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Taphonomic Investigations of Owl Pellets

Author(s): Peter Dodson and Diane Wexlar

Source: Paleobiology , Summer, 1979, Vol. 5, No. 3 (Summer, 1979), pp. 275-284
Published by: Cambridge University Press

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Paleobiology, 5(3), 1979, pp. 275-284

Taphonomic investigations of owl pellets

Peter Dodson and Diane Wexlar

Abstract.-Owls are important consumers of small vertebrates, and because they regurgitate pellets rich
in bone, they may be important potential contributors of the concentrated remains of small vertebrates
to the fossil record. Owls of three sizes, the large great horned owl (Bubo virginianus), the medium-sized
barn owl (Tyto alba), and the small screech owl (Otus asio), were fed a common diet of mice. The bony
contents of the pellets were analyzed to determine the amount of bone loss by digestion, bone complete-
ness, and sites of bone breakage. For all three species, only about half the number of bones ingested
were recovered in the pellets. Mandibles and femora were most abundant, and pelves and scapulae were
the least abundant. Screech owls broke 80% of the cranial and limb elements, barn owls only 30%.
Skulls fared poorly in great horned and screech owl pellets, while barn owls returned 80% of the skulls
intact, with only the caudal portion of the cranium damaged; barn owls also returned articulated strings
of vertebrae and complete paws. These results provide a baseline for the recognition of owls as agents
of accumulation of small bones in the fossil record and suggest that the actions of ancient predators may
be revealed by species-specific patterns of bone destruction of an assemblage of fossil prey species.

Peter Dodson. Laboratories of Anatomy, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,

Philadelphia, PA 19104, and Research Associate, Academy of Natural Sciences, 19th and Parkway,
Philadelphia, PA 19103

Diane Wexlar. Laboratories of Anatomy, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania,

PA 19104

Accepted: May 9, 1979

Owls in Taphonomy conceptions or unwise generalizations persist;

for instance, owls are alleged to ingest prey
A fundamental and widely appreciated fact
items whole, to digest no bone, and to regur-
of avian biology is the observation that owls
gitate bone largely undamaged (Mayhew 1977).
regurgitate the bones of their prey. Pellets of a
All of these views are challenged in this paper.
group of owls averaged 46% bone, whereas a
The purpose of this study is to examine from a
group of hawks yielded only 6.5% bone by
paleontological perspective the pellets produced
weight (Duke et al. 1975). The striking differ-
by several species of live owls with view to pos-
ence between hawks and owls evidently stems
ing three questions: 1. Are there characteristics
from the difference in levels of stomach acidity,
by which a suite of small bones can be confi-
the basal pH of hawks averaging 1.6, that of
dently recognized as representing an owl pellet?
owls 2.35. Owl pellets have been used by mam-
2. Do different species of predator impose on
malogists to survey the extant small mammal
the remains of the prey a characteristic taphon-
fauna of a region (e.g. Long and Kerfoot 1963;
omic signature by which the identity of the
Dexter 1978). The paleoecological potential of
predator may be revealed? and 3. What role
owl pellets has been commented upon (Davis
does size of the predator play in the character
1959; Mellett 1974), and the action of owls has
of the suite of bones produced?
been inferred by paleontologists for specific de-
posits (e.g. Guilday et al. 1977; Gnidovec 1978).
However, despite the use of owl pellets by bi-
ologists and the recognition of the potential sig- To study the effects of differential predation,
nificance of owl pellets by paleontologists, there captive owls of three different sizes were fed a
has not yet been a systematic study of the os- common diet of mice: great horned (Bubo vir-
teological characteristics of the bones of small ginianus), average male weight 1300 g (Craig-
animals that have served as prey for owls. Mis- head and Craighead 1969); barn (Tyto alba),

? 1979 The Paleontological Society. All rights reserved. 0094-8373/79/0503-0005/$ 1.00

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TABLE 1. Proportional representation of skeletal elements. The number of specimens (n) is the minimum number of
specimens based on major elements (mandible and femur for great horned owl; skull or barn owl; and femur for screech
owl). Percentage present (%) expresses the proportion of specimens present relative to the potential number (i.e. n x 2 for
limbs, n x 18 for unguals, n x 54 for vertebrae). Percentage complete is the proportion of elements complete relative to
the total number actually present.

