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Shading Device Design Analysis of OTTV Value in the PT IKI Building

A. Firman Zahari 1 , Rosady Mulyadi 2 , Nurul Jamala 3


One of the passive design strategies that is effective in reducing the heat
load on the building envelope especially in areas that have a large glass surface
area is the Shading Device. The research aims to measure the effect of Shading
device design values on the OTTV of buildings. The research used quantitative
methods, the research was carried out by trying Shading devices with Vertical
Models, Horizontal multiple fins, and Eggcrate which have the length and slope
provided by the Indonesian National Standard SNI. Testing of each Shading
design is measured based on the best reduction in OTTV values and is below
45Watt/m². The results of the study show that the shading device has an effect on
reducing the OTTV value , the longer the shading device and the higher the slope,
the more effective it is in blocking radiation from entering through the glass
surface. The decrease in the value of the existing OTTV of the building without
using a shading device has an initial value of 69.572 W/m 2
, experiencing a
decrease of 55% to 31.57 W/m 2 . Shading eggcrate with a length of 120cm with a
slope of 40 ° is the best shading based on the results of a comparative analysis
between vertical louver shading, horizontal multiple fin shading, this is because
eggcrate shading is able to respond to low and high altitude angles of the
incoming sun so as to minimize or block incoming radiation through the glass

1. Introduction

The building facade is the outer shell of a building that functions as a

protector of the inner space from the outdoor environment (Aksamija, 2013). The
building envelope is the building element that encloses the building, namely
transparent or non-transparent walls and roof where some of the thermal energy
transfers through these elements ( SNI 6389, 2011). Research conducted by
Mwasha, et al (2011) shows that building facades contribute 50% -60% of the
building's total heat gain.

To limit external loads, building envelope and roof plane are important building
elements that must be taken into account in energy use. Because of its function as
an external envelope, energy conservation criteria need to be considered in the
design process of a building, especially those involving the design of exterior
areas in relation to the appearance of the building. To reduce the external load, the
Indonesian National Standardization Agency determines the building envelope
design criteria stated in the Overall Thermal Transfer Value ( OTTV ), namely
OTTV ≤ 45 Watt/m² (Pemprov DKI Jakarta , 2012 ). The case study used is a mid-
rise building, namely the PT.IKI (Indonesian Ship Industry) Building. The
building has three floors and the shape of the building mass is a rectangle with a
ratio of building length to building width of 1:2. The building envelope consists of
a gray paint composition, 40x40cm gray ceramic walls, windows with 2 types and
courtainwall which has a 100x75 cm module. The building is oriented west and
east, solar radiation received to the west leads directly to the courtain wall without
any sun shading installed on the building the same as the west side of the
installation of sun shading , but in the east area there is a balcony that forms a
hallway indirectly can protect the surface of the glass from incoming radiation.
The design of the balcony that forms the small hallway may not be effective
because it does not have a function for the building. The shape of the balcony is
not quite right in preventing minimal radiation from entering the building because
in terms of shape it is a horizontal shading device which according to the design
of effective shading devices for east and west orientation is Vertical Shading and
Eggcrate Shading. In contrast to one of the design principles applied to reduce
heat gain through the building envelope is to design the shape of the building
orientation to avoid and minimize exposure to the building envelope from a west

orientation and reduce heat transmission by providing appropriately designed

external shading. Through this research is one form of effort to save energy in the
building by analyzing the use of shading efficient in each orientation.
2. Literature review

2.1 Conservation of Envelope Energy

A building has a cooling load consisting of internal and external loads. Internal
loads are loads caused by the addition of indoor heat such as lighting, while loads
originating from solar radiation and solar conduction that enter through the
building envelope are external loads. (Wahyudi, Munir, & Afifuddin, 2018).
One of the criteria for saving energy is the OTTV value according to SNI 03 –
6389 – 2011, which is 35 Watts/ m². OTTV includes 3 basic elements, namely,
solar radiation through glass, heat conduction through glass, and heat conduction
through opaque walls (Imran, 2019).
According to SNI 6389:2020, the energy conservation of the building envelope
can be seen from the Overall Thermal Transfer Value ( OTTV ) value, which is
the design criteria for the conditioned walls and glass exterior of the building.
OTTV is the heat transfer value of solar radiation received by the building
envelope per square meter of area (Wibawa & Hutama, 2019)

