What is impulse buying?

Impulse buying is a phenomenon that occurs when an individual makes an unplanned purchase based on
a sudden urge or desire. It is often driven by emotions such as excitement, curiosity, or even boredom.
Impulse buying can happen in any setting, whether it be at a physical store or online. The consequences of
impulse buying can vary from person to person. While some may experience immediate satisfaction from their
purchase. others may feel regret and guilt afterwards. Additionally, impulse buying can lead to overspending
and financial strain. Marketers often use various tactics to encourage impulse buying, such as limited-time
offers or persuasive advertising techniques.

3. A diverse collection of incentive tools designed to stimulate quicker buying of a particular product or
service by consumers or the trade is known as:

Incentives are an essential part of any business strategy. They help motivate employees, increase
productivity, and drive sales. A diverse collection of incentive tools is available to businesses today, and the
trade is known as incentive marketing. Incentive marketing includes a wide range of tools such as bonuses,
commissions, promotions, recognition programs, and more. These tools can be used to incentivize employees
or customers to achieve specific goals or behaviors. Overall, a diverse collection of incentive tools can help
businesses achieve their goals by motivating employees and customers alike. By understanding the different
options available in incentive marketing, businesses can design effective strategies that drive success in their

Lesson 9: Marketing Mix

1. C
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B

1. When prices are high, demand is usually

When prices are high, demand is usually low. This is a fundamental principle of economics that has been
observed time and again throughout history. The reason for this is simple: when prices are high, consumers
are less likely to purchase goods or services because they perceive them as being too expensive.
This phenomenon can be seen in many different markets, from luxury goods to basic necessities like
food and housing. Overall, the relationship between prices and demand is a delicate balance that must be
carefully managed by businesses and policymakers alike. By understanding how these two factors interact
with one another, we can create more efficient and effective markets that benefit everyone involved.

2. What is a marketing segment?

Marketing segmentation is the process of dividing a market into smaller groups of consumers who share
similar needs or characteristics. This allows companies to tailor their marketing efforts to specific groups,
rather than trying to appeal to everyone at once. By identifying these segments, companies can create more
effective marketing strategies that resonate with their target audience and ultimately drive sales.This may
include different advertising messages or channels, pricing strategies, and product features. Marketing
segmentation is an essential tool for any company looking to maximize its marketing efforts and reach its
desired audience effectively.

3. What are the activities that form a part of the marketing mix. (the 4pts).
The marketing mix is a crucial component of any business strategy. It is the combination of activities that a
company uses to promote its products or services to its target audience. The four main elements of the
marketing mix are product, price, place, and promotion. Product refers to the goods or services that a
company offers. Price refers to the amount charged for a product or service. A company must set prices that
are competitive and reflect the value of their product. Place refers to how a company distributes its products
or services. A company must ensure that their products are available in locations where their target audience
can easily access them. Promotion refers to how a company communicates with its target audience about
their products or services. This includes advertising, public relations, sales promotions, and personal selling.

Lesson 10: Products and Services in the Market

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. D
1. Companies must keep the customer's point of view in mind at all times.

In today's competitive business environment, companies must keep the customer's point of view in mind
at all times. Customers are the lifeblood of any business, and without them, a company cannot survive.
Therefore, it is essential for companies to understand their customers' needs and preferences to provide them
with the best possible experience. One-way companies can achieve this is by conducting market research to
gain insights into their customers' behavior and preferences. This information can help companies tailor their
products and services to meet their customers' needs better.

2. Part of product/service management is making sure that the business will get a return on it
investment in a product and will make a profit . If true Explain. If no Explain.

