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Oecologia (2007) 152:162–168

DOI 10.1007/s00442-006-0637-3


Phenotypically plastic responses of green frog embryos

to conXicting predation risk
D. H. Ireland · A. J. Wirsing · D. L. Murray

Received: 28 November 2006 / Accepted: 28 November 2006 / Published online: 10 January 2007
© Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract Predators have been shown to alter the tim- stage at hatching. Embryos failed to respond to simul-
ing of switch points between life history stages, but few taneous exposure to both predators, implying that
studies have addressed switch point plasticity in prey responses to each occurred concurrently and were
exposed simultaneously to conXicting predation pres- therefore dampened. Our results indicate that prey
sure. We tested hatching responses of green frog (Rana under threat from conXicting predators may manifest
clamitans) embryos subject to perceived predation risk intermediate defensive phenotypes. Such intermediate
from chemical cues released by two stage-speciWc pre- responses may result in elevated rates of prey mortality
dators, predicting that these predators would elicit: (1) with possible consequences at the population level.
directional hatching responses when presented inde-
pendently, and (2) intermediate phenotypic responses Keywords Chemical cues · Hatching traits ·
when presented simultaneously. R. clamitans embryos life history switch points · Phenotypic plasticity ·
in outdoor exclosures were exposed to cues from an Rana clamitans
egg predator (freshwater leeches; Nephelopsis obs-
cura), a larval predator (dragonXy nymphs, Aeschna
canadensis), and both predators in a 2 £ 2 factorial Introduction
experiment, and changes in hatchling size, hatchling
developmental stage, and hatching time were com- Studies of predator–prey interactions traditionally
pared to those for control embryos. Leeches alone have focused on pair-wise relationships (Relyea 2003),
induced embryos to hatch at a smaller size and an ear- but most prey species occur in environments where
lier developmental stage than controls, while dragonXy multiple predators are present (Schoener 1989; Polis
nymphs elicited a delay in egg hatching time that was 1991). In such multi-predator systems, the eVects of
associated with larger size and later developmental individual predator species on prey are rarely inter-
changeable (Polis and Strong 1996). Often, for exam-
ple, competition among predators and intra-guild
predation result in higher prey survival than that pre-
Communicated by Steven Kohler. dicted by overall predator abundance (“risk reduc-
tion”; Sih et al. 1998). Alternatively, if phenotypically
D. H. Ireland · D. L. Murray plastic defensive responses by prey are tailored to spe-
Department of Biology, Trent University,
ciWc predator species, then conXict between responses
1600 West Bank Drive, Peterborough, ON K9J 7B8, Canada
to multiple predators may elevate prey vulnerability
A. J. Wirsing (&) (“risk enhancement”; Sih et al. 1998). A growing body
Department of Biological Sciences, of literature suggests that these multiple-predator
Marine Biology Program, Florida International University,
eVects (MPEs) are commonly experienced by prey
Biscayne Bay Campus, AC1 388, 3000 NE 151 St,
North Miami, FL 33181, USA within particular life history stages (see review by Sih
e-mail: et al. 1998). However, the potential that MPEs span