Great Horned Owl n = 37 Barn Owl n = 17 Screech Owl n = 12

Present % Complete % Present % Complete % Present % plete %

Skull 35 94.6% 1 2.9% 17 100% 14 82.4% 8 66.7% 1 12.5%

Mandible 73 98.7% 28 38.4% 32 94.1% 29 90.6% 16 66.7% 5 31.3%
Scapula 45 60.8% 1 2.2% 30 88.2% 12 40.0% 8 33.3% 0 0.0%
Humerus 61 82.4% 38 62.3% 28 82.4% 25 89.3% 16 66.7% 2 12.5%
Radius 51 68.9% 28 54.9% 29 85.3% 24 82.8% 18 75.0% 6 33.3%
Ulna 59 79.7% 29 49.1% 27 79.4% 17 63.0% 20 83.3% 5 25.0%
Pelvis 60 81.0% 2 3.3% 26 76.5% 8 30.8% 19 79.2% 0 0.0%
Femur 73 98.7% 51 69.9% 24 70.6% 24 100.0% 23 95.8% 8 34.8%
Tibia 78 105.4% 4 5.1% 23 67.7% 17 73.9% 19 79.2% 2 10.5%
Total 536 85.2% 182 34.0% 236 81.7% 170 72.0% 147 72.1% 29 19.7%

The following small elements, mostly intact, were recorded only as present
Clavicle 40 54.1% 19 55.9% 4 16.7%
Astragulus 63 85.1% 25 73.5% 19 79.2%
Calcaneum 60 81.1% 23 67.7% 16 66.7%
Unguals 64 9.6% 88 22.1% 61 28.2%
Vertebrae 1,048 52.5% 622 67.8% 283 43.7%
Grand Total 1,811 51.5% 1,013 62.7% 530 46.5%

average male weight 285 g; and screech (Otus tweezers under a magnifying lens. The yield of
asio), average male weight 167 g. Pellets used bone is similar whether mechanical processing
in the study came from two different groups, alone or the chemical method is used, but the
one from the Academy of Natural Sciences of latter is both much quicker and permits a higher
Philadelphia (ANSP), and the other from the level of confidence that complete extraction of
Philadelphia Zoo. Thus the findings reported bone has been accomplished. Using the chemi-
are not the idiosyncrasies of single birds, but for cal method, articulated strings of caudal verte-
each species a minimum of three individuals brae and complete paws have been removed, so
and two institutions are involved. Ten pellets the use of the hair remover does not appear to
were analyzed for each of the two larger species, have an adverse effect on either ligaments or
and 20 were used for the screech owl. bones in these conditions.
In order to obtain complete extraction of For each pellet, bones were sorted by ana-
bone, the pellets were prepared as follows. Each tomical element and then subdivided into cat-
pellet was soaked in shallow water for an hour egories representing intact condition and var-
to initiate mechanical breakdown. As many ious characteristic non-intact states. Ribs,
bones as possible were carefully removed from metapodials and cranial fragments, the latter
the softened pellet. Commercial hair remover particularly abundant, were not tabulated ow-
(Nair, Carter Products, New York; active in- ing to their small size and fragile nature. Results
gredients sodium and calcium thioglycolate) were pooled for all pellets of each species (Table
was added (approximately 20 cc per pellet) and 1).
allowed to stand for 30 min. Then the pellet
was transferred to a beaker and diluted with Observations

200 cc of water. The addition of 5 cc of ethanol At the Academy of Natural Sciences three
and 5 cc of ether helps breakdown the emolients great horned owls over an 8 day interval con-
in the hair remover. The residue was then de- sumed an average of 5.6 mice per day per bird;
canted into a vacuum filtration unit, changing during the same interval two barn owls ate 3.0
filter paper frequently to avoid clogging. Bones mice per day while two screech owls ate but 1.8
were easily picked off the filter paper with mice per day per bird. It is reported that the

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BO .
1.0 *

0 .4-

--50 \ . 7/ \**
.4 SO \ / \ :1 \.

