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BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) – Overarching Course Goal: A year or more after this
course is over, I want and hope that learners will realize the importance of life-long learning,
communicate efficiently and collaborate intentionally in their personal and professional

Learning Goals Learning Activities Assessment Activities

Foundational Learners will analyze ● Participate in a ● Review and
Knowledge the benefits and book study on discuss the
challenges of MTSS best BISD MTSS
incorporating MTSS practices Handbook
and SEL practices into ● Participate in ● Complete
our current learning BOY feedback form
environments. professional on MTSS PL
learning (PL) on
Application Learners will create an ● Set up MTSS Each learning
MTSS implementation team and clarify environment (campus
plan for their learning roles and or department) will be
environment which responsibilities provided with a Google
includes SEL practices. ● Calendar Classroom to store and
biweekly MTSS share MTSS resources
meetings and files. This will also
● Create be the primary mode of
templates for digital communication
MTSS meeting and collaboration with
agendas and the facilitator, with
objectives other participants and
with other learning
Integration Learners will develop ● Complete KWL chart on all applicable
mastery of Google suite programs
applications and other ● Participate in refresher trainings to better
curriculum based understand any applicable programs
programs used within
their learning
Human Learners will develop ● Create respect ● Respect
Dimension and sustain an attitude agreement agreement
of lifelong learning. ● Utilize should be
I-messages in signed by all
all forms of participants and
communication hung in a visible
space such as
the hallway
● Facilitator and
lead admin will
model the
proper use of
Caring Learners will develop ● Participate in monthly engagement
and sustain a growth activities
mindset towards self ● Participate in relationship building mini
and others. circles
● Provide and receive daily warm welcomes
Learning Learners will practice ● Complete weekly temperature checks
How To reflection, be open to ● Complete the languages of appreciation
Learn new ideas, and give quiz
and receive feedback.

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