Oecologia (2007) 152:162–168 163

diVerent life stages via induced shifts at switch points predators should favor conXicting phenotypic shifts, we
has received less attention (see Vonesh and Osenberg predicted that exposure to perceived risk from both
2003; Vonesh 2005; Vonesh and Warkentin 2006 for would result in: (1) an intermediate phenotype if each
examples). elicited an independent and opposite response by
Oviparous animals are often subject to diVerent embryos, or (2) a directional phenotype if embryos can
suites of predators as embryos and larvae (Vonesh discriminate between predators and optimize their
2005). Although they have few antipredator options, response by focusing on a single predator.
embryos can escape egg predators by hatching early
(Warkentin 1995, 2000; Vonesh 2000; Chivers et al.
2001). However, prey individuals that hatch prema- Materials and methods
turely may be relatively small and, as a result, espe-
cially vulnerable to larval predators (Warkentin 1995). Field collection
It follows that predation may elicit plastic alterations in
the hatching characteristics of these species, with R. clamitans breeds in semi-permanent or permanent
hatching times and traits in particular habitats being set ponds and lakes, with clutches containing 3,000–
in part by the intensity and direction of predator pres- 3,500 eggs that are distributed as a surface Wlm in shal-
sure experienced by prey individuals in life history low waters at the riparian edge. R. clamitans eggs have
stages adjacent to this switch point (Werner 1986; a short hatching time (3–5 days) compared to most
Relyea 2003; Teplitsky et al. 2004, 2005). Predator- amphibian species (4–8 days after fertilization, see
induced plasticity in hatching attributes may have Desrochers and Rodrigue 2004), and tadpole develop-
important consequences for the dynamics of prey pop- ment from hatching to metamorphosis usually requires
ulations (Sih and Moore 1993), so experiments assess- 12–15 months (Duellman and Trueb 1986).
ing hatching plasticity in the context of MPEs should Over a 24-h period during July 2004, freshly depos-
facilitate an improved understanding of both the struc- ited R. clamitans egg masses were collected from three
ture of natural communities and the process of specia- semi-permanent ponds in southern Ontario (44°N,
tion (Agrawal 2001). Although a variety of studies 78°W). Each pond was associated with a larger wetland
have focused on responses of amphibian embryos to complex, and because ponds were separated by
perceived predation risk (e.g., Warkentin 1995, 1999; <750 m, we assumed that resident green frogs in our
Johnson et al. 2003; Vonesh and Osenberg 2003; study area constituted a metapopulation. Pond temper-
Vonesh and Bolker 2005), none have examined hatch- ature reached »19°C near midday, and all ponds
ing plasticity by simultaneously exposing embryos to contained N. obscura and high larval densities of dragon-
multiple predators exerting conXicting pressure. Xies from the genus Aeshna. Leeches were purchased
We explored phenotypic responses of green frog from local bait shops, while dragonXy nymphs were
(Rana clamitans) embryos to perceived risk from two collected from ditches near the collection ponds.
sequential, stage-speciWc predators—freshwater
leeches (Nephelopsis obscura) and dragonXy nymphs Experimental design
(Aeshna canadensis). Both predator species frequent
R. clamitans oviposition sites. However, leeches com- Three egg masses [<16 h old and at an earlier stage
monly prey upon amphibian eggs, including those of than late cleavage (stage 9; Gosner 1960)] were trans-
ranid frogs (Alford 1999; Chivers et al. 2001; Laurila ported to the laboratory and carefully split into 13 or
et al. 2002; personal observation). Thus, relative to 14 clumps of 100 eggs and placed in 19 l opaque plastic
controls, we predicted that R. clamitans embryos would tubs (40 £ 30 £ 19 cm3) Wlled with 16 l of Wltered river
respond to risk (chemical cues) from this predator with water. Tubs were arrayed in a caged outdoor facility
accelerated hatching times and, as a result, reduced and allowed to sit for 5 days prior to the addition of
size and developmental stage at hatching (Warkentin eggs. Tubs were covered with window screen (1.5-mm
1995; Vonesh 2000). In contrast, dragonXy nymphs mesh size) for protection and shading. During the
prey upon hatchling and tadpole prey (Skelley and experiment temperature ranged from 13° to 21°C. In
Werner 1990; Altwegg 2003; personal observation), each tub, two cylindrical opaque plastic sections of
and are not known to consume eggs. Hence, we pre- PVC pipe (15 £ 8 cm) were covered with a mesh win-
dicted that embryos exposed to risk from nymphs dow screen and placed in opposite corners of each tub.
would manifest delayed hatching times relative to con- Pipe sections served as cages for predators, thereby
trols and, consequently, hatch at an advanced develop- eliminating any inXuence of direct predator eVects
mental stage (Sih and Moore 1993). Since, the two (i.e., consumption) on eggs/embryos.

