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Women Empowerment

“Brigadier Ayu”

Exactly April 21 is the anniversary of Kartini Day, a day for extraordinary woman
and all woman in Indonesa who continue to make changes and progress in all fields.We
realize it or not, there are so many woman around us who have become Kartinis’s
successors in driving familly life andenvironment in which they are located.
Independence, and self-confidence has become a complete package that we as woman
need to have. Becoming a Kartini today, having good character and moral ethics keep
us from losing our way in facing today’s challenges.

Woman have a strong basis for exercising their rights and obligations. The
simplest example that you often find in your daily life is that woman also play a role in
bringing in income for the family. This can not be separated from the support of
husband who have the same passion in realizing aquality as Kartini’s idea. There are so
many Indonesian Kartinis today with professions that were once only owned by man, for
example Kartini-Kartini who have careers in the forefront of government, police, and
armed forces, as well as the mining industry, professional sportsmen, and others.

Slowly but surely, empowerment that cintinues to resonate makes a shift in the
equality of woman whit man in various fields of life visible. This phenomenon is certainly
an expansion of the thought of the famous female figure. Kartini, regarding
emancipation decades ago.Successfully living a career and not forgetting his duty to
take care of the family. This is one of the inspirational stories of Brigadier Ayu
Prastikasari, a mother and wife of the Indonesian National Army member who works as
a Policewoman in the Indonesian National Police.

In carrying out her daily life as a Policewoman serving in the Traffic Unit of the
Magetan Police, East Java, Indonesia. Every morning begins by helping to smooth the
flow of traffic on the road which starts at 06.00 am. Because of his service, Brigadier
Ayu also has to be far from her place of service from her husband.

Brigadier Ayu has 2 (two) children, both of whom are toddlers, the first child is 2
years old and the second child is 8 months old. Therefore, to divide his time in the
ministry an taking care of the family. Brigadier Ayu every day must wakes up at 04.00
am, prepares equipment for himself in the ministry and the needs of his two children
while he is left to work. Before leaving manage the traffic at 6 am, every day she
entrusts the children to her parents. And every afternoon after finishing her service, she
pick up her two children to go back home. Every day she passed like that, and she
always made time after service and in between her duties for her two children. She can
carry out both tasks well. So that both of them can run well.
Therefore, Brigadier Ayu is one of the real examples of Kartini today who acts as
a career woman and a houswife for her family. And can be a motivation for young
woman who are currently still occupying the education level, who will later experience
this phase. Be a wife and mother.

Nama Kecil : Ny. Ayu Rintan Ade

Nama Suami : Sertu Rintan Ade

No. HP : 0822-3276-2173

TTL : Klaten, 17 April 1996

Anggota : Persit KCK Cab. XLV Yonif 761

PD XVIII/Kasuari

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