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Give it to God!!

1 Peter 5:6-7

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. 7 Cast all your
anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Kaya nga, pasakop kayo sa kapangyarihan ng Diyos at dadakilain niya kayo pagdating ng takdang
panahon. 7 Ipagkatiwala ninyo sa kanya ang inyong mga alalahanin sa buhay sapagkat siya ay nagmamalasakit
sa inyo.


Once there was a man laying down with his ear pressed against the sidewalk, he was there a long time and
many people walked by him…they would stop for a moment and stare and then move on…. then a crowd
started to gather…wondering what he was doing. The police came and they asked the man what he was doing.
He said I am listening. The police asked him what he was listen to…he said, come listen…so one of the officers
got down and did the same…after a moment he got up and said “I don’t hear anything” to which the man
replied… “I know, it has been like that all day!!” They took the man to a mental hospital

Now I know that this is a funny illustration but we are a lot like this man…this man was worried that he did not
hear anything, he was so consumed by worry that it took over his whole life.


This morning I have a question, what are you worried about? What do you have to worry about?

There are many things that people worry about:

Health- worrying about your health can make you sick

Money-if you have it you worry someone will take it, if you do not have it you worry where you will get it

Family-family is going to do what family is going to do, worrying about it will bring you back to ill health

Getting older-okay, who here is not getting older? Everyone gets older…you can not stop it

Death-death comes to us all…this you also can not stop….your main concern here should be where you will
spent eternity.

We worry about too much, look with me at what Jesus says about worry.

I. Give your cares to God

Look at I Peter 5:6-7

First thing we see here is that we are to humble ourselves under God’s mighty hand and authority…when we
do this He exalts us
Then it says in verse 7, that we are to cast our anxiety upon Him….does this verse tell us to cast some of our
cares on Him? No!! says ALL. Some translations says “…casting all your care…” The NLT has verse 7 as,
“Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”

God knows everything about you and He cares

Are you worried about something? Give it to God!!

Are you struggling with something? Give it to God!!

Any fears? Give them to God!!

Give everything to God for He cares about you!!

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