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Proposal for website of Online Flower selling
company. An e-commerce website that
showcase its flower collection products and
allow user to buy products online.

+91 6290342363

Kankinara - 743126, Kolkata, West Bengal, India – Email:

The Scope of Estimation

This estimate covers the design and development of responsive website
where users can browse products, purchase products, login, create
account. And and Admin panel where Admin can manage products,
users/customers, orders, transactions, keep track of sales, income etc.

This proposal covers and will build the following application:

1. Website (highly optimized takes less load time)
2. Admin panel for managing orders, products and all
3. Backend API (with database) handling all the request admin panel
and website.
Super admin will have his own panel in web app to control and manage
the system.

Two panels will be given for administrative operations:

1. Admin
2. Sales team

The Assumptions
The followings are the assumptions that we made. It may or may not
change in future.
1. Public facing interface (Home page) for users to interact with where
user can view latest products and browse them.
2. The public facing interface also includes single product page, login
page, Signup page, Search result page and single product type page.
3. The flow of process is assumed as (from user point of view):
 User Log-in / Sign up
 User views the products
 Selects one product or more and adds it in cart
 Views the order summary
 Completes the purchase process by paying online
 Customer can cancel order, return products (if applicable)

+91 6290342363

Kankinara - 743126, Kolkata, West Bengal, India – Email:
 Reviews and rate products
4. The basic operations that Admin can perform
 Manage Products, and User accounts
 Keeps track of orders
 Keeps track of payments
 Manage reports
 Income statements and Account summary
5. Many possible use cases are not included in this quote.
6. We assume that all new features and the features that are required
and not mentioned in this quote and charges should be clarified and
estimated additionally and added to the quote after client’s proposal.
7. The quote includes only English language
8. The quote also include responsive design for mobile view.

Why you should choose Appzillians.

1. We value our clients and we work with you as a team to take best
possible decisions that benefits you and your business.
2. Our designs are clean, modern and user friendly. Your user will enjoy
using your application.
3. We have done several e-commerce web application and android app
for the same. Therefore we have the knowledge and experience which
will benefit you, we can give you more budget friendly and yet good
quality feature compete product.

+91 6290342363

Kankinara - 743126, Kolkata, West Bengal, India – Email:

Work Scope

Dynamic pages:
- Home page
- Search result page (With filter options)
- Single product page
- Contact and About page
- Login page, Profile page settings, account settings
Checkout page (order summary)
Payment page
Order confirmation page
Order cancellation (if applicable)
Order refund (if applicable)
User profile modification
User account password modification
View Orders
View Order tracking
View Single Order


User/Customer Management:
- User creation
- User account modification
- User account details
- User block
- User account reset
Order Management:
- Order view
- Order create
- Order status

+91 6290342363

Kankinara - 743126, Kolkata, West Bengal, India – Email:
- Order cancellation
- Order refund
- Order bill
- Order processing
- Order forwarding (to vendor)
- Order edit
- Order details
- Order email to vendor (it’s possible to send order details
to vendor in WhatsApp)
Product Management:
- Product add
- Product edit
- Product delete
- Product details page
- Product multiple image handling (includes image
resizing, compression, multiple images, location
management, db storage)
Report System:
- Product report
- Payment report
- Order reports (multiple orders in one page)
- Complete report system for a single resource (includes
filter, daily, monthly, yearly reports)
Bill management

Online Payment Collection API Integration
Email Integration (for notifications and bill sending)

Developing database for e-commerce web app

Admin’s Dashboard front end view – modern UI
Modern, Attractive UI/UX

1. Multiple pricing system for different city

+91 6290342363

Kankinara - 743126, Kolkata, West Bengal, India – Email:
Order Processing system from pending → complete
Vendor module
Customer module

+91 6290342363

Kankinara - 743126, Kolkata, West Bengal, India – Email:

Payment terms
30% Deposit on project proposal approval
40% Deposit on complete project (prototype)
30% Deposit after making changes and completing missing features but
before deployment

Project term
~ 2 months

+91 6290342363

Kankinara - 743126, Kolkata, West Bengal, India – Email:

Project Quote

 Server setup and deployment – no charge

 App maintenance - Rs. 24,000 (every year). Fixing security bugs,
application bugs, code update etc. will be applicable immediately
after initial launch.
 App maintenance contract should be made for 6 months or 1 year
 This quote doesn’t include any third party service charges. The
charge listed above is only for developing and maintaining the
 New features to the application will be charged separately.

Dated: 24/06/2023

+91 6290342363

Kankinara - 743126, Kolkata, West Bengal, India – Email:

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