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Bulk of damage happens in the pay mix.

The rationale we follow will decide the pay

for various departments and skills.

Pay philosophy: it can also be termed HR philosophy. It’s how we define our
relationship with Human Resource’s. This is pay philosophy. Also can be termed HR
Culture. Essentially we are discussing the way we deal with ppl. What we do in our
worst times. 

The current scenario helps us deal with lots of things and what we do now will decide
what orgs are made off. Are u capitalising on the situation or hold to being fair. 

The concept of psychological returns from work. Psychological contract. 

When an employee gets into an org he looks for transactional returns and relational

Look at compensation, it's nothing but giving back from the org to the employee. 

Transactional returns are anything that can be monetized. 

Relational returns are returns that you essentially get but not easily monetized. The
end needs are met. It's something that you experience. For ex Employee value
proposition, wellness program. 

Job as a reward: he says Blaber from 6.45 and still get paid. That is job as a

reward   Brand gives u security pride and status. 

Learning in org as a reward: formal l n d programs, culture, 

Life focus: what's the focus of work life balance in the org. 

Research shows WFM is more stressful and especially for women. 

Values: relational reward systems. Peers as a reward system. The main diff here is
ends vs means. Means is the money. U have the means use it wherever u want.
Ends may not come easy. It's what u want to do with life. The purpose. O don't want
to go to an org where my peers don't stress me out or env is negative. 

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