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NCR is known as non-conformance report or also know as non-conformity report, this report
knows for a construction-related document that discusses deviations from specifications or
work that does not satisfy quality requirements. The report is used to outline the problem, how
it occurred, and how to prevent it from happening again as part of the quality control process.
An NCR is also used to reach a resolution with a client and to document any corrective actions
taken. Mostly in this report must have a few criteria like why the work does not meet the
specification as expected, what can be done in order to avoid the same mistake happen again
and the most important thing that need to be highlight in NCR report is what is the main reason
for the NCR or what make it wrong.

Three possibilities that encourage from NCR to happen in construction site like the scenario
been stated above especially for the concrete slump test, maybe the concrete is lean mix, so
this will lead to convert the true slump to becoming the shear or collapse slump. From one
sample of lean mix, there might be a lot of fluctuation, making determining the exact result
difficult. Since we know that slump test is done in order to determine the workability or
consistency of concrete mix prepared at the laboratory or the construction site during the
progress of the work. Concrete slump test is carried out from batch to batch to check the
uniform quality of concrete during construction. The slump test is the simplest workability test
for concrete, involves low cost and provides immediate results.

The second one is the number of compactions require for each layer of concrete in cylinder
mould is not enough or do not follow the number of blows as stated in specification needed.
This may lead to number of voids in concrete still at the higher number that may lead to the
decrease of strength in concrete. This may happen when the technician miscalculates the
number of blow or there is possibility to do a job without any integrity. The lower strength of
concrete may lead to failure like buckling.

The last possibility is the concrete cube been prepared as not stated in IS 516 which is all the
specification to make a concrete cube as stated in standard already been mention in IS 516
like the cube must be placed at place that far from the vibration, under damp matting for at
least 24 hours plus minus 0.5 hours. The concrete cube also must be stored in the placed with
the temperature of 22 degree to 32 degree and also must be keep in clean water with the
temperature of 24 degree to 30 degree before been transported for the test. All of this
requirement must be done and follow so that the there will be no issue as work that is carried
out utilising procedures or standards that have not been approved.
For the solution to avoid this from happening again in site is;

1. Make sure that the concrete for slump test is not the lean mix concrete

The technician in site must know that the strength for lean mix concrete is different for
concrete use in construction of main structure like beam, column and others. Since the
lean concrete will use the lowest number of concretes in the ratio of making it. Also make
sure that the concrete will follow the ratio has been stated in the specification in order to
get the real result of concrete slump test.

2. Noted every blow in paper or have someone beside to calculate the number of

This will make sure that we can avoid the possibility of having a problem like calculated
the number higher than the real blow. With every blow been mark in the paper we can
make sure that it already reaches the blows as in the specification want or not. Which this
method we can get avoid from the having the higher number of voids in concrete and make
sure that the procedure in conducting the test already follow all the specification want from
the start of it till the end.

3. Have people who expertise in conducting the test

By having a man who has an expertise in making or do some test, this will help in make sure
that all the procedure in prepared the apparatus and material for the test is already in the circle
of specification want. Also, this will help in order to avoid the possibility of failure in result
happen. People who expertise in some job will know every step and possibility happen if there
is some problem occur while preparing all the material and apparatus needed

Lump Sum Contract

The lump sum contract known as the project owner gives detailed work specifications and the
contractor delivers a fixed price for the project under a lump sum contract, also known as a
stipulated amount contract. Before the contractor can set a price, the owner must complete
the project's plans, drawings, specifications, and timetable. The contractor then produces a
quote based on the estimated costs of materials, tools, labour, and indirect costs such as
overhead and profit margin.

The advantage of this contract is it is suitable for the project that any changes further ahead
can be expected also there is a simple and quick form of payment is preferred. Also, in this
contract all the payment will be done accordingly to the process progress. Last but not least it
just needs a general visualization other than physical measurements.

Risk for Contractor

1. Delay in payment of every work progress

Since the payment will be done by the client, there is a possibility that the payment is delay
even the project has already reach the progress needed for the payment toward the contractor
to happen. This will make sure that the project will delay since there is no payment been made
by the client and will make it hard for the contractor to proceed for the next phase in
construction work since there will raise the trust issue or erupted the problem between the
client and the contractor.

2. Possibility of overhead cost

In construction work there is always a possibility of overhead cost to happen, and this is a risk
toward the contractor when handling the lump sum contract. Also, the overhead cost for some
work happen will be charge on the head of the contractor itself and this will reduce the number
of built in-insurance fund so there need to make sure that the risk of overcharge is in the
minimal level so that there will have a higher number of profits in the end of the project.