This is literally true. Product/service management is a crucial aspect of any business, as it ensures that
the company will get a return on its investment and maintain profitability. The process involves identifying
customer needs, developing products or services that meet those needs, and effectively marketing them to
the target audience. To ensure success, product/service management must focus on creating high-quality
offerings that provide value to customers. This requires careful research and analysis of market trends,
consumer behavior, and competitive landscape
3.ROI stands for
Roi stands for return on investment, which is a crucial metric used in business to measure the
profitability of an investment. It is calculated by dividing the net profit by the total investment and expressing
it as a percentage. The higher the ROI, the more profitable the investment.
ROI is an essential tool for businesses to evaluate their investments and make informed decisions about
where to allocate resources. It helps them determine which projects or initiatives are worth pursuing and
which ones should be abandoned. ROI can also be used to compare different investments and determine
which one offers the best return. This allows businesses to prioritize their investments based on their potential

4.Positioning is

Positioning is a marketing strategy that aims to create a unique image and identity for a product or
brand in the minds of consumers. It involves identifying the key benefits and attributes of the product or
brand and communicating them in a way that differentiates it from competitors. Effective positioning requires
understanding the target audience, their needs, wants, and preferences. It also involves analyzing the
competition to identify gaps in the market that can be filled by the product or brand. Once a clear positioning
strategy has been developed, it should be communicated consistently through all marketing channels,
including advertising, packaging, and promotions. This helps to build brand awareness and loyalty among

5. Which is a reason why managers develop company objectives?

Managers are responsible for the success of a company, and one of their primary duties is to develop
company objectives. These objectives serve as a roadmap for the organization, outlining what it hopes to
achieve in the short and long term. There are several reasons why managers develop company objectives.
Setting clear goals helps to align everyone in the organization towards a common purpose. When employees
understand what they are working towards, they can focus their efforts on achieving those goals. This leads to
increased productivity and efficiency. They can track how well the organization is doing against its targets and
make adjustments as needed. Setting goals can help motivate employees by giving them something concrete
to work towards. When people feel like they are making progress towards a goal, they are more likely to stay
engaged and committed.

Lesson 11: Business Model

1. D
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B

1. What are the key activities in a business model?

A business model is a plan that outlines how a company will generate revenue and make profits. It is an
essential component of any successful business, as it helps to identify the key activities that are necessary for
success. There are several key activities in a business model that must be considered. Identifying the target
market is crucial. This involves understanding the needs and preferences of potential customers and tailoring
products or services to meet those needs. creating a value proposition that differentiates the company from
its competitors is important. This can be achieved through offering unique features or benefits that appeal to
customers. Developing a distribution strategy is vital to ensure products or services reach their intended
audience efficiently and effectively. establishing partnerships with suppliers or other businesses can help
reduce costs and increase revenue streams. Implementing effective marketing strategies to promote the
brand and attract customers is essential. These key activities form the foundation of any successful business
model and must be carefully considered when developing a plan for long-term success.

2. What are the 6 types of business activities?

In the world of business, there are six types of activities that companies engage in to achieve their goals.
These activities include financing, investing, operating, marketing, distributing and servicing. Financing
involves raising capital through various means such as loans or issuing stocks. Investing refers to the purchase
of assets that will generate income for the company in the future.
Operating activities are those that involve producing goods or providing services to customers.
Marketing is the process of promoting products or services to potential customers while distribution involves
getting these products or services to customers through various channels. Servicing refers to providing after-
sales support and maintenance for products or services sold by the company. Each of these activities is
essential for a business's success and must be managed effectively. Understanding these six types of business
activities is crucial for any entrepreneur looking to start a successful venture. By mastering each activity and
balancing them appropriately, businesses can achieve their goals and thrive in today's competitive market.

3. What are channels in a business model?

Channels are the means through which a business delivers its value proposition to its customers. They
are the paths that connect a company’s products or services with its target market. Channels can be physical,
such as retail stores or warehouses, or digital, such as websites and social media platforms. A business model
must carefully consider the channels it uses to reach its customers. The choice of channels should align with
the company’s overall strategy and target market. For example, a luxury brand may choose to use high-end
retail stores as their primary channel to maintain their brand image, while an e-commerce startup may focus
on building an online presence through social media and search engine optimization.
The effectiveness of channels can be measured by factors such as customer acquisition cost, customer
lifetime value, and conversion rates. A successful business model will continuously evaluate and optimize its
channels to ensure they are delivering maximum value to both the company and its customers. Channels play
a critical role in a business model by connecting companies with their target market. Choosing the right
channels is essential for success in today’s competitive marketplace.

