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Knowledge Mindset Behaviour

Employees believe the Employees incorporate the

Employee know what
culture will make the culture into the way they do Workforce-Culture
cultural atributes senior
leaders think the x organization more x their jobs and rely on to = Alignment (WCA)
successful and are guide them through
prganization needs to be
personally committed to unfamiliar situations.
successful going forward.
upholding it. Action on knowledge, mindset and
behavior must be simultenous. The
impact is multiplicatove not additive.
i.e., zero movement on one results in
zeroimprovement in workforce-
culture alignment.

Business Outcomes
Impact of up 9% 8% 22% 16%
to … on Perfomance on Perfomance
on Employee on Revenue
Against Revenue Against Talent
Perfomance Outcomes
Goals Management Goals

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