2.2 Shading device _

Regulating sunlight entering the building is the main step in the passive cooling
process to obtain thermal comfort conditions . Sunlight modulation in this setting
process can be achieved by paying attention to: Orientation and aperture
geometry; shading devices ; Property of opaque and transparent surfaces.
(Santamouris et al, 1996).
Shading device is a component of the building envelope, has an important role
in providing a positive influence on energy efficiency in buildings. In general,
shading devices are used to protect indoor spaces from direct sunlight through
openings, windows, and large glass surfaces. Different climate areas require
different configurations of shading devices. Buildings in areas with hot-humid

hot-humid climates need to reduce solar radiation and the penetration of sunlight
into the building (Nilsen , 2011 ).
Building shading as a means of reducing energy consumption requires careful
consideration. Many studies explore the use of shading devices, for example
between 10% and 11.3% energy savings can be expected from the benefits of
external shading devices in hot and humid climates (Wong, 2007) and (Yu J,
However, most shading devices are designed for aesthetic purposes rather than
their energy saving potential. Designers mostly ignore findings about the
importance of shading devices when they leave the analysis late in the design
development phase. Shading devices require careful consideration at the initial
design stage especially for facades with high window-to-wall ratios (Cellai ,
2014 ) .
There are 3 types of Shading devices (Lechner, 2001), namely vertical devices,
horizontal devices and egg-crate devices which are a combination of vertical
devices and horizontal devices. Al-Tamimi (2011), Lau, et al (2016) are several
researchers who tested the effectiveness of these Shading devices compared to
buildings that did not use Shading devices . Based on his research on high-rise
office buildings in Malaysia, it was found that buildings that have Shading
devices have better cooling energy performance when compared to buildings that
do not use Shading devices and egg-rate Shading has the best cooling energy
performance. Lau, et al (2016) stated that egg-crate shading can save cooling
energy up to 3.4%, vertical shading 2.4%, and horizontal shading 1.4%.






Figure 1. Types of Shading Devices

2.3 OTTV

the OTTV calculation can be used as input for the performance of the building
envelope, the lower the OTTV value obtained, the lower the heat entering the
building and the lower the building's energy consumption (Kurniawan, 2020).

In calculating OTTV , building conservation criteria include thermal

conditions outside the building, which can affect internal heat (Seyowati &
Trilistyo, 2013). Window to Wall Ratio ( WWR ) modifications , types, thickness
and color of the outer walls, shading devices, glass conduction, roof and wall
insulation, are modifications that can be used to achieve energy-efficient building
qualifications (Loekita). The modification is expected to meet the standard criteria
of SNI 03-6389-2011. In addition, the rating tools issued by the Green Building
Council Indonesia ( GBCI ) are one of the efforts to support sustainable
development with the aim of evaluating the application of the green building
concept (Gunawan & Suriansyah, 2018).
The OTTV calculation is obtained from the SNI 03 – 6389 – 2011 formula,
as follows.

Figure 2. The OTTV Formula Equation

OTTV = The value of the overall thermal transfer on the outer wall that has a
certain direction or orientation (Watts/m²).
α = Absorbance of solar radiation.
Uw = Thermal transmittance of opaque wall (Watt/m² .º K).
WWR = Comparison of the window area with the area of the entire outer wall at
the orientation determined in the study.
SC = Shading coefficient of the fenestration system.
SF = Solar radiation factor (Watt /m²).
Uf = Fenestrated thermal transmittance (Watt/m² .º K)

3. Research methods

Figure 3. Research Locations

The research location is at PT. INDONESIAN SHIP INDUSTRY (Persero),
whose address is: Jl. Shipyard No.31, Kaluku Bodoa, Tallo, Makassar City, South
Sulawesi 90212. PT. IKI is a state-owned enterprise engaged in repairs or repairs,
new shipbuilding, steel construction & related industries and Fiberglass.

