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Day 1

9am Intro / welcome - 10’

What is TACFIT? - 15’

● Origins and current daily life applications
● What is TACFIT to you (humanize the system, ‘your why’)

Intuflow open chain + Flow - 20’

Review bodyweight drills for qual - 60’

● Full set up: teach & repeat

Protocol 30/30 (non-alt) - 40’

Cb double swings
Tactical push ups (regress into hollowbody plank)
Med ball neck squats
Kb bent over rows
Tactical lunges

Protocol 4/1 - 40’

kb goblet clean (progress into squat / regress into deadlift)
pull ups (regress into hollowbody crunch)
base switch
spinal rock (regress into shoulder bridge knee tuck)

Compensation - 10’

12:30pm Lunch 45-60’

Lecture - Breathing and recovery 20-30’

Warm up flow - 10’

Protocol EMOTM 15-20’ - 40’

Cb cast to squat (regress into arm cast) 5 (alternate grip/side per set)
Sit thru knee 5/5
Tripod vertical 3/3

Protocol AMRAP 15-20’ - 40’

Cb alt arm cast 5/5…3/3
Pull plank knee 8…5
Cb single arm outside swings 13/13…8/8…5/5
Kb swings 21…13…8

Compensation - 10’

3pm Goodbye / end day 1

Day 2

9am Welcome back

Intuflow closed chain + warm up Flow - 20’

Protocol 90/30 UNIFORM - 40’

Kb RDL switch (progress into figure eights)
Cb Gamma cast
Quad press (regress into bear squats)
Ring rows (regress with hip thrusts / compensate-reactivate with 2/2 tripod verticals)

Protocol AFAP/T ZULU (reduce reps and reduce time cap to 15’ - optional)
Pull ups 50 (20)
Kb push press 25/25
Parallel squats (progress into toes…jump) 50
Cb clockwork swings (can progress into pendulums: tech. progression / strength regression) 50

Compensation - 10’ led by SI if available

Lunch - 45-60’

Mobility/warm up - 10’ led by SI if available

Technical test - review standards and drills - 30’ + 60’ test

● Bodyweight - Quad press / push ups / pull ups

● Clubbell - gamma cast / alt arm cast / double swings
*At each station, candidates will work in pairs (under the supervision of a SI/TL) and they will ‘test’ each
● pass/no pass?
● Why?
● What needs to improve/continue working on?
● SI/TL gives feedback and final YES/NO

Performance test - review standard and drills - 30’

Q-test (2 flights) - 90’

Scoring - 10’

Compensation (should include full shutdown with autogenic corpse reset) - 15’

Certificates, graduation

4pm Goodbye

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