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Oecologia (2003) 134:278–283

DOI 10.1007/s00442-002-1101-7


Gyrgy Abrusn

Morphological variation of the predatory cladoceran Leptodora kindtii

in relation to prey characteristics

Received: 27 May 2002 / Accepted: 6 October 2002 / Published online: 20 November 2002
 Springer-Verlag 2002

Abstract The responses of invertebrate predators to Since predator-induced morphological defences occur
changes in the morphology of their prey, and especially in prey, also prey-induced “offences” may develop in
the responses for induced defences, are largely unex- predators (Havel 1987). Diet-induced phenotypic changes
plored, compared with the vast amount of data on in the feeding apparatus are known for a number of
predator-induced defences. This study demonstrates that animal groups, particularly fish (Day and McPhail 1996;
the size of the feeding basket, the anatomical structure Mittelbach et al. 1999; Hjelm et al. 2000, 2001; Magn-
used to capture prey by the predaceous freshwater hagen and Heibo 2001) and arthropods (Smith and Palmer
cladoceran Leptodora kindtii, shows significant allometric 1994; Thompson 1992; Bernays 1986). Among zooplank-
changes with the average body size of the prey (herbiv- ton, a plastic reaction is known for the predaceous rotifer
orous cladocerans) in six lakes of northeastern Poland. Asplanchna sieboldi – the transition between different
Prey density influences the basket size only in adult morphotypes (saccate-cruciform-campanulate) is deter-
Leptodora individuals, whereas induced defences such as mined by the presence of vitamin E in the available prey
helmets of Daphnia sp. seem to have no effect on (Gilbert 1980). However, the phenotypic and evolutionary
Leptodora’s morphology. In a feeding experiment it is responses of predators to induced defences of their prey
shown that the increase in the feeding basket enables has received little attention (Adler and Grnbaum 1999).
Leptodora to capture larger prey. The seasonal pattern of Leptodora kindtii is a common planktonic predator,
morphological change, and its measurable benefit suggest widely distributed in the Palearctic. Its main prey items
that the observed morphological variability of Leptodora are other cladocerans (Rivier 1999; Browman et al. 1989;
is phenotypic plasticity. Lunte and Luecke 1990). Induced defences in cladoceran
prey strongly influence the effectiveness of Leptodora
Keywords Multiple regression · Ceriodaphnia reticulata · attacks: “defended” forms of Bosmina spp. (Hellsten et al.
Daphnia cucullata 1999) and Daphnia cucullata (Agrawal et al. 1999) were
shown to be much less vulnerable than the ones without
defences, thus adaptive responses of Leptodora for
Introduction changing prey morphology were expected.
The thoracic appendages of Leptodora form a “feeding
Research on adaptive phenotypic plasticity focuses basket”, a structure used for prey capture and handling.
mainly on inducible defences, that have been documented Feeding experiments with differently sized Leptodora (3–
for several taxa from algae to vertebrates (Tollrian and 11 mm) led Herzig and Auer (1990) to conclude, that the
Harvell 1999a; Agrawal 2001). In cladoceran zooplank- size of the feeding basket is the driving variable in prey
ton, phenotypic plasticity has been known for decades, selection.
and cladocerans are among the most extensively studied There are two aims of this study: first, to demonstrate
examples of predator-induced defences [see Tollrian and that the size of the feeding basket of L. kindtii is variable:
Dodson (1999) for recent review]. allometric variation was expected in the size of the
feeding basket between lakes with different zooplankton
size, density and morphology (inducible defences). Sec-
G. Abrusn ()) ond, in feeding experiments the benefit of Leptodora’s
Department of Hydrobiology, University of Warsaw, ul. Banacha 2, morphological change should be demonstrated.
Warsaw 02–097, Poland
Tel.: +48-22-5546437
Fax: +48-22-5546426