164 Oecologia (2007) 152:162–168

Our experiment employed a 2 £ 2 randomized unit was the tub and not the individual, (2) any bias
block design to allow for assessment of additive eVects due to the method was consistent between treatments,
of predators; four treatments (Leech, Nymph, and (3) our a priori predictions were valid irrespective
Leech £ Nymph, Control) were replicated 10 times, of the speciWc sampling scheme. The ten hatched indi-
and three to four egg clumps from each clutch were viduals per tub were preserved in 10% formalin; size
assigned to each treatment. Note that although they and developmental stage at hatching of preserved sam-
are well established in the literature, additive designs ples were assessed <5 days after the end of the experi-
such as ours have been criticized because, in the multi- ment. Total body length (tip of nose to tip of tail) was
ple predator treatment, predator density is confounded measured to the nearest 0.25 mm using a dissecting
with predator identity (Relyea 2003). However, we scope. Hatchling developmental stage was determined
elected not to use a substitutive approach entailing sin- according to Gosner (1960).
gle predator treatments with double the density as well
(Relyea 2003) because cue concentrations from two Statistical analyses
predators of the same species are unlikely to resemble
those produced by two radically diVerent predator spe- For each tub, we calculated the average hatching time,
cies (i.e., in our view, single predator treatments at hatchling size, and developmental stage at hatching.
double the density are not comparable to two predator Tadpole size, stage at hatching, and time to hatching
treatments). Thus, our experiment was designed spe- were normally distributed and thus untransformed
ciWcally to assess embryo sensitivity to the presence, means were analyzed; developmental stage was
rather than the magnitude, of the chemical cue associ- invoked as a continuous variable (Moore et al. 1996;
ated with a particular predator species. The Leech Chivers et al. 2001; Laurila et al. 2002). We employed a
treatment included a single N. obscura fed ten R. clam- multivariate ANOVA to evaluate overall treatment
itans embryos (stages 9–19; Gosner 1960), while the eVects, with clutch origin serving as a block (three to
Nymph treatment contained a late-instar A. canadensis four replicates per clutch within each treatment; Schalk
fed six R. clamitans hatchlings (stages 21–24; Gosner et al. 2002). A two-way univariate ANOVA was then
1960); feeding occurred in the cage during a 48-h inter- used to elucidate the importance of all response vari-
val prior to the onset of the experiment (i.e., day 0) to ables that were at least marginally signiWcant
ensure that any diet-borne chemical cues had been (P · 0.10) separately. The two-way ANOVA is the
excreted (i.e., were available for detection by prey dur- most robust test for assessing interactive eVects
ing the trials). Importantly, food rations given the two between treatments (Zar 1999), and we used
predator species were of comparable biomass, mini- Leech £ Nymph interaction terms to determine if pre-
mizing the likelihood that the dietary cues they pro- dators aVected embryo phenotype independently. We
duced diVered in concentration. The Nymph £ Leech considered signiWcant main eVects of predators, com-
treatment contained both predators fed according to bined with non-signiWcant interaction terms when both
the above rations, whereas the Control contained two predators were present, to constitute support for the
empty cages only. Predator cages were not disturbed existence of independent predator responses. Means
after the onset of the experiment, and no extra food for response variables in the Leech £ Nymph treat-
was provided [we recorded high survival for both leech ment that were intermediate to those for main preda-
(100%) and nymph (95%) predators during the experi- tor eVects (and comparable to means for the Control
ment]. Predators were placed in the tubs 8 h after eggs treatment) were interpreted as support for our hypoth-
had been added. esis that the two predators used in the experiment
On day 3, we began checking tubs every 8 h (0800, favor opposing hatching characteristics in R. clamitans.
1600, 2400 h) for recently hatched frog tadpoles.
Hatchling R. clamitans leave the vitelline membrane
and remain immobile on the substrate surface (Duell- Results
man and Trueb 1986), and we considered an embryo to
have hatched if it was found outside the membrane and Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that eVect of
lying away from the egg mass. Time to hatching for a the Leech treatment on tadpole development was mar-
given tub was calculated as the average time taken to ginally signiWcant when considered in a multivariate
hatch by the Wrst ten individuals to meet the above cri- context (Table 1). Univariate ANOVA indicated that,
teria. This sample is comparable to that used previ- relative to controls, tadpoles hatched at a smaller size
ously (Sih and Moore 1993; Schalk et al. 2002), and was (diVerence in means = 0.48 mm), at an earlier develop-
appropriate in this study because: (1) the experimental mental stage (diVerence in means = 0.32), and more

Oecologia (2007) 152:162–168 165

Table 1 Multivariate ANOVA (MANOVA) of hatching charac- in green frog (Rana clamitans) embryos subjected to predation
teristics and univariate ANOVA of hatching timing (Time), risk (chemical cues) from freshwater leeches, dragonXy nymphs,
hatching size (Size), and developmental stage at hatching (Stage) or both predators in a 2 £ 2 factorial experiment

