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• Confidentiality is a precautionary measure for those who have no interest in accessing
information. In general, it can be said that confidentiality means that the right
information can only be accessed by those who are entitled (and not others), by
analogy with e-mail or trade data from companies.
• Data confidentiality helps a person’s personal data from being hacked or stolen and
can guarantee a person’s personal safety

• Integrity or is a form of prevention against the possibility of amendment or deletion of
information by those who are not entitled. In general, this integrity means that the
information is accurate, it is accurate everywhere in the system and or follow the term
"messaging"-that is, there is no defect or erased in its journey from the provider to the
recipients entitled to the information.

• availability is an effort to prevent the withholding of related information or resources
by those who are not entitled. In general, the meaning is that the right information can
be accessed when needed by anyone who has legitimacy for this purpose. With regard
to the "messaging system" then the message must be readable by anyone who is
addressed or directed, when they want to read it.

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