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Tema:European Colonization

The conquest and colonization of America refers to
the historical process by which various European
powers conquered and established systems of
colonial domination in the American continent, from
the end of the 15th century to the 19th century. This
process implied the disappearance of the great
American empires, particularly the Inca Empire and
the Aztec Empire, as well as the demographic
collapse of the American population. Simultaneously,
the colonial powers imposed the widespread use of
European languages in the Americas, mainly
Spanish, English and Portuguese.
europeos en América, principalmente el español, el
inglés y el portugués.


As the Turks took Constantinople, this trade carried

out by Arabs, Venetians and Genoese is interrupted,
which led the Portuguese to search for a direct route
to the land of spices.
Economic factor. This is the most important factor of
all because it underlies all the others.
The increase in the European population during the
second half of the fifteenth century, due to the end of
the Black Death and the great medieval wars,
together with the development of trade, materialized
in a strong economic expansion, based on the
search for raw materials for the craft industry and
new markets where to place the manufactured
products. This activity caused a greater circulation of
money, which increased the demand for precious
metals to mint money. The European mines were
unable to meet this strong demand, so the precious
metals had to be sought in the Sudan and other
places that had to be sought.
Ideological factors.
Across the Atlantic Ocean,Europeans grew
interested in te Americas.They Heard tales about
these wild,bountiful lands.England,France,Italy, and
Spain wanted to claim land in North America

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