Wilks’  F3,32 P Time Size Stage

F1,35 P F1,35 P F1,35 P

Leech 0.815 2.413 0.084 4.34 0.04 4.92 0.03 4.61 0.04
Nymph 0.665 5.36 0.004 12.61 0.001 6.78 0.01 9.08 0.01
Leech £ Nymph 0.952 0.538 0.66 0.74 0.4 1.38 0.25 0.71 0.41
Clutcha 0.737 1.756 0.122 0.46 0.64 4.26 0.02 1.06 0.36
Clutch was used as a block

swiftly (diVerence in means = 10.95 h) when eggs were later, at a larger size, and at a more advanced develop-
subject to the Leech treatment (Table 1; Fig. 1). In mental stage than controls. However, embryos faced
contrast, the Nymph treatment increased tadpole size with conXicting risks from egg- and larval-stage preda-
(diVerence in means = 0.34 mm), advanced develop- tors (i.e., those subjected to the Leech £ Nymph treat-
mental stage at hatching (diVerence in means = 0.29), ment) failed to show an induced phenotypic shift,
and lengthened egg hatching time (diVerence in instead manifesting hatching characteristics similar to
means = 10.95 h) (Table 1; Fig. 1). those of control embryos.
Simultaneous exposure of R. clamitans eggs to the Eggs are an important prey item for many predators
Leech £ Nymph treatment did not aVect hatching (Chivers et al. 2001). Yet, because hatching has only
characteristics of tadpoles (Table 1), with sample recently been identiWed as a potentially mutable anti-
means for the two-species treatment being intermedi- predator defense, relatively few studies have addressed
ate to those of treatments with each predator species the relationship between hatching traits and predation
alone (Fig. 1). In general, means for the Leech £ (Chivers et al. 2001; Warkentin 2000). Among those
Nymph treatment were comparable to those for the that have been conducted, our experiment is notable in
Control group (diVerence in means between treated two ways. One, it constitutes a rare demonstration of
and control eggs for tadpole size, developmental stage both advanced and delayed hatching by a single prey
at hatching, and hatching time were 0.16 mm, 0.14, and species exposed separately to egg- and larval-stage pre-
6.39 h, respectively), implying that embryos responded dators. Further work is required to determine the
to both predators simultaneously. scope of such Xexibility. Two, it is the Wrst to reveal an
Clutch origin had no eVect on hatching traits when intermediate hatching response elicited by simulta-
analyzed in a multivariate context (Table 1). However, neous exposure to conXicting, stage-speciWc predators.
when assessed in a univariate context, tadpole size was In theory, organisms driven to manifest intermediate,
inXuenced signiWcantly by clutch (Table 1). Upon predator-speciWc defensive phenotypes by two preda-
hatching, larvae from the three clutches averaged tor species imposing conXicting pressure are predicted
5.85 § 0.21, 5.85 § 0.13, and 6.35 § 0.13 mm in length, to suVer from increased overall mortality (risk
respectively. enhancement; Lima 1992; Matsuda et al. 1993; Sih
et al. 1998). Thus, embryos and hatchlings in the R.
clamitans population we sampled may experience
Discussion higher rates of predation than those in populations that
are free from, or subject to a lesser degree of, conXict-
The results of this investigation demonstrate that R. ing stage-speciWc predation pressure. If the extent to
clamitans embryos exhibit predator-speciWc phenotypic which R. clamitans embryos hatching with intermedi-
responses, and that simultaneous exposure to multiple ate characteristics are disadvantaged is dramatic
predators imposing conXicting pressure elicits an inter- enough, in turn, then spatial heterogeneity in the abun-
mediate response. As predicted, embryos exposed to dance of their predators may promote inter-population
perceived risk from egg predators (Leech treatment) divergence (Agrawal 2001), and inXuence the structure
hatched at a small size and early developmental stage of aquatic communities incorporating this amphibian.
relative to controls, while embryos exposed to risk Can the hatching responses to each individual pred-
from larval predators (Nymph treatment) hatched ator observed in this experiment be used to estimate

166 Oecologia (2007) 152:162–168

7.0 a are adjusted to account for removal by predators, the

speciWc consequences of the shifts in hatching traits we
report (relative to controls) are diYcult to predict
6.5 based on the results of other studies involving anurans,
Hatchling siz e (mm)

especially since we exposed eggs only to predator cues.

