You are on page 1of 12

Program 1a: $ vi pro1b.

$ cat>>pranesh.txt For x in $*
123 do
456 echo "enter the word to be deleted"
789 read fword
135 sed -e '/'Sfword' /d' $x>output.txt
246 done
798 cat output.txt
$ vi ~
echo “enter the file name” :wq
read fname
echo "enter the starting line number" Output:
read s $ sh hartsh.txt
echo “enter the ending line number” enter the word to be deleted
read n 789
sed -n $s,Sn\p $fname | cat>newline 123
cat newline 456
~ 135
~ 246
:wq 978

Output: Program 2a:

$ sh $mkdir gokul
enter the file name $ cd gokul
pranesh.txt /gokul$ cat>>arjun.txt
enter the starting line number messi
2 ronaldo
enter the ending line number neymar
4 Paul
456 Pele
135 /gokul$ cat>>shiva.txt
Program 1b: pranesh
$ cat>>harish.txt dhoni
123 sachin
456 rohit Rahul
789 /gokul$ cat>>mathan.txt
135 Saran
246 Gokul
978 kavin
/gokul$ vi -rw-rw-r-- 1 pranesh pranesh 74 Oct 26
/gokul$ ls -l 21:40
total 24 -rw-rw-r-- 1 pranesh pranesh 213 Oct 26
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pranesh pranesh 32 Oct 26 21:46
21:33 arjun.txt -rw-rw-r-- 1 pranesh pranesh 31 Oct 26
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pranesh pranesh 31 Oct 26 21:34 shiva.txt
21:37 mathan.txt
-rw-rw-r—1 pranesh pranesh 11 oct 26 Program 2b:
21:39 pro7. Sh $ vi
-rw-rw-r-1 pranesh pranesh 74 oct 26 for x in S*
21:40 prog8. Sh do
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pranesh pranesh 213 Oct 26 if [ -f $x ]
21:46 then
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pranesh pranesh 31 Oct 26 echo “$x is a file”
21:34 shtva.txt echo “no of lines in the file are”
wc -l $x
echo "enter the list of file name in curent elif [ -d $x ]
directory" then
echo "which have read, write and execute echo ”$x is a directory”.
permission" else
for file in * echo "enter valid filename or directory
do name"
if [ -f $file] fi
then done
if [ -r $file -a - w $file -a -x $file ] ~
then ~
ls -l $file :wq
fi Output:
done $ sh harish.txt
~ harish.txt is a file
~ no of lines in the file are
:wq 6 harish.txt

Output: Program 3a:

/gokul$ chmod +x arjun.txt $ cat bca.txt
/gokul$ ls -l Elon musk
total 24 Satya Nadella
-rwxrwxr-x 1 pranesh pranesh 32 Oct 26 Mark Zuckerberg
Jamie Dimon
21:33 arjun.txt
Abdul kalam
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pranesh pranesh 31 Oct 26
21:37 mathan.txt
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pranesh pranesh 11 Oct 26
$ vi Program 4a:
file1=$1 $ cat bca.txt
shift 1 Elon Musk
exec<$file1 while read li Satya Nadella
do Mark Zuckerberg
echo "$li:" Jante Dimon
grep -c "$li" s@
Abdul kalam
:wq $ vi
Output: for name in $1
$ sh 3a bca.txt do
Elon musk: sed -e 's/\(.\)/\n/g' grep -v -e "a" -e "e" -e
0 "L" -e "o" -e "u" $name | wc -l
Program 3b: done
$ cat bca.txt ~
Elon Musk ~
Satya Nadella :wq
Mark Zuckerberg
Jamie Dimon Output:
Abdul kalam $ sh 4a bca.txt
Bcdfghjkl 1

$ vi Program 4b:

echo "the directorys are:" $ cat bca.txt
for file in * Elon Musk
do Satya Nadella
if [ -d $file] Mark Zuckerberg
then Janie Dimon
echo "Sfile" Abdul kalam
fi bcdfghjkl
~ $ vi
~ BEGIN(print "record. \t characters \t
:wq words"}
Output: #BODY section
$ sh len=length(50)
the directorys are: total_len len
IBCA print(NR, "\t",len, "\t", NF,$0)
IIBCA words =NF
IIMCA print("In total")
print("characters :\t" total len) printf("%s contains: \n",src);
print("lines :\t" NR) while((ch=getc(fp1))!=EOF)
} {
~ fputc(ch, fp2);
~ printf("%c",ch);
:wq }
printf("file is copied.");
Output: fclose(fp1);
vi 4b_bash.awk fclose(fp2);
awk -f 4b_bash.awk bca.txt return 1;
record. characters words }
1: 9: 2 Elon Musk ~
2: 14: 2 Satya Nadella ~
3: 15: 2 Mark Zuckerberg :wq
4: 11: 2 Jante Dinon
5: 11: 2 Abdul kalan Output:
6: 9: 1 bcdfghjkl $ gcc -o 5a_bash.out 5a_bash.c
$ ./5 bash.out
total enter the source file nane:bca.txt
characters: 9 enter the destination file name:nit.txt
lines: 6 bca.txt contains: Elon musk
Satya Nadella
Program 5a: Mark Zuckerberg
$ vi 5a_bash.c Jante Dimon
#include<stdio.h> Abdul kalam
#include<stdlib.h> bcdfghjkl
int main() file is copied.
char src[10],dest[10],ch; Program 5b:
FILE *fp1, *fp2; $ cat bca.txt
printf("enter the source file name:"); Elon musk
scanf("%s",src); Satya Nadella
if((fp1=fopen(src, "r"))==0) Mark Zuckerberg
{ Jante Dimon
printf("error in opening src file"); Abdul kalam
exit(0); bcdfghjkl
printf("enter the destination file name:"); $ vi
scanf("%s", dest); #include<stdio.h>
if((fp2=fopen(dest, "w"))==0) #include<fcntl.h>
{ #include<unistd.h>
printf("error in destination file"); int main(int argc, char **argv)
exit(1); {
} char ch[2];
int fd; Output:
fd=open(argv[1],0_RDONLY); $ gcc -o 6a bash.out 6a bash.c
while((read(fd,ch,1))==1) $ ./6a_bash.out
write(1,ch,1); IBCA
} 111BCA
close(fd); 6a bash.out
return 1; 9b_bash.out
} 5a bash.c
:wq 12 bash.out
$ gcc 5b_bash.c -o 5b_bash
$ ./5b_bash bca.txt Program 6b :
Elon Musk $ vi 6b_bash.c
Satya Nadella #include <stdio.h>
Mark Zuckerberg #include <unistd.h>
Jante Dinon #include <sys/types.h>
Abdul kalam #include <sys/wait.h>
bcdfghjkl #include <stdlib.h>
int main(){
Program 6a: int pid;
$ vi 6a_bash.c pid = fork();
#include <stdio.h> if ( pid < 0 )
#include <dirent.h> {
int main(void) Printf(“\nFork failed\n”);
{ exit (-1);
struct dirent *de; }
DIR *dr = opendir("."); else if ( pid == 0)
if (dr == NULL) {
{ execlp ( “/bins/ls”,”ls “,”-l”, NULL );
printf("Could not open current directory" }
); else
return 0; {
} wait (NULL);
while ((de = readdir(dr)) != NULL) printf(“\nchild completed\n”);
printf("%s\n", de->d_name); exit (0);
closedir(dr); }
return 0; }
} ~
~ ~
~ :wq
Output: ~
$ gcc -o 6b_bash.out 6b_bash.c ~
$ ./6b_bash.0ut :wq
total 368
-rwxr----- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 930 oct Output:
25 17:25 18a1_bash.c $ cd IBCA
-rwxr----- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 438 oct $ cat>>sample.txt
25 17:25 10a2_bash.c Nitheesh
-rwxr----- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 1345 oct Nagarjuna
25 17:25 10b_bash.c Pranesh
-rwxr----- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 985 oct Pooja
25 17:25 12_bash.c Naren
-rwxr----- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 481 oct Velan
25 17:25 12_bash.out
-rwxrwxr-x 1 nitheesh nitheesh 1650 oct $ cd
28 10:15 $ cd Documents:
-rwxr----- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 525 oct $ cd ubuntu
28 15:27 5a_bash.c $ gcc -o 7a bash.out 7a_bash.c
-rwxrrwxr-x 1 nitheesh nitheesh 1645 oct $ ./7a_bash.out IBCA
27 15:17 5a_bash.out 918508 sample.txt
-rwxrrwxr-x 1 nitheesh nitheesh 1628 oct
28 15;35 5b_bash
-rwxr----- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 263 oct Program 7b:
28 15:33 5b_bash.c $ vi 7b_bash.c
Program 7a: #include<stdio.h>
$ vi 7a_bash.c #include<string.h>
#include<stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[])
#include<stdio.h> {
#include<string.h> char d[50];
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) if(argc ==2)
{ {
char d[50]; bzero(d,sizeof(d));
if(argc==2) strcat(d, "ls ");
{ strcat(d, “>”);
bzero(d,sizeof(d)); strcat(d, argv[1]);
strcat(d,argv[1]); system(d);
strcat(d, "ls "); }
strcat(d,"-i "); else
system(d); printf("\nInvalid No. of inputs");
} }
else ~
printf("\nInvalid No. of inputs:”); ~
} :wq
$ gcc -o 7b_bash.out 7b_bash.c
$ ./7b_bash.out prg.txt
$ cat prg.txt
Program 8a: child_pid = fork () ;
$ vi 8a_bash.c if (child_pid > 0)
#include<stdio.h> {
#include<sys/wait.h> Sleep (10) ;
int main(void) }
{ else
int pid; {
int status; Exit (0) ;
printf("Hello World!\n"); }
pid=fork(); return 0;
if(pid == -1) }
{ ~
perror("bad fork"); ~
exit(1); :wq
if(pid == 0) Output:
printf("I am the child process.\n"); $ gcc -o 8b_bash.out 8b_bash.c
else $ ./8b_bash.out
{ $ ps aux |grep “defunct “
wait(&status); nitheesh 4987 0.0 0.0 17636 912 pts/0 $+
printf("I am the parent process.\n"); 11:47 0.00 grep --color = auto defunct
} Program 9a:
~ $ vi 9a_bash.c
~ #include<stdio.h>
wq int main()
Output: Int pid;
$./8a.out Printf(“ I’am the original process with PID
Hello World! %d and PPID %d.\n”,getpid(),getppid());
I am the child process. Pid=fork();
I am the parent process. If(pid!=0)
Program 8b: Printf(“ I’am the parent with PID %d and
$ vi 8b_bash.c PPID %d.\n”, getpid(),getppod());
#include <stdlib.h> Printf(“My child’s PID is %d\n”,pid);
#include <sys/types.h> }
#include <unistd.h> Else
int main () {
{ Sleep(4);
int pid_t, child_pid;
Printf(“I’m the child with PID %d and PPID {
%d.\n”, getpid(),getppid()); printf("parent reading from pipe \n");
} while(read(pfds[0],buf,80))
Printf(“PID %d termination.\n”,getpid()); printf("%s\n",buf);
} }
~ exit(1);
~ }
:wq ~
Output: :wq
I’am the original process with PID 5271 and Output:
PPID 2462 $ ./a.out
I’am the parent with PID 5271 and PPID parent reading from pipe
2462 total 60
My child’s process PID 5272 -rw-rw-r-- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 0 Oct 28
PID 5271 terminates. 16:41 4b_bash.awk
$ I’m the child with PID 5272 and PPID 1471 -rw-rw-r-i^a
And PID 5272 terminates. - 1 nitheesh nitheesh 278 Nov 9 12:16
Program 9b: -rwxrwxr-x 1 nitheesh nitheesh 163i^a
$ vi 9b_bash.c 12 Nov 9 12:17 8a.out
#include <stdio.h> -rw-rw-r-- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 0 Oct 31
#include <unistd.h> 19:08 9a_prg.i^a
#include <sys/types.h> C
#include <stdlib.h> -rwxrwxr-x 1 nitheesh nitheesh 16472 Nov
int main() 9 12:25 a.out drwxr-xr-x 2 root i^a
{ root 4096 Aug 30 20:02 IIBCA
int pfds[2]; -rw-rw-r-- 1 nitheesh nitheesh 342 Nov 9
char buf[30]; 12i^a
if(pipe(pfds)==-1) :24 lin9b.c
{ drwxrwxr-x 2 nitheesh nitheesh 4096 Nov 9
perror("pipe failed"); 12:23 nitheesh
exit(1); drwxrwxr-i^a
if( ! fork()) x 3 nitheesh nitheesh 4096 Sep 25 21:25
{ psgcas
close(1); -rw-r--r-- 1 root root i^a
dup(pfds[1]); 42 Aug 31 10:15 sample.text
system ("ls -l"); p 25 21:25 psgcas
} -rw-r--r-- 1 root root i^a
Program 10a: void server (int rfd, int wfd)
$ vi 10a_bash.c {
#include<stdio.h> char fname [2000];
#include<stdlib.h> char buff[2000];
#include<sys/types.h> n=read(rfd, fname, 2000);
#include<sys/stat.h> fname[n]=’\0’;
#include<string.h> int fd=open(fname, O_RDONLY);
#include<fcntl.h> sleep(10);
void server (int, int); if(fd<0)
void client(int, int); write(wfd, “can’t open”,9);
int main() else
{ n=read(fd, buff, 2000);
int p1[2],p2[2],pid; write(wfd, buff,n);
pipe(p1); }
pipe(p2): ~
pid=fork(); ~
if(pid==0) :wq