Figure 4. PT.IKI Building Facade

In this study, the research method used is quantitative research method. This
research uses 3 variables in analyzing, namely:
a. Dependent variable
Dependent variables are factors that are observed and measured to
determine the influence of independent variables, namely factors that appear, or

do not appear, or change according to what was introduced by the researcher. The
dependent variable in this study is OTTV (Overall Thermal Transfer Value) or the
overall thermal transfer value is a value that is determined as a design criterion for
conditioned walls and exterior glass of buildings. The OTTV standard used in this
study is 35 watts/m² according to SNI 6389 (2011), and the permitted limit is 45
watts/m² (Pemprov DKI Jakarta , 2012 )
b. Independent variable
Independent variables are variables that cause or influence, namely factors
that are measured, manipulated or selected by researchers to determine the
relationship between observed or observed phenomena which become
independent variables in this study are; Horizontal Shading device model, Vertical
Shading device model, and Eggcrate Shading device model. The length of each
Shading Shading device model is 60cm , 90cm, 120cm . The slope of each
Shading Device Model is the length tested.
c. Control variable
Control variables are variables that are controlled or kept constant so that
the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable is
not influenced by external factors that are not examined. The control variable in
this study is the existing condition regarding the physical building, the OTTV
value .

Figure 5. Research flow concept

4. Research results and discussion


4.1 Existing Design Simulation

OTTV calculation of PT.IKI building with specification of solar radiation
absorption value, opaque wall thermal transmittance value (Uw), WWR value , SC
value, SF value, UF value, WWR value .

Table 2. Table of Existing OTTV Values

elevatio OTTV

North 74.57

South 61.32

west 62.93

East 79.47

Average 69,572

OTTV Calculation analysis, the existing

conditions of the OTTV building show that it has a value of 69,572 W/m² this
value is above the allowable limit of 45 Watt/m².

4.2 Shading device analysis of OTTV Value Impairment

There are three types of Shading devices tested, namely horizontal, vertical,
and eggcrate. Vertical shading (SV) was tested with 18 samples with a length of
60.90 and 120cm (SV60, SV90 and SV120) with a slope of 0 for each sample.
°,10 °,20 °,30 °,40 ° and 50 °. Shading Horizontal (SH) tested with 18 samples
with a length of 60.90 and 120cm (SH60, SH 90 and SH120) with a slope of each
sample 0 °,10 °,20 °,30 °,40 ° and 50 °. Shading Eggcrate (ET) was tested with 15
samples with a length of 60.90 and 120cm (ET60, ET90 and ET 120) with a slope
of 0 for each sample. °,10 °,20 °,30 °, and 40 °.

a. Shading device North Orientation





OTTV value





Eksisting 0 10 20 30 40 50

Axis Title

V 60 V 90 V 120
H 60 H 90 H 120
ET 60 ET 90 ET 120

Figure 7. Graph of Variations in Decreasing North Orientation OTTV Values with

Horizontal, Vertical and Eggcrate Shading based on Ecotect Simulations .

Figure 7 shows the Vertical Shading which has the highest decrease is the
Vertical Shading with a Length of 120 with a slope of 50 with a decrease value of
19% to 60.28 W/m2 . Long Horizontal Shading 120 slope 50 decreased 31% to
51.468 W/m2. Shading Eggcrate with a length of 120 slopes of 40 experienced
the most effective reduction of 44% to 41.49 W/m2. The picture explains the
longer and deeper the slope of the Shading able to reduce the OTTV value because
the length and slope of the shading have an effect on dispelling. Comparison
between vertical and horizontal shading in this north orientation according to
figure 7 which is effective is horizontal shading , this is due to the ability of
horizontal shading to accept high sun altitude angles and horizontal shading is
less effective at receiving high sun altitude angles. North orientation is more
dominant, the angle of incidence is the high altitude angle. However, in the
comparison of vertical and horizontal shading , there is Shading Eggcrate which
is more effective in reducing the OTTV value . This is due to the Shading
Eggcrate's ability to accept low and high sun altitude angles so that the Shading
can block radiation entering through the glass surface.