.4 I


Sk M S H R U P F T Ci A C Un V
FIGURE 1. Proportional representation of bones in
number potentially present based on minimum
representation of mandibles and femora, and po
element; ordinate: proportion preserved. Abbreviations; SK: skull; M: mandible; S: scapula; H: humerus; R: radius; U:
ulna; P: pelvis; F: femur; T: tibia-fibula; Cl: clavicle; A: astragulus; C: calcaneum; Un: unguals; V: vertebrae. BO: barn
owl-solid line (-); GH: great horned owl-dotted line ( ); SO: screech owl-dashed line (--).

mean and modal values of pellets cast per meal brae, 18 unguals, one skull, and a pair each of
are close to 1.0 for great horned owls (Duke et mandibles, limb elements and limb girdles. For
al. 1975), but observations at the Academy of all three species, the actual yield for all elements
Natural Sciences indicate that certain individ- combined was about half the potential yield,
uals are more likely than others to cast either though slightly greater for the barn owl (62.7%)
two pellets or none. ANSP barn owls cast an than for the other species (Table 1). Mandibles
average of 1.5 pellets per meal, while the and femora were the best represented elements
screech owls cast fewer than one pellet per meal (Figure 1), though the former were not well rep-
despite daily feeding (one screech owl cast a sin- resented for screech owls and the latter for barn
gle pellet on three days, none on three other owls. The fragile scapula is under-represented
days; the other one cast three pellets once, two in the pellets of great horned and screech owls
pellets once, one pellet twice and no pellets but not in the barn owl pellets.
twice). The three species differ greatly in the amount
Table 1 summarizes the contents of the pel- of mechanical damage to the bones of their prey
lets. Ten great horned owl pellets contained an (Table 2; Figure 2). For barn owls, 72.0% of
average of 201 identifiable bones or bone frag- the bones were recovered intact (maximum
ments (exclusive of ribs and cranial fragments 100% for femur; minimum 30.8% for pelvis);
as indicated above) and together represented a while for the screech owl a mere 19.7% of bone
minimum of 37 mice (based on mandibular and escaped breakage (maximum 34.8% for femur;
femoral count). Barn owl pellets averaged 107 minimum 0% for scapula and pelvis). Despite
identifiable bone fragments each, with 10 pellets the great differences among species in absolute
representing a minimum of 17 mice (based on amount of damage, there is remarkable similar-
mandibles). Screech owl pellets averaged 59 ity in the pattern of relative susceptibility of
identifiable bone fragments and represented a various skeletal elements to damage. For all
minimum of 12 mice (based on femora). Several three owls the scapula and pelvis are most sus-
screech owl pellets were barren or essentially ceptible to damage, and the femur (and man-
so, consisting only of compacted hair. dible and humerus to a lesser extent) is the least
A mouse can be expected to yield 54 verte- susceptible. Only the humerus of the screech

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Sk M S H R U P F T
FIGURE 2. Occurrence of entire bones in owl pellets. Proportion of intact, undamaged specimens of each element relative
to the number actually represented-data from Table 1. Note the very much higher proportion of undamaged bone for
barn owls than for the other two species. Note also the relatively good preservation of mandible, humerus and femur,
poor preservation of scapula and pelvis. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