Lesson 12: Forecast the Revenue of the business

1. B
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. A
1. Generally, strong economic growth will lead to:

Generally, strong economic growth will lead to a multitude of positive outcomes for a country. It will
result in increased employment opportunities as businesses expand and new ones emerge. This will lead to a
reduction in unemployment rates and an increase in the standard of living for citizens. Strong economic
growth will lead to an increase in government revenue through taxes on businesses and individuals. This
revenue can then be used to invest in public services such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure which
further boosts the economy. It can attract foreign investment as investors seek out countries with strong
economies that offer potential returns on their investments.This leads to improved productivity and
competitiveness which ultimately benefits the economy as a whole.
2.A cash flow statement shows an overview of money flowing in and out of a company.

A cash flow statement is a financial document that provides an overview of the money flowing in and out
of a company. It is an essential tool for businesses to track their cash inflows and outflows, which helps them
make informed decisions about their finances. The statement includes three sections: operating activities,
investing activities, and financing activities. The operating section shows the cash generated or used by the
company's core business operations. The investing section shows the cash spent on investments such as
property, plant, and equipment. The financing section shows how the company raises capital through debt or
equity. By analyzing these sections, investors can determine whether a company is generating enough cash to
cover its expenses and invest in future growth. A positive cash flow indicates that a company has more money
coming in than going out, while a negative cash flow indicates that it is spending more than it earns.
3.How do businesses forecast revenues?

Forecasting revenues is an essential aspect of any business as it helps in planning and making informed
decisions. Businesses use various methods to forecast their revenues, including historical data analysis, market
research, and trend analysis. Historical data analysis involves analyzing past sales data to identify patterns and
trends that can be used to predict future revenue. Market research involves gathering information about the
market demand for a product or service and using it to estimate future sales. Trend analysis involves analyzing
changes in customer behavior, economic conditions, and industry trends to predict future revenue.

4.Why is revenue forecasting important?

Revenue forecasting is a crucial aspect of any business, as it helps to predict the future financial
performance of a company. It is an essential tool for planning and budgeting, as it provides insights into the
expected revenue streams and helps businesses make informed decisions. One of the primary reasons why
revenue forecasting is important is that it allows companies to plan their resources effectively. By predicting
future revenues, businesses can allocate their resources efficiently, ensuring that they have enough funds to
cover their expenses and invest in growth opportunities.Moreover, revenue forecasting also helps businesses
identify potential risks and opportunities. By analyzing past trends and current market conditions, companies
can anticipate changes in demand or competition and adjust their strategies accordingly.

4. What are the advantages of forecasting?

Forecasting is a crucial tool in business planning and decision-making. It involves predicting future trends
and events based on historical data and current market conditions. There are several advantages of
forecasting that make it an essential practice for any organization. Forecasting helps businesses to anticipate
changes in demand and adjust their production accordingly. This ensures that they can meet customer needs
while minimizing waste and reducing costs. Forecasting enables organizations to identify potential risks and
opportunities in the market.

Lesson 13: Identify the Reasons for Keeping Business Records

1. E
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. C

1. How do you keep records of business transactions?

Keeping records of business transactions is an essential aspect of running a successful business. It

involves recording all financial activities, including sales, purchases, expenses, and payments made or
received. There are several ways to keep records of business transactions, including manual and computerized
methods. Manual methods involve using books such as ledgers and journals to record transactions. This
method is suitable for small businesses with few transactions. However, it can be time-consuming and prone
to errors.
On the other hand, computerized methods involve using accounting software to record transactions
automatically. This method is faster and more efficient than manual methods. It also provides accurate reports
that can help in making informed decisions.
2.What is the importance of record keeping ?
Record keeping is an essential aspect of any organization or business. It involves the systematic and
accurate documentation of all important information, transactions, and events that occur within the
organization. The importance of record keeping cannot be overstated as it serves several critical functions.
Record keeping helps in maintaining transparency and accountability within an organization. It ensures that all
financial transactions are accurately recorded and can be easily traced if needed.record keeping is crucial for
legal compliance purposes. It ensures that organizations comply with regulatory requirements such as tax laws
and labor laws. Additionally, it provides evidence in case of disputes or legal proceedings.

