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"You are 82 years old, when will you stop?

If you were anyway going to withdraw your

resignation later, why did you resign in the first place?": These were the words of Ajit Pawar
who launched a full-blown attack against his uncle and NCP supremo Sharad Pawar in
Mumbai on Wednesday, 5 July.

The kind of words that were never uttered before have not only been spoken but were
accompanied by allegations against Sharad Pawar of manipulation, double-speak, and
conspiracies to portray him as the 'villain'.

Just a day after taking oath on Monday, a reporter asked Ajit Pawar who is the national
president of the party and he said: "Have you forgotten Sharad Pawar?" But now, the
message is clear - the goal is total control.
A letter has also been sent to the Election Commission pitching Ajit as the NCP president,
which his faction said that was done on 30 June, two days before he took oath as the deputy
chief minister on 2 July.
But if it's Sharad Pawar we talk about, so there were no holds barred either. Pawar senior along with
Supriya Sule countered several claims simultaneously at a gathering of his supporters at the YB Chavan
Centre in Mumbai. The father-daughter duo made it clear that they will not let the party name and symbol
be taken away. But other than the barbs, there were some major claims and revelations made by both sides.

Why did Sharad Pawar pitch to resign? How many times did the NCP try to ally with the BJP? Why was
Ajit Pawar not made the party chief all this time?

Here are six key takeaways of Wednesday's tell-all addresses and the Pawar vs Pawar battle of the NCP so

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