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Abraham Lincoln

Logline: Abraham lincoln must overcome all the struggles and save the black slaves from
white Americans

Protagonist: Abraham lincoln

Intention: to save black slaves
Obstacle: the white Americans
Stakes: his life

Antagonist: The white Americans

Intention: to keep black Nigro as slaves
Obstacle: Abraham Lincoln as president
Stakes: their power

Synopsis: In America, there were two parts, South America and North America but the
people from the two sides used to plan for war. Nigro people were treated like slaves
because of their color and they used to suffer a lot. Abraham Lincoln also belonged to
the black people so he wanted to remove the ill-treatment of the black people by the
American people. Abraham Lincoln decided to become the president of America and
save the black people from being slaves. In America, all the board of directors should
approve the one who fights for the place for being president. All the board of directors
approves of Abraham Lincoln and he fights for the president and he becomes the
president of America. As soon as he became the president Abraham Lincoln first
promised the people of America that he will not allow the people to get in the war. After
Abraham became the president he first focused on the black slaves and he decided to get
them back safely. As soon Abraham started getting black slaves back safely, but as soon
as he started this the white citizens went against this. There was a big fight going on
between the people of South America and North America. Abraham silently talked with
them and made them understand the pros and cons. Abraham also made the white
Americans realize the situation and struggle of the black Nigro slaves. The white
Americans understood the situation of black slaves and they also supported them but
the other part of Americans were against this.

But big industrialists were against all this as they didn't get huge
profits through this. They also wanted to get rid of Abraham Lincoln but the poor
people got a huge profit in this case. For Abraham Lincoln, half of the ideas which he
implemented were from his wife. Abraham Lincoln was a simple person; he used to wear
an old coat. He was a person with simplicity. Because of the works of Abraham Lincoln
many poor people got saved and were rescued; Abraham Lincoln decided to fight for
becoming president the second time. The Poor people black citizens were supporting
Abraham, but the rich people wanted Abraham to lose. The council people also did not
approve of Abraham but with huge support, he again became the president of America
the second time. Abraham did not give power to anyone instead he appointed many
people and assigned different works to them. All the business delegates planned together
and appointed a man named Johns Williams Youth to kill Abraham. One day when
Abraham came out of the church and was drinking tea with the normal people John
William shooted Abraham with his gun and Abraham lost his life. But before his death,
he rescued all the black slaves and brought them to their country. Abraham is one of the
people who do what they say.

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