3. Low number of cost profit

The contractor must fully read the lump sum contract thoroughly since if contractors do not
read their lump sum contract carefully may incur unanticipated charges related to the work,
they engage subcontractors to conduct on a project. The contractor may be stuck spending
thousands of dollars to have drawings evaluated and stamped by another expert if the contract
does not include customary architectural and engineering approval clauses. Lump sum
contracts have numerous advantages and can still be beneficial to contractors; nevertheless,
they must be managed carefully. Contractors should also have the contract checked by an
experienced Fort Lauderdale construction lawyer to guarantee that it does not turn into a lot
more expensive arrangement.

Cost-Plus Percentage of Cost

A cost-plus percentage of cost is an arrangement in which a corporation is reimbursed for

expenses plus a certain amount of profit, commonly expressed as a percentage of the
contract's overall price. These contracts are commonly used in construction, where the
customer accepts some risk while simultaneously allowing the contractor considerable
flexibility. In this situation, the party drafting the contract expects the contractor to deliver on
their promises, and agrees to pay more so that the contractor can profit more after the project
is completed.

Risk for Contractor

1. Hard to do their job

Since the client will have the flexibility to interrupt in project effectively there will be a possibility
of some interruption be done by client that is new entrant in the highway construction. This
might happen like the client want every work is done by their own way even there is a fastest
and more efficient way in handling the work, so there will be hard to completely done the job
as their plan.

2. No power in choosing the supplier

Since the client can determine which supplier, he want to be included in the project this will
affect the work performance for the contractor, since if the client want to save his budget and
start to choose the supplier which a low quality of material it will give a hard time for contractor
in order to finish the job with the great tidiness and beauty.

3. Must follow all the client idea and satisfaction

Since the contract will give a full power toward the client, the client is been able to force the
contractor to review or do back the job if there is something that does not follow the client idea
and also will give a power to client which is implicit right to a reasonable fee for the service,
as well as a right to an openness in evaluating the finances and accounting for what is spent
on the task, is one such duty and this will show if there is any waste done by the contractor.
In order to counter all the risk for each of the contract there is a few possible ways to counter
this, as for lump sum contract;

1. Make a specific hand writing contract about the payment progress

Do a more specific agreement with the client about the payment process, include the damage
or penalty the client has to bear even there is a possibility they want to try in do some late
payment even the progress already pass what that have been stated for a payment to be
done. This will give a highly risk for client if they a try to delay the payment like they have to
do a double payment or the contractor will have a power to left the project without any bad
record toward them. So, it is important for the contractor to make sure there is a specific
document about the agreement in payment process in between them and client so it will a
prove if they want to further the case in court.

2. Do a specific bill of quantities and budget for every work

This will help them in detect every possibility of work that been passed the limit for its budget
and make sure that it will help them to plan the budget more accurately without been worry
about the overcharge of some work. I specific bill of quantities and report of every payment
that been made will make it easier for them to do a planning about how they will do in their
next work scope to make sure it will remain in circle of the budget since if the previous work
already been overcharge the effect will continue with the next work done half way or short in
the budget that will lead to either the job will be done in less efficiently or cannot be done
entirely that for sure will delay the project also can lead to the contractor run away from the
project and it for sure will give a bad record for them.

3. Read the document thoroughly and highlight every important thing in the

This will make sure that the contractor will know every consequence like how the client will act
if there is any kind of problem occur. The contractor has to make sure that every work and its
budget is logic since the client is still new in the highway construction. There must be a
possibility for them in neglect or missed something in the document so all of this will risk the
contractor especially if the client do not stated how many budget for each specific task that in
the further time when the project has already in the progress it will burden the contractor in
covering the cost of overburden charge and this will make sure that the number of profit will
decrease since the money must cover all the overcharge cost.
For the Cost-Plus Percentage of Cost;

1. Purpose the supplier that you want

Since the client is the new entrance in highway construction, as the contractor who already
involved in highway construction in the long period of time, the contractor must know who the
supplier that offer the good quality with the lowest price. The client is still new and this will give
a chance for them been manipulated by the others supplier who just want get a profit with the
material that does not have quality in it. So, the supplier must always conduct and purpose so
that they also can discuss in getting the discount since they already in business with them for
a long time.

2. Have a discussion or meeting with them

This will help client and contractor in dealing with every issue that raise between them. Since
the client is still fresh in the highway construction, they must have a lot of disadvantages in
handling the job so as the contractor, they must conduct the client in every work so it is
important to have a meeting in discussing every possibility that will make the flow of work
become easier for both of the parties. As the client having a power and the contractor having
a lot of experience so with a lot of meeting and discussion it will lead to the nice flow of work
that led to both parties have similar profit without any loss.

3. Do the job as the client want

This will make sure that every work done by them already satisfy the client, there will be no
suspicious moment in between them so that it will make sure that there is no similar work done
two times, they also must have the accurate report about all their work that had be done so
when the client wants to recheck all the report about the finance or work progress there will
be no issue in it.

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