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how fast does it flow?

benchmark covered:
benchmark sc.c.1.3.1: the students knows that the motion of an object can be described
by its
position, direction of motion, and speed.

purpose: in this experiment, you will figure out the relationship between the amount of
in the bottle and how fast it flows from one bottle to the other.

problem statement:
how fast does water flow from one bottle to the other during a vortex?

potential hypothesis(es):
•if the liquids are spinning more quickly creating a big vortex, then the amount of
ml/s will be more efficient.

• two clear soda bottles
• tornado tube
• stopwatch
• water
• chocolate milk
• salt water
• vegetable oil
• measuring cup
• funnel
1. using the measuring cup, fill one of the bottles with 4 ounces of water.
2. connect the other bottle using the tornado tube to the bottle you were
currently filling with water.
3. turn the connected bottles upside down, swirl them and put them on a flat
surface with the empty bottle at the bottom. ask a partner to time how long it
takes for the water to flow from the top bottle to the empty bottle at the bottom
with a stopwatch.
4. practice step 3 several times to make sure that you and your partner can
perform your jobs in the same way every time. if a vortex does not form when
you swirl the bottles, try again with more swirling action.
5. the person with the stopwatch should stop the time when all of the water from
the top bottle has traveled to the bottom bottle.
6. repeat the experiment several times using different amounts of water.
7. create a data table listing the amount of time in seconds that it took to empty
the top bottle. several trials are recommended so that you can average the times
to get more accurate reading.

• there were three variables in this experiment. they were the type of liquids
used, the amount of water that was added to the bottles, and how fast was the
flow of water per second. i was in control of the types of liquids used and the
amount of water that was added. the flow of water per second was my dependent

• my hypothesis was correct, because in some areas of the experiment putting
more amount of liquid in the bottles would increase and decrease depending how
much were the bottles swirled to create an even larger vortex.

as i added more water the water flowed faster, in most occasions. gravity affects
the water flowing from one tube to the other, because gravity is helping push the
water down. gravity has more of an impact with more water, because during the
experiment as i and some of my partners added more water we have seen proof
that the amount of ml/s increased. water had the fastest flow of rate, because it
doesn’t have any ingredient that makes it so dense. to ensure accurate results in
this experiment i could of repeated the entire experiment again or taken notes.
data table i
trials amount of water in time to empty the
the bottle (ml)

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