owl pellets fails to conform to the pattern of One skull had the mandibles in articulation,
similarity of all three species, being consider- with both temporals and the left parietal pres-
ably more prone to breakage, both relatively ent; only the occipital and right parietal were
and absolutely, than for the other owls. missing. At least one nasal was present in 7 of
Characteristic sites of bone damage can be 14 skulls, and only one skull lacked a premax-
identified in the mouse bones of owl pellets illa. In addition, parietals, temporals and occip-
(Table 2). The skull is a site of intense destruc- itals, highly fragmented in the other owls, are
tive activity. No skulls passed undamaged (Fig- often preserved separate but intact.
ure 3). All skulls tabulated as "complete" in In great horned owls and screech owls there
Table 1 actually lacked the back half of the cra- is a tendency for either the front end or the back
nium (parietals, temporals and occipital). Only end of the mandible to break off, or infrequently
a single skull each appeared in the great horned both (Figure 3). In great horned owls, loss of
and screech owl samples of ten pellets each. The the back of the mandible is far more frequent
skull in the great horned owl pellet lacked both (Table 2).
nasals as well as right premaxilla and maxilla; The scapula is a delicate bone very suscepti-
that in the screech owl sample lacked even fron- ble to breakage (Figure 4). Very common is ero-
tals, consisting only of paired premaxillae and sion of the dorsal border to a greater or lesser
maxillae. Maxillae, premaxillae and petrosals extent, imparting a "feathery" appearance.
are abundant, well preserved skull elements; Often only the robust ventral (articular) portion
other skull parts are highly fragmented. Quite remains; broken scapular spines are among the
in contrast are the skulls from the barn owl pel- identifiable small parts recovered. The robust
lets; each pellet contained at least one skull, two humerus is twice as likely to be injured at the
contained two skulls and one contained three. proximal end than at the distal end or at both

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TABLE 2. Sites of bone breakage. N refers to the numb

The numbers may differ slightly from n in Table 1, in
numbers. "-" designates missing; e.g. "mandible-front" means "front end of mandible missing"; "Femur-prox" means
"proximal end of femur missing." il = ilium; is = ischium; pu = pubis; fib = fibula.

Great Horned Owl Barn Owl Screech Owl

N % N % N %

Mandible Intact 28 38.4% 29 90.6% 5 27.8%

-front 2 2.7% 1 3.1% 5 27.8%
-back 39 53.4% 2 6.3% 6 33.3%
front, back 4 5.5% 0 0 2 11.1%
Total 73 32 18

Scapula Intact 1 2.2% 12 40.0% 0 0

feathery 19 42.2% 10 33.3% 2 25.0%
distal 25 55.6% 8 26.7% 6 75.0%
Total 45 30 8

Humerus Intact 38 62.3% 25 89.3% 2 12.5%

-prox 11 18.0% 2 7.1% 6 37.5%
distal 5 8.2% 1 3.6% 4 25.0%
shaft only 7 11.5% 0 0 4 25.0%
Total 61 28 16

Radius Intact 28 63.6% 24 82.8% 6 33.3%

-prox 2 4.5% 1 3.4% 0 0
distal 13 29.5% 4 13.8% 9 50.0%
shaft only 1 2.3% 0 0 3 16.7%
Total 44 29 18

Ulna Intact 29 51.8% 17 65.4% 5 25.0%

-prox 5 8.9% 1 3.8% 1 5.0%
-distal 16 28.6% 8 30.8% 8 40.0%
shaft only 6 10.7% 0 0 6 30.0%
Total 56 26 20

Pelvis Intact 2 6.5% 8 47.1% 0 0

-tip 4 12.9% 5 29.4% 1 12.5%
back 10 32.3% 2 11.8% 0 0
-tip, back 9 29.0% 0 0 6 75.0%
i1, is 3 9.7% 0 0 0 0
il, pu 2 6.5% 0 0 0 0
is, pu 1 3.2% 2 11.8% 1 12.5%
Total 31 17 8

Femur Intact 51 71.8% 24 100% 8 47.0%

-prox 6 8.5% 0 0 2 11.8%
distal 13 18.3% 0 0 5 29.4%
shaft only 1 1.4% 0 0 2 11.8%
Total 71 24 17