10 13 15

Figure 8. Graph of Decreasing North Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,

Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 21 March.

The existing condition of the building without using a Shading device on

March 21 at 10.00 am has an OTTV value of 88.297 W/m2 , 13.00 pm 98.251
W/m2 and 15.00 pm has a value of 72.683 W/m2 . Decreasing , vertical shading
devices at 10.00 am decreased the OTTV value by 30%, at 13.00 noon 29% and at
15.00 pm decreased 31%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am decreased the value of
OTTV 37%, at 13.00 decreased OTTV 39% and 15.00 pm decreased 33%.
Eggcrate shading has the most efficient reduction compared to vertical and
horizontal shading at 10.00 at 44%, at 13.00 noon 45% and at 15.00 at 47%.
Comparison of the effectiveness of vertical and horizontal shading can be seen in
Figure 8 at 13.00, it can be seen that vertical shading is less efficient in
responding to high sun altitude angles while horizontal shading is efficient in
responding to high sun altitude angles. Eggcrate shading is an effective shading in
response to high and low low sun altitude angles so that the decrease in the OTTV
value can be maximally reduced.




1 2 3

Figure 9. Graph of Decreasing North Orientation OTTV Value with Shading

Horizontal, Vertical and Eggcrate June 21st.

Figure 9 shows the existing condition of the building without using a

Shading device on June 21 at 10.00 am has an OTTV value of 148.87 W/m2 ,
13.00 pm 161.56 W/m2 and 15.00 pm has a value of 93.516 W/m2 . Decreasing ,
vertical Shading device at 10.00 am decreased OTTV value by 37%, 13.00 pm

30% and 15.00 pm decreased 18%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am decreases the
OTTV value by 36%, at 13.00 the OTTV decreases by 43% and at 15.00 pm it
decreases by 18%. Eggcrate shading has the most efficient reduction compared to
vertical and horizontal shading at 10.00 at 46%, at 13.00 noon 45% and at 15.00
at 53%. Comparison of the effectiveness of vertical and horizontal shading can be
seen in Figure 9 at 13.00. It can be seen that vertical shading is less efficient in
responding to high sun altitude angles, while horizontal shading is efficient in
responding to high sun altitude angles. At 10.00 am the vertical and horizontal
shading have almost the same decrease, only differing by 1%, this is because the
vertical shading is able to respond to the angle of the sun's altitude which comes
in June at 10.00 am so that the vertical shading decrease value is superior even
though it is only 1%. In contrast to 15.00 noon horizontal shading is more
effective in receiving the arrival of the sun's altitude angle that comes from it.
Shading eggcrate is an effective shading in response to high and low low sun
altitude angles so that the decrease in OTTV values can decrease efficiently as
seen in graphic image 9 at 10.00 am to 15.00 is Shading eggcrate.

Figure 10 . Graph of Decreasing North Orientation OTTV Value with Horizontal,


10 13 15

Vertical and Eggcrate Shading September 23.

On September 23, Figure 10 shows the existing condition of the building

without the use of a Shading device on September 23 at 10.00 am, it has an OTTV
value of 91,983 W/m2 , at 13.00 pm it is 113.77 W/m2 and at 15.00 pm it has a
value of 91,983 W/m2 . Decreasing , vertical shading devices at 10.00 am
decreased the OTTV value by 31%, at 13.00 noon 29% and at 15.00 pm decreased
42%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am reduced the OTTV value by 37 %, at 13.00
the OTTV decreased by 41% and at 15.00 pm it decreased by 48%. Eggcrate
shading has the most efficient reduction compared to vertical and horizontal
shading at 10.00 at 44%, at 13.00 noon 48% and at 15.00 at 54%. The
comparison of vertical and horizontal shading is the same as the analysis in the
explanation of Figures 9 and 10 which provide an explanation of the effectiveness
of horizontal multiple fin superior shading at high sun angles . efficiently seen in
the graphic image 10 at 10.00 am to 15.00 is Shading eggcrate.