close(p1[1]); Output:
close(p2[0]); $ cat>>IIBCA.txt
client(p1[1],p2[0]); Linux Programming
wait(); Operating System
return 0; RDBMSS
} Accountancy
void client(int wfd, int rfd) DCN
{ $./a.out
char buff[2000]; WAIT
scanf(“%s”, fname); Linux Programming
printf(“CLIENT SENDING THE Operating System
sleep(10); Accountancy
write(wfd, fname, 2000); DCN
n=read(rfd, buff, 2000);
buff[n]=’\0’; Program 10b:
printf(“THE RESULTS OF CLIENTS $ vi 10b_bash.c
ARE……\n”); #include <stdio.h>
write(1,buff,n); #include <stdlib.h>
} #include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h> if(write(fd, buf, strsize) != strsize)
#include <string.h> {
#include <sys/types.h> printf(“Parent write to FIFO failed \n”);
#include <sys/stat.h> exit(1);
#include <sys/wait.h> }
#include <fcntl.h> }
#include <limits.h> }
#include <errno.h> ~
# define BUFSIZE 100 ~
void main(int argc, char *argv[]) :wq
mode_t fifo_node = S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR; Output:
int fd, status, child; $ cat>>IIBCA.txt
char buf[BUFSIZE]; Linux Programming
unsigned strsize; Operating System
if (argc !=2) RDBMSS
{ Accountancy
printf (“\n Usage: %s pipename\n”, argv[0]); DCN
exit(1); $ ./a.out IIBCA.txt
} Parent 2921 is about to open FIFO IIBCA.txt
if ((mkfifo(argv[1],fifo_mode) == -1) && Child 2922 is about to open FIFO IIBCA.txt
(errno != EEXIST)) Child is about to read
perror(“Pipe”); Child 2922 received: This was written by
exit(1); parent 2921
if (( child fork()) == -1) Program 11:
{ $ vi 11_bash.c
perror(“Fork”); #include <stdio.h>
exit(1); #include <sys/tpc.h>
} #include <sys/msg.h>
else if (child == 0) #include <stdlib.h>
printf(“\nChild %ld is about to open FIFO struct mesg_buffer
%s\n”, (long)getpid(), argv[1]); {
if ((fd = open(argv[1], O_WRONGLY)) = -1) long mesg_type:
{ char mesg_text[100];
perror(“Child cannot open FIFO”); }
exit(1); Message1,message2, message3;
} int main()
sprintf(buf, “This was written by parent (
%ld\n”, (long)getpid()); key_t key1,key2,key3;
strsize = strlen(buf) + 1; int msgid1,msgid2,msgid3;
key1= ftok("progfile1", 65); Program 12:
key2= ftok("progfile2", 65); $ vi 12_bash.c
key3= ftok("progfile3", 65); #define _POSIX_SOURCE
msgid1= msgget(key1, 0666|IPC_CREAT); #include <unistd.h>
message1.mesg_type = 3; #include <signal.h>
printf("Write Data : "); #include <stdio.h>
scanf("%s",message1.mesg_text); #include <time.h>
msgid2= msgget(key2, 0666 | IPC_CREAT); void catcher (int signum) {
message2.mesg_type = 2; puts(“inside catcher...”);
printf("write Data: "); }
scanf("%s",message2.mesg_text); void timestamp() {
msgid3= msgget(key3, 0666 | IPC_CREAT); time_ t t;
message3.mesg_type= 1; time(&t);
printf("Write Data : "); printf (“the time is %s”, ctime (&t));
scanf("%s",message3.mesg_text); }
msgsnd(msgid1, &message1, int main() {
sizeof(message1), 0); struct sigaction sigact;
msgsnd(msgid2, &message2, sigemptyset (&sigact.sa_mask);
sizeof(message2), 0); sigact.sa_flags = 0;
msgsnd (msgid3, &message3, sigact.sa_handler = catcher;
sizeof(message3), 0); sigaction(SIGALRM, &sigact, NULL);
printf("Data send is: %s\n", alarm(5);
message1.mesg_text); printf(“before pause....”);
printf("Data send is: %s\n", timestamp();
message2.mesg_text); pause();
printf("Data send is: %s\n", printf(“after pause....”);
message3.mesg_text); timestamp();
return 0; }
} ~
~ ~
~ :wq
Output: Output:
$ gcc -o 11_bash.out 11_bash.c $ gcc 12_bash.c
$./11_bash.out $ ./a.out
write Data : Apple before pause.... the time is Mon Nov 1
Write Data: Banana 00:08:28 2021
write Data : Cat inside catcher....
Data send is : Apple after pause.....the time is Mon Nov 1
Data send is : Banana 00:08:33 2021
Data send is : Cat

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