+ Nymph
However, in general, variation in the size of recently
6.0 hatched anurans is known to dramatically aVect subse-
quent survival (Warkentin 1995). For example, Vonesh
- Nymph
and Bolker (2005) found that a 30% reduction in the
5.5 size of East African reed frog (Hyperolius spinigularis)
hatchlings altered larval mortality rates by a huge mar-
gin (90%), and that, after hatching, small (i.e., <10%)
5.0 increments in the size of recently emerged larvae cor-
responded with marked changes in survival. Therefore,
20.0 b
it is reasonable to assume that the 9% changes in
Developmental stage at hatching

hatchling size elicited by both the egg and larval preda-

tors used in this study are likely to be accompanied by
biologically meaningful changes in larval mortality
+ Nymph risk.
Chemical cues have been shown to elicit antipreda-
tor responses in a wide variety of taxa, including
- Nymph
amphibians (reviewed by Chivers and Smith 1998; Kats
18.5 and Dill 1998). However, this study is the Wrst to dem-
onstrate that, in the absence of consumption, conXict-
ing cues from multiple predators can combine to elicit
18.0 intermediate hatching characteristics. By implication,
the mere presence of multiple potential predators in
150 c particular areas (i.e., the threat of predation) may be
suYcient to induce hatching responses with conse-
quences for prey populations and, ultimately, commu-
Hatching time (hrs)

+ Nymph nities. Given the speciWcity with which R. clamitans
embryos responded when exposed to each predator
130 separately, we dismiss the possibility that these chemi-
cal cues were derived solely from conspeciWc prey fed
to the predators prior to the onset of experimental tri-
120 - Nymph
als. Instead, we contend that the embryos responded to
cues emitted by the predators themselves (Kats and
Dill 1998). We acknowledge, however, that the inten-
sity of the observed phenotypic responses by R. clami-
Leech absent Leech present
tans embryos to predation risk may have been predator
Fig. 1 a Hatching size, b developmental stage at hatching, and diet-dependent (Laurila et al. 1998; Chivers and Mirza
c hatching time for Rana clamitans embryos with freshwater 2001), and therefore that leeches and nymphs fed het-
leeches (Nephelopsis obscura) absent and present and with (open
erospeciWc prey may have elicited weaker shifts in
circle, +Nymph) and without (Wlled circle, ¡Nymph) exposure to
dragonXy nymphs (Aeshna canadensis), means § SE hatching traits. Accordingly, future work in this system
should seek to compare the magnitude of directional
hatching responses by R. clamitans to cues from preda-
the degree to which R. clamitans embryos manifesting tors fed conspeciWcs and heterospeciWcs (i.e., neutral
intermediate phenotypes are disadvantaged? The diets).
implications of predator-induced hatching plasticity for Previous studies have revealed marked inter- and
prey survival are highly species-speciWc, and depend intra-population variability in predator-induced hatch-
heavily on the concomitant numerical eVects of the ing responses (e.g., Schalk et al. 2002; Laurila et al.
predator in question (Vonesh and Bolker 2005). Thus, 2002). In general, the evidence presented here is not
in the absence of an empirical test where egg densities consistent with this trend, as the measured hatching

Oecologia (2007) 152:162–168 167

traits did not diVer among broods (i.e., across space) individual phenotypic variation, changes in prey popu-
when evaluated in a multivariate context (Table 1). lation dynamics, and, ultimately, speciation.
However, we did Wnd that, in a univariate context, a
signiWcant amount of the variation in observed hatch- Acknowledgements This study was funded by the National Sci-
ence and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Can-
ling size could be explained by brood origin (Table 1).
ada Research Chair (CRC) program. We are grateful to Kaitlin
This result suggests that, for at least some traits, both Byrick for assistance with this research. This study was approved
the selective regimes imposed by predators and the by the Trent University Animal Care and Use Committee (proto-
costs associated with hatching plasticity experienced by col no. 04022). Steven Kohler and four anonymous reviewers pro-
vided useful comments on previous drafts of this manuscript.
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