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Unit 1 Reinforcement worksheet

1 Uzupełnij podpisy pod obrazkami.

1 n 3 i 5 r
2 r l 4 t

6 h 8 d 10 m
7 r 9 r

2 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki. 3 Uzupełnij dialog formą przeszłą czasownika be.
Katie 1 Were you at the beach yesterday?
north south east west
Andy No, I 2 .I3 at the cinema.
Katie Oh. you with your friends?
Andy No, I 5 with my cousins. My
friends at the cinema yesterday.
They were at the park.
Katie I see. 7 the film good?
Andy Not really. It a comedy film,
but it very funny!
Katie Oh dear.

4 Uzupełnij tekst podanymi czasownikami

w formie past simple.
Yesterday morning, I 1 (get) up early.
I (have) a shower and I 3 (eat)
breakfast with my family. Then, my brother and I
(go) to the park. We 5 (meet)
our friends there. My brother and his friends
(climb) trees in the park. My friends and
I (play) basketball. Then, we all
(buy) ice creams and we 9 (sit)
1 Darlington is in the of England. in the sun. It (be) a great day.
2 Southampton is to the of Oxford.
3 Bristol is to the of Oxford. 5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie nawzajem
4 Norwich is in the of England. pytania i odpowiadajcie na nie.
5 Blackpool is in the of England. happy at the zoo cold bored busy
6 Leicester is to the of Darlington. at the park with your cousins at home
7 Norwich is to the of Leicester.
8 Southampton is in the of England.
Were you happy yesterday? Yes, I was.

Steps Plus VI • Unit 1 Reinforcement PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

Unit 1 Extension worksheet

1 Przeczytaj tekst. Gdzie Amy wraz z rodziną pojechała na wakacje?

My holiday by Amy Wells

I wasn’t at home last week. My family and I were in China. We had
an amazing time. We flew to Beijing in a huge plane. The trip took
ten hours, but I wasn’t bored. I was excited. A tour guide met us att
Beijing airport and drove us to our hotel in a van. The next day, we
walked around Beijing and saw lots of interesting places, like the
Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square. On the second day, we wentt
on a bus to the Great Wall of China. We rode in a cable car because
we wanted to see the Great Wall from the air. It was fantastic.
On the third day, we visited the Summer Palace and walked
around the lake and gardens. It was beautiful. On the fourth day,
we got up early and flew to Guilin. We sailed on a big boat down
the Li River and then we rode bikes in the countryside. On the
fifth day, we didn’t want to walk or ride bikes. We were tired, so
we relaxed in a café and bought some presents for our friends. On
the sixth day, our guide drove us to the airport and we flew home.
I was very sad when we left China. It’s a beautiful country with a
very interesting history.

2 Przeczytaj powyższy tekst jeszcze raz. Następnie 4 Zakreśl w tekście w ćw. 1 spójniki and, but, so, or
połącz połówki zdań. i because. Następnie uzupełnij poniższe zdania
1 On the first day, … tymi spójnikami.
2 On the second day, … 1 We went back to our hotel room,
3 On the third day, … we didn’t go to bed.
4 On the fourth day, … 2 You can go by bus take a taxi.
5 On the fifth day, … 3 They went in a helicopter they
6 On the sixth day, … wanted to see the city from the air.
4 We bought postcards presents in
a they did some shopping.
b they went on a boat trip. a little shop.
c they left China. 5 I was hungry, I had a sandwich in
d they went in a cable car. a café.
e they visited the Forbidden City.
f they visited some beautiful gardens.
5 Pracujcie w parach. Zadawajcie sobie
nawzajem pytania dotyczące waszych wakacji
3 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki i odpowiadajcie na nie.
w formie past simple. Następnie ułóż te zdania 1 When was your last holiday?
we właściwej kolejności. 2 Where did you go?
3 How did you get there?
meet fly walk feel arrive buy ride 4 What places did you visit?
5 What did you do?
a They bikes in the countryside.
b Amy sad at the end of the holiday. When was your last holiday? It was …
c Amy and her family in Beijing.
d They from Beijing to Guilin.
e Amy presents for her friends. Extra writing
f A tour guide the family at the 6 Wyobraź sobie, że w zeszłym tygodniu byłeś/
airport. byłaś na wakacyjnym wyjeździe. Opisz go.
g They around Tiananmen Square.

Steps Plus VI • Unit 1 Extension PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press

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