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Our Family Team Ref lection

Story of the Year

If you were to retell the story of your year in five minutes, what would you say? What
would you say if someone asked, “catch me up on your year! What has God been doing
in your life & what have you been up to?”

Mom & Dad, take time to write out your own responses. Compare your answers & ask
each other:

1. What did you forget or what did this exercise help bring back to the forefront
of your mind?
2. Would you say the story this past year told was the one you wanted to tell?
Why or why not?

Losses & Wins

Losses: Any area you grieved, seemed difficult and drawn out, or anything you miss that
hasn’t returned.
Wins: Big & small! Any area you felt contributed to the health & joy of your family.

Losses Wins

1. What was most difficult for you this past year?

2. Look for patterns – was God teaching you or nudging you towards any
particular growth?
3. What is one area you saw each person in your family grow in & how are you
proud of them?
4. What was your favorite win and why?
5. How did God surprise you this year?
1. What was the worst financial decision you made?
2. What was the best “fun” purchase you made?
3. What was the most generous thing you did?
4. Write down all the ways God provided and thank Him.

1. One word to describe your parent/child relationships this year.
2. What is each kid excelling in?
3. What does each kid need some extra help with?
4. What are some lies your kid might be believing and how can you love them in new
ways to show them the truth about who they are?
5. What was the best thing you instituted with the kids that blessed your family?

Write down a favorite...


Moment with the kids

Moment with friends

New thing you tried

Place of growth

Praise in your community

List your daily, weekly and yearly rhythms & formations...

Daily Weekly Yearly

1. Which rhythm gave you the most life this year?

2. Which one needs some tweaking?
3. Are there any new ones you want to add?
4. Are there any you need to take away?

Prayer, Vision or Word for the New Year

Go out and do something fun as a family! Talk about some of the things you want to
do together in the coming year. You could choose a word together, a verse, a vision
statement, or write down a simple prayer that you would like to speak over the next year.
Pray over each of your kids and one another as co-coaches, and then soak each other in!

Thank you God for family!

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