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Below are 8 Types of Sentences in English:

1. Simple Sentence
2. Complex Sentence
3. Compound Sentence
4. Interrogative Sentence
5. Imperative Sentence
6. Compound-Complex Sentence
7. Declarative Sentence
8. Exclamatory Sentence

Simple Sentence:

A simple sentence is a sentence that comprises one independent clause and no dependent clauses.
An example of a simple sentence is: "He goes to the store."


1. He goes to the store.

2. She walks her dog in the morning after she gets dressed and has breakfast.

Complex Sentence:

A complex sentence is a sentence that comprises an independent clause and at least one
dependent clause or phrase, but not more than three or four dependent clauses or phrases. An
example of a simple sentence is: "He goes to the store because he needs milk."


1. She will play with her cousin after she has finished her homework and had dinner.

2. Because he needed milk, he went to the store.

3. If it rains, we'll stay home and watch movies all day.

Compound Sentence:

A compound sentence is a sentence that comprises two or more independent clauses and no
dependent clauses. An example of a simple sentence is: "He goes to the store; he needs milk."


1. I wanted to go to the movies, but my friend wanted to stay home and watch TV

2. She studies hard for her exams, so she always gets good grades.
3. The sun was setting, and the sky turned shades of pink and orange.

Interrogative Sentence:

An interrogative sentence is a sentence that starts with an auxiliary verb or modal followed by
the subject and then ends with a question mark (?). An example of an interrogative sentence is:
"Does she need milk?"


1. What will you do after school?

2. How far away does he live?

Imperative Sentence:

An imperative sentence is a sentence that starts with the subject followed by the auxiliary verb or
modal, then ends in a period (.). An example of an imperative sentence is: "Go to the store."


1. Do your homework before you watch TV.

2. Come by if you want to play with us.

Compound-Complex Sentence:

A compound-complex sentence is a sentence that contains both simple and complex clauses. An
example of a compound-complex sentence is: "She will play with her cousin after she has
finished her homework and had dinner."


1. She will go to the store at lunchtime because she needs milk.

2. If it rains today, we'll stay home this weekend instead of going camping.

Declarative Sentence:

A declarative sentence is a sentence that starts with the subject followed by the verb. An example
of a declarative sentence is: "She walks her dog in the morning after she gets dressed and has


1. The bus was late, so we missed our flight.

2. They decided to go to the movies after work instead of going home.

Exclamatory Sentence:

An exclamatory sentence is a sentence that starts with an interjection or exclamation word, then
ends with an exclamation point (!). An example of an exclamatory sentence is: "Yay! I won the


1. Wow! That's a huge snake!

2. Oh no! I left my wallet at home.

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