Tiba-Fibula IntacL 4 5. 1% 17 73.9% 2 10.5%

-fib 24 30.8% 0 0 1 5.3%
-prox 4 5.1% 1 4.4% 1 5.3%
distal 1 1.3% 4 17.4% 2 10.5%
prox, fib 18 23.1% 0 0 2 10.5%
distal, fib 14 18.0% 1 4.4% 3 15.8%
shaft only 13 16.7% 0 0 8 42.1%
Total 78 23 19

ends (Table 2; Figure 4). Surprisingly, the del- ulna, injury to the distal end is very much more
icate radius is little more susceptible to injury common than to the proximal end (Figure 4).
than is the humerus and is consistently less bro- The pelvis is another site of heavy destruc-
ken than the ulna. For both the radius and the tion, and 50% or more of pelves are reduced to

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to th
skull fragments: premaxilla, petrosal, parietal.

separate bones (ilium, ischium, pubis or pieces study were found worldwide. Tyto alba, the
thereof) (Figure 5). The most common sites of barn owl, is cosmopolitan (Presst and Wagstaffe
injury to intact pelves are the cranial tip of the 1973); Bubo virginianus, the great horned owl,
ilium and the caudal border of the ischium (Fig- ranges through North and South America (Fog-
ure 5). The robust femur sustains breakage at den 1973), while Otus asio, the eastern screech
its distal end (Figure 5). The tibia-fibula is a owl, is confined to North America east of the
compound bone, the delicate fibula being free Rocky Mountains (Hekstra 1973). The potential
proximally and fused distally (Figure 5). The of these and other owls for contribution of the
fibula is likely to be present in less than 20% of remains of small vertebrates to the fossil record
cases, except in barn owl pellets. Though for may thus be considerable.
great horned owl pellets loss of the proximal Accumulations of small vertebrates have
tibia is somewhat more common than loss of the been important sources of information to pale-
distal tibia, the reverse is true for barn owl pel- ontologists (e.g. Estes 1964; Estes and Berber-
lets; for screech owl pellets the tendency is for ian 1970; Wolff 1973), and their modes of for-
loss of both ends (Table 2). mation have been the subject of several studies
(e.g. Dodson 1973; Mellett 1974; Korth in
press), though the problem remains unresolved.
This study is an attempt to establish criteria by
Owls are both geographically widespread and which owl-related accumulations of small bones
of considerable antiquity; Bubo dates from the can be recognized in the fossil record. Different
Lower Oligocene, and Tyto and Otus appeared species of predators appear to impose distinctive
in the Miocene (Brodkorb 1971). Representa- characteristics upon the remains of their prey
tives of each of the three genera used in this such that it may be possible for the paleonto-

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FIGURE 4. Representative types of damage to the forelimb

resulting from ingestion by owls. A. Scapula, from left to
right: intact, "feathery," dorsal portion missing, distal end
only. B. Humerus: intact, proximal missing, distal end, dis-
tal missing, shaft only. C. Radius: intact, distal missing,
FIGURE 5. Representative types of damage to the hind-
shaft only; Ulna: intact, distal missing, proximal missing.
limb resulting from ingestion by owls. A. Pelvis: upper left,
intact; lower left, damage to back; upper middle, damage
to front and back; lower middle, front missing; upper right,
ilium; middle right, ischium; lower right, pubis. B. Femur:
logist to identify the agent of accumulation of
intact, damage (digestive erosion?) to proximal end, distal
a given suite of bones. This approach is nascent missing, proximal only. C. Tibia-fibula, upper row: intact,
in taphonomy. Einarsen (1956) described the fibula missing, proximal end damaged, proximal end plus
fibula missing; lower row: distal end missing, distal end plus
effects of a variety of raptorial birds and carniv-
fibula missing, shaft only, shaft only less fibula.
orous mammals on carcasses of their prey. Brain,
in an important series of papers (1967, 1969,
1976) has distinguished the effects of aboriginal African porcupines (which are not predators
man and domestic dogs on carcasses from the ef- but which collect bone in prodigious quantities
fects of leopards on the same animals. The char- and gnaw it) collect bones of species in propor-
acteristics of bone concentration by African por- tion to their actual abundance (Brain, in press).
cupines (Hystrix) have been documented by Owls, by contrast, may be extremely selective
Hendey and Singer (1965) and Brain (in press). in their choice of food species. Pellets of barn
Field studies of bone accumulation by hyaenas owls from northeastern Ohio (Dexter 1978) re-
and bat-eared foxes are currently under way in vealed 14 of 28 species of small mammals living
Africa (A. K. Behrensmeyer, personal communi- in the region, and 97% consisted of the remains
cation). of but three species (77% Microtus, 17% Bla-