Materials and methods

Field sampling and analysis of field data

Six lakes in the Mazurian Lakeland, northeastern Poland were

studied, ranging from shallow eutrophic, to stratified meso-
eutrophic lakes (Table 1). The sampling sites were located at the
deepest points of each lake, in the case of the two shallow ones the
geometric centres were chosen. Samples were taken with plankton
nets (mesh size 50 m) by vertical hauls from the whole water
column, or from the top of the anoxic zone. To collect L. kintdii in
sufficiently large numbers, oblique trawls were also taken with nets
of 400-m mesh size. All samples were preserved in 4% sucrose-
formalin. The lakes were sampled in 1998, in May (27–31), July
(12–15), August (12–15), September (12–15) and October (8–12).
All morphological measurements were made with an image
analysing system (MultiScan) connected to a stereoscopic micro-
scope. In herbivorous cladocerans two morphological parameters Fig. 1 Outline of Leptodora kindtii. Body length (A), feeding
were measured: carapace length (from the base of the tailspine, or basket (B), body thickness (C)
its equivalent to the top of the eye), and the total length of the body
(including helmet, if present). Relative helmet length was indicated
by the proportion of total length/carapace length, and its value 1. The explanatory variables used: prey density, average carapace
ranged from 1 (no helmet) to 1.6 (D. cucullata with strongly length, and helmet length. In these regressions all the 30 data
developed helmet).Values of average carapace length were based sets from the six lakes and five sampling times were treated as
on a minimum of 100 randomly selected individuals, and represent independent. When the data were pooled, the feeding basket had
the average for all cladoceran species present in a particular lake, at larger variance in large individuals than in small ones, so
one sampling time. Average helmet length was calculated in a discrete size ranges of Leptodora were used in each regression
similar way. Species with induced defences other than helmets (e.g. (see Table 2).
Bosmina therisites) were present at very low densities, so statistical 2. The explanatory variables used: the date of sampling and
analysis of these data was not performed. For each lake, the density Leptodora body length. Partial residual plots between the date
of filter-feeding cladocerans was calculated for every sample. of sampling (shown as the day of the year) and basket size were
In L. kindtii three parameters were measured: body length (from used to show the seasonal variability of the basket.
the end of the head to the tailspine bifurcation) along the axis of the
body, the base of the feeding basket, and body thickness, measured The influence of different explanatory variables on body
at the connection of the thorax with the abdomen (Fig. 1). Since the thickness was investigated using one multiple regression with all
first males appeared in September, only females were measured. In data, with four explanatory variables: prey density, average prey
each sample usually 25–30 females were measured, though in some size, helmet length and Leptodora length.
lakes in May and October the density of females was so low that
only smaller numbers were collected (12–20 individuals). Alto-
gether, 765 Leptodora individuals and >4,000 other cladocerans Feeding experiments
were measured in the preserved samples.
Living Leptodora specimens were collected (August 2000) in Lake
Roś, a eutrophic lake in the Mazurian Lakeland, and in the
Statistical analyses mesotrophic Lake Kuc (Table 1), with a plankton net of 320-m
mesh size. Leptodora individuals were starved for 24 h before
The field data were analysed by multiple linear regressions to feeding. As prey, I used laboratory-reared Ceriodaphnia reticulata
separate the effects of several explanatory variables on the feeding clones. Only adult C. reticulata were used in the experiments, with
basket and body thickness. average carapace length 0.833€0.077 mm (n=153). The observa-
The influence of different explanatory variables on the feeding tions were carried out as described by Herzig and Auer (1990), at
basket was shown by standard partial regression coefficients (beta 18€1C. One hundred prey individuals were put in each of two
weights, bn). The compared meso- and eutrophic lakes differ from Petri dishes, containing 80 ml GF/C filtered lake water, with side
each other in so many parameters, that the analyses were restricted walls covered by black foil. Five Leptodora were added to each
to parameters of prey, for which a biologically reasonable Petri dish. Whenever a Leptodora captured prey, it was gently
explanation for any significant effects may be easier to find. Two transferred to a glass plate in a drop of water (with the prey in the
analyses were performed with different explanatory variables: feeding basket), and a new Leptodora specimen was added to the
dish. When Leptodora had finished feeding on C. reticulata, the

Table 1 Some characteristics of the lakes studied

Lake Area Maximum Chlorophyll-aa Range of Range of cladoceran Range of mean
(ha) depth (g l–1) Secci depth density cladoceran size
(m) (m) (individuals l–1) (mm)
Gołdopiwo 891 26 32 2.1–4 18–135 0.393–0.711
Iławskie 116 3 70 0.45–0.9 20–596 0.275 – 0.438
Kuc 95 28 4 5–6.75 11–46 0.384 – 0.614
Miłkowskie 20 15 51 1–1.75 82–1654 0.283 – 0.513
Piłakno 237 56 6 3–6 2–140 0.384 – 0.704
Tynwałdskie 30 3 170 0.4–0.8 21–78 0.293 – 0.500
Data from August
morphological parameters of both prey and predator were mea-
sured. The parameters measured in L. kindtii included: total length,
basket base size, and egg diameter. The number of eggs was
counted in the experimental populations only, because eggs fall out
of the brood sac when the samples are preserved in sugar formalin.
On Ceriodaphnia, only carapace length was measured (the carapace
of Ceriodaphnia remains nearly intact during Leptodora feeding).
During the measurements, Leptodora were narcotised with carbon-
ated water.