10 13 15


Figure 11 . Graph of Decreasing North Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,

Vertical and Eggcrate Shading December 22.

December 23 in Figure 11 shows the existing condition of the building

without using a Shading device at 10.00 am has an OTTV value of 91.033 W/m2 ,
13.00 pm 98.577 W/m2 and 15.00 pm has a value of 59.23 W/m2 . Decreasing ,
vertical shading devices at 10.00 am reduced the OTTV value by 28%, at 13.00
noon 28% and at 15.00 pm a decrease of 28%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am
decreases the OTTV value by 35 %, at 13.00 the OTTV decreases by 35% and at
15.00 pm it decreases by 35%. Eggcrate shading has the most efficient reduction
compared to vertical and horizontal shading at 10.00 at 42%, at 13.00 noon 42%
and at 15.00 at 42%. The comparison of vertical and horizontal shading is the
same as the analysis in the explanation of Figures 9 and 10 which provide an
explanation of the effectiveness of horizontal multiple fin superior shading at high
sun angles . efficiently seen in the graphic image 10 at 10.00 am to 15.00 is
Shading eggcrate .

b. Shading device South Orientation




V 60
V 120
45 H 60
H 90
40 H 120
ET 60
35 ET 90
ET 120
Eksist- 0 10 20 30 40 50


Figure 12. Graph of Variations in Decreasing North Orientation OTTV Values

with Horizontal, Vertical and Eggcrate Shading based on Ecotect Simulations .
Figure 9 shows the Vertical Shading which has the highest decrease is the
Vertical Shading with a Length of 120 with a slope of 50 with a decrease of 19%
to 48.66 W/m2 . Long Horizontal Shading 120 slope 50 decreased 31% to 41.086
W/m2. And the Shading Eggcrate with a length of 120 slopes of 40 experienced
the most effective reduction of 44% to 41.086W/m2. The graph in Figure 24
explains that the longer and deeper the slope, the Shading can reduce the value
same only with North orientation The best shading is Shading Eggcrate .


10 13 15

Figure 13. Graph of Decreasing South Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 21 March.

March 21 in Figure 1-3 shows the existing condition of the building without
using a Shading device at 10.00 am has an OTTV value of 76.378 W/m2 , 13.00
pm 80.222 W/m2 and 15.00 pm has a value of 69.104 W/m2 . Decreasing ,
vertical shading devices at 10.00 am decreased the OTTV value by 33%, at 13.00

noon 34% and at 15.00 pm decreased 33%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am

decreased the OTTV value by 41 %, at 13.00 the OTTV decreased by 42% and at
15.00 pm it decreased by 48%. Eggcrate shading has the most efficient reduction
compared to vertical and horizontal shading at 10.00 at 47%, at 13.00 noon 47%
and at 15.00 at 52%. The comparison of vertical and horizontal shading is the
same as the analysis on the northern orientation explanation which provides an
explanation of the effectiveness of superior horizontal multiple fin shading at high
sun angles . seen in the graphic image 10 at 10.00 am to 15.00 is Shading
eggcrate .




10 13 15


Figure 14. Graph of Decreasing South Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 21 June.

