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How would you define the magnitude importance of the three interdisciplinary course that confronts

the realities and its impact in today's modern-changing world?

The three interdisciplinary course includes the science, technology, and society. The question is that,
what are the importance and its impacts nowadays especially that we are now in a modern world. That
is what we'll talk about. It affects in different aspect and in practical way.

Science had proven a lot in our world. It gives theories, evidence, experimentation, and proof for such
things. Furthermore, science also helps us to develop and improve the things we already have. It is also
one of the way for different discoveries. Therefore, it confronts our reality and of course it does help
and have a huge impact in our modern changing world. To continue, the second one is the technology, it
is highly important and confronts our reality. Why? Because it helps us even in our daily easy tasks. With
the help of science, technology is improving and kept on developing. Technology creates and improves
the creativity and productivity of a human beinh. To connect with the third interdisciplinary course
which is society, the science and technology are combined to help the real situation in our society. Each
of the vision or purpose of the interdisciplinary course will not be attained without the each of it. These
are the least or common things that I can enumerate to fully explained the importance of the three
interdisciplinary course and its impact in our modern world.

Modernity have prons and cons but with the help of the three interdisciplinary course it may be easier
than we think. We, the individual can produce different ways to impact ourselves and our society with
the help of science and technology. Everyone must be wise to use it effectively and efficiently.

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