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Here are some good would you rather questions:

Would you rather…

Have a roommate that snored or a roommate that sleepwalked?

Would you rather…

Sneeze non stop or hiccup non stop?

Would you rather…

Have unlimited time or unlimited money?

Would you rather…

Learn one secret from the far future or from the far past?

Would you rather…

Run out of clean socks or clean underwear?

Would you rather…

Be embarrassed in front of your crush or in front of your boss?

Would you rather…

Spend a day in a room with broken air conditioning or broken heating?

Would you rather…

Live in an apartment without doors or windows?

Would you rather…

Have a nosy neighbor or a noisy neighbor?

Would you rather…

Be invisible or recognized everywhere you go?

Would you rather…

Help a friend move or babysit for a family member?

Would you rather…

Have a bottomless bank account or be able to eat whatever you want without gaining weight?

Would you rather…

Be able to travel anywhere in the world or live in your dream house?

Would you rather…

Own a puppy that stayed a puppy or a kitten that stayed a kitten

What is the first thing you notice when meeting new people?

What animal are you most like?

What was the best trip you ever took?

What is one item on your bucket list?

How do you define success?

Describe your dream house.

What is your worst habit?

What is your greatest recent achievement?

What was the last book you read?

What was the last skill or fact you learned?

What was your favorite subject in school?

What is your most embarrassing story?

What food would you choose for your last meal?

What makes you angry?

What makes you laugh hysterically?

How do you relax and unwind?

Whose death hit you hardest?

What songs would be on the soundtrack of your life?

What never fails to make you happy?

What is a lie you told as a teenager?

If you could marry any celebrity, who would you choose?

What is one fact about you that most people would never guess?

What is your guilty pleasure?

Cats or dogs?

Vacation or staycation?

Rock or rap?
Road trip or cruise?

Chocolate or vanilla?

Pizza or tacos?

Fast food or health food?

Morning or Night?

Bright colors or black and white?

City or country?

Coffee or tea?

Surprises or plans?

Big party or small party?

Would you rather have a runny nose or a persistent cough?

Would you rather spill coffee on your desk or your clothes?

Would you rather live in a sitcom universe or in a romantic comedy?

Would you rather be hated for who you are or loved for who you are not?

Would you rather accidentally ruin a child’s birthday party or accidentally ruin a wedding?

Would you rather have unlimited money or your dream job?

Would you rather have perfect parents or the perfect partner?

Would you rather get a paper cut every day or stub your toe every day?

If I were a flower, I’d be…

If I were a country, I’d be…

If I were a song, I’d be…

If I were a celebrity, I’d be…

If I were a food, I’d be…

If I were a book, I’d be…

If I were a painting, I’d be…

If I were a brand, I’d be…

If I were a cocktail, I’d be…

If I were a Pokemon, I’d be…

If I were a four-letter word, I’d be…

If I were a type of dance, I’d be…

If I were a wild animal, I’d be…

If I were a mythical beast, I’d be…

Show us the last picture you took on your phone.

Have you ever missed a deadline?

What is one lie you told your parents?

What was the last junk food you ate?

What is the grossest thing your pet does?

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