The only variable that significantly influenced the body
thickness of Leptodora was its body length, explaining
85.5% of the variance (the overall regression explains
85.7% of the variance), thus body thickness was not
influenced by prey characteristics.
In the analysis of the feeding basket of animals
collected in the field, the type A multiple regressions
revealed that the size of the feeding basket correlated
significantly with average prey carapace length for nearly
all size ranges of Leptodora (Fig. 2, Table 2), the
exception being the largest (8–8.99 mm) size range.
Significant partial correlations were found between the
size of the feeding basket and prey density in three
regressions with adults, and in two cases partial regres-
sions of helmet length are also significant (Table 2). The
size of the feeding basket of Leptodora changed signif-
icantly (P<0.05) during the season in five of the six
studied lakes (Fig. 3).
The basket size of Leptodora from Lakes Kuc and Roś
used in the feeding experiment differed significantly
(ANCOVA, df=1,140, F=260.15, P<0.001, Fig. 4).
Feeding on the same prey, Leptodora from lake Kuc
(with larger baskets) captured larger C. reticulata
(0.852€0.068 mm) than individuals from Lake Roś
(0.787€0.076 mm, Fig. 4, t-test, t=–5.253, df=141,
P<0.001). The number of eggs in the two populations
differed markedly (Fig. 4, ANCOVA, df=1,106,
F=264.15, P<0.001), Leptodora from Lake Roś had
more (Fig. 4), eggs than mature individuals in Lake Kuc.

The morphology of L. kindtii is variable, but this
variability is much less spectacular than the well visible
(and qualitative) defences of herbivorous cladoceran
species. From the three parameters of the prey examined
in the field populations, the average carapace length of Fig. 2 A A multiple regression with Leptodora of 5–5.99 mm
prey explains best the variability of the size of the feeding (Table 2) using carapace length and helmet size as explanatory
basket, while the effects of prey density or helmet size are variables. Prey density (n.s., see Table 2) was removed using
backward elimination procedure. B, C Partial regressions for the
visible only in large individuals (Table 2). The three same explanatory variables. Note that R2 values are partial
significant beta values for prey density are of comparable correlation coefficients. Relative basket size = bnXn+Residuals,
magnitude to those for prey size, and increase with where bn is the slope of the partial regression, Xn is the explanatory
Leptodora body length (Table 2). This suggests that the variable
morphology of large Leptodora is influenced also by the
density of prey, and not just prey size. Recently
Branstrator (1998) showed experimentally on differently

Fig. 4 A Feeding basket sizes (circles) of the experimental

Leptodora specimens from lake Roś and lake Kuc, and the size
of captured prey (squares, note the difference in scales). B Clutch
sizes of the same specimens

Fig. 3 Seasonal changes in the size of the feeding basket (triangle)

and the size of herbivorous cladocerans (circles), in the six studied sized Leptodora that the profitability and ingestion
lakes. The changes in the feeding basket size are shown as partial efficiency of captured prey increase with the ratio of
residual plots, and the R2 values are partial correlation coefficients. feeding basket size to prey size. Thus even when fed on
Filled circles show communities with Bosmina sp. dominance similarly sized prey, Leptodora with a smaller basket
(>80% of cladocerans), open circles show communities with
Daphnia sp. dominance (>80%), grey circles show communities ingests less than one with a larger basket. This is probably
where both Bosmina and Daphnia were more abundant than 20%. caused by handling difficulties. The different ingestion
Note that in lakes Miłkowskie, Gołdopiwo and Kuc the basket size rates of individuals with differently sized feeding baskets
show moderate nonlinearity, the relative basket size changes only may explain the observed correlation of the basket size
slightly after August
with prey density in large Leptodora (Table 2) – at low
prey densities the increase in basket size improves
ingestion efficiency. Although the average helmet size
has statistically significant partial correlations with the
feeding basket in two regressions (Table 2), its beta

