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Assignment 2: PO9 Tender Evaluation

You are currently working in a developer company. You have been tasked by the company to
evaluate a tender for a housing development in an area. There are 10 companies submitting
their bid for the tender. Upon MEAT evaluation, you have selected company A for the tender.
However, Company D had enquired about why their bid was not selected for the work. They
claim that they had already been working with your company for a long time and claim that they
have a very good relationship with the director of your company. Due to the alleged relationship,
they have indirectly threatened to disrupt your career in the company. Upon your investigation,
you have found out that the director of Company D does have a very good relationship with the
director of your company, and the director of your company has shown that he is not very happy
with your decision. Explain how you would resolve this situation.

In a scenario like this, it is essential to handle the matter in a professional manner and address
the concerns raised by Company D. Here is a suggested approach to resolving the situation:

● Maintain professionalism: It is crucial to remain composed and calm throughout the

process. It is important to approach the situation professionally and ensure that personal
relationships or emotions do not influence decision-making.

● Review the evaluation process: Take another look at the evaluation process and reaffirm
the criteria used to select Company A as the preferred bidder. Verify that the decision
was based on objective factors such as bid quality, cost-effectiveness, compliance with
project requirements, and overall value for money.

● Prepare a response: Create a comprehensive and transparent response to Company D's

inquiry. Clearly explain the evaluation criteria, highlight the strengths identified in
Company A's bid, and provide reasons why Company D's bid did not meet the
requirements. Emphasize the significance of fair and unbiased evaluations in
maintaining the integrity of the tender process.

● Seek higher management support: As there appears to be a potential conflict of interest

involving the director of your company, it is advisable to escalate the situation to
higher-level management. Present your findings and concerns to them, emphasizing the
importance of upholding fairness and transparency in the tender evaluation process.

● Document everything: Keep a record of all correspondence, discussions, and findings

related to this situation. This documentation will serve as evidence of your
professionalism, adherence to company policies, and commitment to maintaining a fair
tender process.

● Maintain open communication: Throughout the process, ensure open lines of

communication with both Company D and your own management. Respond promptly to
inquiries, providing clear and concise explanations for your decisions. Maintain a
professional and courteous approach in all interactions.
Assignment 2: PO9 Tender Evaluation

● Seek legal advice if necessary: If the situation escalates or poses a threat to your career
within the company, it may be wise to seek legal advice to understand your rights and
explore available options.

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