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rina, 3% Peromyscus). A deposit that exhibits the mandible has been documented for owls
a narrow range of size and taxonomic compo- (Raczynski and Ruprecht 1974), and Korth (in
sition of prey items may be indicative of an ex- press) has produced abrasion by simulating
tremely selective predator. Barn owls take 95% stream processes in a tumbling barrel. Used
of their prey in the mouse size range; screech with caution, however, it appears that the con-
owls take 83% of their prey in this same size dition of small mammal teeth can potentially
range (Guilday et al. 1977) although insects are serve as reliable indicators of falconiform pre-
also a significant food source. For great horned dation.
owls, mice form but 33% of the diet, while rab- It might be surmised that the amount of bone
bit- and squirrel-sized items constitute 57% of breakage of the prey should be inversely pro-
the diet. portional to the size of the owl. A mouse is a
Owls are moderately to extremely destructive large item to a small predator such as a screech
to carcasses of small prey, though large prey owl, but a small item to a large predator such
may be fastiduously flensed with minimal skel- as a great horned owl, which can eat rabbits
etal disarticulation or destruction (Einarsen also. Indeed, screech owls are the most destruc-
1956). Indeed, a careful study of pellet contents tive (Table 2). However, barn owls exhibit the
in relation to food ingested over a period of time very important peculiarity of consistently re-
for three species of owl (Asio otus, Strix aluco, gurgitating a high proportion of undamaged,
Tyto alba) showed that between 8 and 21% of often partially articulated bone (including intact
rodents ingested failed to show up in the pellets, manus and pes, and articulated strings of ver-
complete digestion of bone having taken place tebrae). More than 80% of skulls were returned
(Raczynski and Ruprecht 1974). Young owls intact by barn owls (though missing the occiput
have a greater tendency to digest bone than do and the back of the cranium), in contrast to the
mature ones, evidently incorporating bone salts 3 to 12% of skulls returned by the other two
from their prey into their owl skeletons. Bone species. The results corroborate the finding of
digestion by owls appears to be a strangely se- Raczynski and Ruprecht (1974) that the barn
lective process, delicate ribs often being re- owl "digests its prey to a lesser extent than do
turned intact, for example. Digestive erosion on the other species."
the mandible of rodents, exposing the spongiosa
and tooth roots has been described (Raczynski
Feeding Observations
and Ruprecht 1974).
Due to their strong tendency to digest bone The condition of regurgitated bone reflects in
(Duke et al. 1975), falconiforms (falcons, part, at least, the mode of prehension and inges-
hawks, eagles, etc., the diurnal predators of tion. Prey are seized in the talons and are swiftly
Mayhew 1977) would seem to have a poor po- dispatched with a nip to the neck. Several rap-
tential for contribution to the fossil record. tors were observed in feeding at the Academy
Mayhew (1977), however, in analyses of pellets of Natural Sciences. A great horned owl took
of European kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and a mouse transversely in its beak, transferred it
buzzard (Buteo buteo), has drawn attention to from mid-body forward in a series of 4 or 5 bites
the appearance of teeth and bones regurgitated (during which the sounds of breaking bones
by falconiforms. Breakage is considerable (ribs, forelimbs, skull) could be heard), then
(though unquantified) and digestive erosion may swallowed the mouse head first. The great
cause rounding of broken bone surfaces and of horned owl paid no attention to the brain, and
tooth cusps, exposure of mandibular alveoli, re- no damage to the hind portion of the body ap-
duction of enamel to a soft chalky consistency, parently occurred during ingestion. A barn owl
and erosion of teeth on non-occlusal surfaces. held the mouse in its talon, carefully severed
He recognized these characteristics in more than the head from the neck (opening the cranium in
25% of isolated small mammal teeth in a sample the process?) and swallowed it whole. It then
from a Middle Pleistocene deposit at West Run- opened the thoracic cavity and fastidiously re-
ton, England. Bone breakage alone is not evi- moved through the enlarged thoracic inlet the
dence of hawk predation. Digestive erosion of thoracic and abdominal viscera, which it neatly