Table 2 Multiple regression parameters for different size classes of Leptodora kindtii. Significant (P<0.05) partial regressions are shown
with boldface. The feeding basket size was the dependent variable in all regressions
Leptodora length Independent variables (1–3) R2 F n
(mm) –1
Helmet size Log prey density (individuals l ) Average carapace length (mm)
b1 b2 b3
2–2.99 –0.18 0.02 0.58 0.24 5.64 45
3–3.99 –0.08 0.02 0.57 0.30 11.2 79
4–4.99 –0.14 –0.02 0.63 0.36 24.6 131
5–5.99 –0.18 –0.08 0.73 0.52 62.8 173
6–6.99 0.06 –0.30 0.50 0.53 59.1 159
7–7.99 –0.18 –0.49 0.37 0.61 46.4 93
8–8.99 0.02 –0.54 0.09 0.39 9.60 48

coefficients are so low (Fig. 2, Table 2), that these partial 1984; Parejko and Dodson1991; Bruno and Edmunds
regressions have no predictive power in practice. In 1997), but only few studies have addressed the question
general, no convincing signs of adaptation to induced of the importance of phenotypic plasticity and genetic
defences of prey were found in Leptodora. A possible variability in seasonal morphological changes (Lampert
reason for the lack of morphological response to changing and Wolf 1986 ; Stibor and Lampert 2000). In these
prey morphology may be, that species composition, studies phenotypic plasticity seems to be more important.
density, and size of the zooplankton community change Assuming that the morphological variability of Leptodora
more rapidly than induced defences, and any possible is partly caused by phenotypic plasticity, at least two
effect of the latter is overshadowed. factors can serve as proximal cues for the morphological
The size of the feeding basket changes during the changes: (1) increased muscle power during prey han-
season, and it seems to follow the prey size rather than dling can result in larger muscles and exoskeleton – this
any regular cycle (Fig. 3). The change in the morphology has been shown responsible for the changes of the feeding
of Leptodora was largest in May and July, when the structures in phytophagous insects (Bernays 1986) and
Bosmina-dominated prey communities changed to Daph- crabs (Smith and Palmer 1994); (2) the filter-screen areas
nia-dominated ones in all studied lakes. From August of several Daphnia species have been found to increase
onwards, the morphological change is small. In contrast, when grown under food-limiting conditions (Koza and
Manca and Comoli (1995) reported no significant Kořnek 1986; Lampert 1994) and the limbs of Leptodora
seasonal change in the outer diameter of the basket in that form the feeding basket are homologous anatomical
Leptodora from the large, oligotrophic Lake Maggiore structures. The observation that Leptodora from lake Kuc
(Italy). A possible reason for this contradicting result is has fewer eggs than specimens in Lake Roś (Fig. 5) also
that cladocerans in Lago Maggiore are much larger than suggest a reaction to scarce food conditions (but in this
in the lakes studied in this survey. The maximal size of case, one would expect strong dependence of basket size
Daphnia in Lago Maggiore is above 2.0 mm (Manca and on the density of prey, and less on average carapace
Ruggiu 1998) and selection may favour the largest length).
possible feeding baskets. In the meso- and eutrophic
lakes of this study, Daphnia individuals of carapace
length longer than 1.0 mm were only occasionally found. Conclusions
The experiments demonstrated a benefit of the
increased basket size: a larger feeding basket enables This is the first study to demonstrate that the cladoceran
Leptodora to capture larger prey, when individuals of the predator, L. kindtii, is morphologically variable, and its
same body length but with different basket morphologies morphology is correlated with the size and density of its
(Fig. 4) are compared. prey. Although a laboratory method for culturing Lep-
The presence of forms with a small feeding basket todora is still lacking, the seasonal pattern of the
implies that a large one is costly. A possible cost is the morphological change and the presence of measurable
energetic investment needed to build the additional tissue. benefits suggest that the observed morphological vari-
Such a cost may be substantial in species whose ability is phenotypic plasticity.
morphology varies greatly (as crests in some daphnids,
Barry 1994); however, in the case of relatively small Acknowledgements I thank Anna Jachner, Joanna Pijanowska,
morphological changes costs are not always measurable Piotr Dawidowicz and the anonymous reviewers for comments on
the manuscript. The field sampling and the feeding experiments
(Scheiner and Berrigan 1998 ; Tollrian 1995). A cost may were done at the Hydrobiological Station of the University of
also result from the maintenance of a structure (Tollrian Warsaw, Pilchy. The research was supported by a grant from the
and Harvell 1999b). Altered morphology may result in University of Warsaw to Piotr Dawidowicz (BW 1420/25), and a
increased energetic cost of swimming, or smaller swim- KBN grant (6PO4F 04717) to Gyrgy Abrusn.
ming speed, since morphological changes influence the
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