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• India's rocket launch center is Satish

Dhawan Center which is located on 'Sri

Harikota Island'.

Axis of Earth
• The imaginary line around which the
Earth revolves. It is called the axis of the
Size of the Earth earth.
• Earth's axis is not vertical but is inclined
• The shape of the Earth is a Geoid. Due to
at an angle of 23½° to the vertical line.
rotation, there is a centrifugal force
• The Earth's axis makes an angle of 66½°
outward from the center (axis). Due to
to the orbital plane.
which the earth becomes more spread in
• This tilt of the Earth's axis is called Axis
the equatorial region. And the earth is
slightly flat in the polar region. Earth's
equatorial radius is greater than its polar
• For this reason, the maximum
gravitational force is felt in the polar
region and the least gravitational force is
felt in the equatorial region.
• Rocket launch centers are mainly
established near the equator on the east
coast of the continents.
Northern Hemisphere and the intensity
Earth Orbit of winter season increases in the
Southern Hemisphere.
• The Earth's orbit is the path in which the
Earth travels (revolves) around the Sun. • The speed of rotation of the earth is
It is called the orbit of the earth. Earth's highest during the subsolar phase.
orbit is elliptical. Because of which the (According to Kepler’s law)
distance between the Sun and the Earth
keeps on changing.
• The average distance between Earth and
the Sun is 149.60 million kilometers
(92.96 million miles).
• One complete orbit is completed every
365.256 days (1 sidereal year), during
which time the Earth travels 940 million
kilometers (584 million mi).

➢ Sub-Stationary and Pre-Negotiable :

• The perihelion is the position in the
Earth's orbit when the distance between
the Sun and the Earth is the least.
• Apogee This position in the Earth's orbit
when the distance between the Sun and
the Earth is the greatest.
• The sub-stationary and pre-negotiable
conditions favour the weather
conditions of the Northern Hemisphere.

• During the subsolar phase, the intensity

of winter season decreases in the
Northern Hemisphere and the intensity
of summer season increases in the
Southern Hemisphere.
• During the ablation phase, the intensity
of summer season decreases in the
1. Cruising | Rotation
• The movement of the Earth around its
axis is called rotation.
• Earth rotates from west to east.
• Earth takes 23 hours 56 minutes 4
seconds to complete one revolution.

Effects of Cruising :
➢ Sun rising in the east and setting in the
➢ Day and night are created.
The imaginary circle separating the day
and night parts of the earth is called the
circle of illumination.

➢ Coriolis effect takes place(corfolius

• Freely moving objects in the
northern hemisphere are deflected 2. Revolution
to the right due to the Coriolis effect.
• The movement of the earth around the
'And in the southern hemisphere it
sun is called revolution.
turns objects to the left.
• The value of Coriolis force is zero in
• The earth revolves from west to east.
the equatorial region. And the
Coriolis force is maximum in the
• Earth takes 365 days and 6 hours to
polar regions.
complete one revolution.
• Cyclones and anticyclones are
formed on Earth due to the Coriolis
• Adding these 6 hours to 4 years gives an
extra day. It is added in February.

• This makes a leap year of 366 days.

• Due to rotation and axial tilt, seasons are
formed on the earth and day and night of
6 months are formed in the polar region.

• The rays of the sun go straight up to the Solstice

Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn.
• The position when the Sun is located
exactly above 23 ½° is called the solstice.
• 2 solstices occur in a year
(A) Summer Solstice (21 June)
(B) Winter Solstice (22 Dec)


• The position in the Earth's orbit when

the Sun is exactly above the equator is
called equinox.
• During this, there is a condition of 12
hours of day and 12 hours of night at all
places on the earth.
• Vipuv situation is created twice in a year.
A. Sharad Equinox (Autumn
Equinox ) 23 Sep
B. Spring equinox (Spring Equinox)
21 march
➢ Summer Solstice – 21 June :
• During this position, the Sun remains
directly above the Tropic of Cancer.
• During this period, the northern
hemisphere has the longest day and the
southern hemisphere has the longest

➢ Winter Solstice - 22 DEC :

• The position when the Sun is directly

above the Tropic of Capricorn is called
the winter solstice.
• During this, the longest point in the
Northern Hemisphere and the longest
day in the Southern Hemisphere occurs.

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