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How I use computers in my study and in my free time

People use computers in many ways. These devices are multi-purpose

tools and many of us can't imagine live without them. I'm the one of them.
Mostly I use my computer in my free time for entertainment and
communication and sometimes in my study.
I have chosen to study informatics and that's why computer is necessary
for me. First of all I'll need it to program. I learn programming languages such
as Python, Java , and others. Also I use computer for solving various
mathematical tasks. It is quite useful in solving very difficult propositions. For
these purposes are used special mathematic programs such as Mathematica,
Mathcad, MatLAB. I must say I need computer to make assignments of maths,
english, and other subjects. Furthermore I work with application programs. For
example, I use Microsoft Word to write papers and essays, I make
presentations using Microsoft Powerpoint. Computer also is needed for me to
find the information I need. For this purposes I use the Internet. I have some
dictionaries, which I use for translating words and studying English.
But I use computer not only in my study but also for entertainment such
as Facebook,Instagram,Twitter and Telegram.I also play game such as Dota
2,Valorent and GTA Ⅴ.Browsing the internet, I find much information about
things that interest me. Chatting on Discord is very practical. I chat with my
friends without spending much money, because I don't have to call them.
Moreover, I am trying to work with media editing programs for photos and
videos, but I do it very rarely.
So as you can see computer has become quite essential part of my life. I
can use it in many ways.

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