3. How do you keep accounting records accurate?

Accounting records are crucial for any business to keep track of its financial transactions. It is essential to
maintain accurate accounting records to ensure that the business runs smoothly and efficiently. There are
several ways to keep accounting records accurate. It is important to have a proper system in place for
recording. financial transactions. This could be done through a computerized accounting software or manually
through ledger books. It is important to reconcile bank statements regularly with the accounting records. This
helps identify any discrepancies between the two and allows for corrections to be made promptly. It is crucial
to maintain proper documentation for all financial transactions.

4. What are the characteristics of record keeping?

Record keeping is an essential aspect of any organization, whether it be a small business or a large
corporation. The characteristics of record keeping include accuracy, completeness, timeliness, and security.
Accuracy ensures that the information recorded is correct and free from errors. Completeness means that all
necessary information is included in the record.Effective record keeping requires attention to detail and
adherence to established procedures. It also involves proper storage and organization of records for easy
retrieval when needed. Records should be kept for legal, financial, or historical purposes.

Lesson 14: Preparing an Income Statement and Balance Sheet

1. B
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. B
8. B (15,000, 16, 500)


1. B
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B

1. How would business law help in shaping your future career?

Business law is a crucial aspect of the corporate world that governs the legal framework for businesses.
It plays a vital role in shaping the future careers of individuals who aspire to work in the business industry. A
thorough knowledge of business law can help individuals navigate complex legal issues and make informed
decisions in their professional lives. It also helps them understand the implications of their actions on their
organization's reputation and financial stability. business law offers opportunities for professionals to
specialize in various areas such as corporate law, securities regulation, or intellectual property law. This
specialization can lead to lucrative career paths with high earning potential.

2. Why are laws needed for business?

Laws are essential for business as they provide a framework for the smooth functioning of the economy.
Business laws ensure that businesses operate within ethical and legal boundaries, protecting consumers and
employees from exploitation. They also promote fair competition, preventing monopolies and encouraging
innovation. Laws provide a level playing field for all businesses, regardless of their size or financial resources.
They protect intellectual property rights, ensuring that companies can profit from their inventions and ideas
without fear of theft or infringement. Laws help to maintain social order by regulating business activities that
may have negative impacts on society or the environment. Without laws in place to regulate business
activities, chaos would ensue, leading to economic instability and social unrest. Therefore, it is imperative that
businesses comply with the law to ensure long-term success and sustainability.

3. What makes a business illegal?

A business can be considered illegal if it operates outside the boundaries of the law. There are various
reasons why a business can be deemed illegal, including engaging in fraudulent activities, violating labor laws,
and operating without proper licenses or permits. Fraudulent activities such as embezzlement, money
laundering, and Ponzi schemes are some of the most common reasons why businesses are considered illegal.
These activities deceive customers and investors by promising high returns on investments or offering
products that do not meet safety standards.

4.Why is it important for business start -ups to comply with legal requirements?

Business start-ups are required to comply with legal requirements for several reasons. Firstly,
compliance with legal requirements ensures that the business operates within the confines of the law and
avoids any legal issues that may arise in the future. This is important as legal issues can be costly and time-
consuming, which can impact the growth and success of a start-up. Compliance with legal requirements helps
to establish credibility and trustworthiness in the eyes of customers, investors, and other stakeholders. This is
particularly important for start-ups as they are often unknown entities in their respective industries.
5.Why are laws needed for business?

Laws are essential for the smooth functioning of any society. They provide a framework that governs the
behavior of individuals and organizations, ensuring that everyone operates within acceptable boundaries. In
the context of business, laws play a crucial role in regulating commercial activities and protecting the interests
of all stakeholders. One of the primary reasons why laws are needed for business is to ensure fair competition.
Without regulations, businesses could engage in unethical practices such as price-fixing or monopolizing
markets, which would harm consumers and smaller competitors. Laws also protect workers' rights by setting
minimum wage standards, safety regulations, and preventing discrimination. laws help businesses operate
with transparency and accountability. They require companies to maintain accurate financial records, pay
taxes on time, and adhere to environmental regulations.

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