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consumed; finally it swallowed the hollowed out skulls with occiput and cranial vault removed;
carcass, neck first. Observed destruction of 6.) heavily damaged scapulae and pelveses; 7.)
bone during ingestion was thus minimal. Un- breakage of the proximal humeri, distal radii,
fortunately the screech owls to which we had ulnae and femora; and 8.) heavy damage to
access would not eat with observers present, either end of the tibiae.
even in the quiet evening hours. A kestrel (Falco The three species of owl in this study, the
sparverius) may constitute a suitable feeding great horned owl (Bubo virginianus), barn owl
analogue. This small falcon, holding the mouse (Tyto alba) and screech owl (Otus asio) can be
in its talon, consumed its prey mouthful by clearly distinguished in terms of the destructive
mouthful, commencing at the snout and system- effects on the bones of their prey: screech owls
atically working its way caudally; each small cause breakage of 80% of the cranial and ap-
bite resulted in some bone breakage. The dam- pendicular elements of their prey, compared to
age resulting from this process is similar to that 65% for great horned owls and only 30% for
generally discovered in screech owl pellets, in barn owls. Barn owls are particularly distinc-
which only 20% of bone escapes breakage. tive in the low degree of breakage and high de-
Bones generally reside in the stomachs of owls gree of articulation of the bone produced. In
for 8 to 16 hr (average 10 to 13 hr) before being summary, the answers to the questions posed in
cast (Duke et al. 1976; Duke and Rhoades this study appear to be affirmative: that is, the
1977). osteological characteristics of owl pellets are dis-
Depending upon their level of hunger, kes- tinctive; the three species of owl can be distin-
trels may cease feeding at any time, abandoning guished in terms of their effect on their prey;
a variably-sized caudal half of their carcass. and the size of the predator is important in de-
This is also observed for screech owls, which terming the condition of the bone of the prey.
may or may not consume the tail. This habit Owls date from the Eocene and are very
may account for the depression of the relative widespread geographically and ecologically in
frequency of preservation of vertebrae in the modern world. Thus through much of the
screech owl pellets as compared to those of the Cenozoic, they may have been important con-
other two species. Raczynski and Ruprecht tributors to the fossil record. This study is only
(1974) called attention to the possibility that, a starting point. Future studies of these species
during times of rodent flushes when food is su- should concentrate on the pellets of free-living
perabundant, owls may selectively feed only on individuals. There are 130 species of owls in the
rodent heads, resulting in unusual concentra- world; it is not known what degree of generality
tion of cranial remains. these results may have. Many species of mam-
malian predators would be profitable subjects
for study. We believe that the approach out-
lined in this paper will prove to be a fruitful one
The data presented in this report form a base- for extracting new levels of ecological insights
line for characterizing accumulations of bone from the fossil record. We hope that this study
resulting from food processing activities of sev- will prove a stimulus to further research.
eral species of owls. Important general charac-
teristics of owl pellet accumulations include 1.)
abundance and high quality of bone; 2.) possible
extreme inequitability of species distribution; 3.) We are very grateful to the workers of the
good representation of all skeletal parts includ- Animal Unit of the Academy of Natural Sci-
ing both mandibles and vertebrae that contrast ences of Philadelphia, particularly Jerry Frei-
strongly in their transport behavior (Dodson lich, Roger Clark and Marjan van der Schraaf.
1973); 4.) high representation of mandibles (pos- They supplied us with quantities of pellets, kept
sibly with damage to the articular region) and records of food consumption and pellet produc-
complete femora relative to other skeletal parts; tion, freely offered us their own observations,
5.) highly fragmented skulls with isolated max- cheerfully answered our questions and gener-
illae and premaxillae well represented, or intact ously premitted us to intrude and observe. Bob

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