The existing condition of the building without using the Shading device at
10.00 am has an OTTV value of 66.211 W/m2, 13.00 pm 78.528 W/m2 and 15.00
pm has a value of 47.68 W/m2. Figure 14 shows a decrease in the vertical
Shading device at 10.00 am reducing the OTTV value by 33%, at 13.00 noon 33%
and at 15.00 pm a decrease of 33%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am reduced the
OTTV value by 41 %, at 13.00 the OTTV decreased by 41% and at 15.00 pm it
decreased by 41%. Eggcrate shading has the most efficient reduction compared to
vertical and horizontal shading at 10.00 at 41%, at 13.00 noon 41% and at 15.00
at 41%. Eggcrate shading shows efficient Shading compared to vertical and
horizontal Shading .





1 2 3

Figure 15. Graph of Decreasing South Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 23 September.

The existing condition of the building without using a Shading device at

10.00 am has an OTTV value of 77.37 W/m2, 13.00 pm 90.596 W/m2 and 15.00
pm has a value of 69.187 W/m2. Figure 15 shows a decrease in the vertical
Shading device at 10.00 am reducing the OTTV value by 33%, at 13.00 noon 33%
and at 15.00 pm a decrease of 23%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am reduced the
OTTV value by 41 %, at 13.00 the OTTV decreased by 41% and at 15.00 pm it
decreased by 36%. Eggcrate shading has the most efficient reduction compared to
vertical and horizontal shading at 10.00 at 47%, at 13.00 noon 47% and at 15.00
at 47%. Eggcrate shading shows efficient Shading compared to vertical and
horizontal Shading .




10 13 15


Figure 16. Graph of Decreasing South Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 22 December.

The existing condition of the building without using a Shading device at

10.00 am has an OTTV value of 119.641 W/m2, 13.00 pm 148.56 W/m2 and
15.00 pm has a value of 81.586 W/m2. Figure 16 shows a decrease in the vertical
Shading device at 10.00 am reducing the OTTV value by 37%, at 13.00 noon 31%
and at 15.00 pm a decrease of 28%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am decreases the
OTTV value by 42 %, at 13.00 the OTTV decreases 47% and at 15.00 pm a 46%

drop. Eggcrate shading has the most efficient decrease compared to vertical and
horizontal shading at 10.00 at 50%, at 13.00 noon 51% and at 15.00 at 54%.
Eggcrate shading shows efficient Shading compared to vertical and horizontal
Shading .

c. Shading device Western orientation









Eksisting 0 10 20 30 40 50

Axis Title

V 60 V 90 V 120
H 60 H 90 H 120
ET 60 ET 90 ET 120

Figure 17. Graph of Variations in Decreasing West Oriented OTTV Values

with Horizontal, Vertical and Eggcrate Shading based on Ecotect
Simulations .
The ecotect simulation results for western orientation shading in Figure 17
show that the vertical shading which has the highest decrease is the vertical
shading with a length of 120 with a slope of 50 with a decrease value of 46% to
33,724 W/m2. Long Horizontal Shading 120 slope 50 decreased 53% to 29.483
W/m2. And Shading Eggcrate with a length of 120 with a slope of 40 has the
most effective reduction of 62% to 28,912W/m2. The western orientation of the
effectiveness of horizontal multiple fin shading is superior to vertical shading ,

this is due to the efficiency of horizontal multiple fin shading in responding to

high sun angles and low horizontal Shading arrangement and tilt which reduces
the rate of radiation entering through the glass surface.

Figure 13. Graph of Decreasing West Oriented OTTV Values with


10 13 15

Horizontal, Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 21 March.

The decrease in the western orientation of the OTTV value on March 21 can
be seen in Figure 13. The existing value of OTTV at 10.00 am 61.167 W/m2, at
13.00 pm 69.544 W/m2, at 15.00 pm 94.423 W/m2. The vertical shading in the
figure shows a decrease that occurred at 10.00 in the morning by 41%, at noon at
13.00 there was a decrease of 45% and in the afternoon a decrease of 62%.
Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am decreased by 44%, at 13.00 experienced a
decrease of 50% and at 15.00 pm decreased by 66%. Shading Eggcrate
experienced the greatest decrease between vertical and horizontal shading, at
10.00 am the OTTV value decreased by 52%, at noon at 13.00 it decreased by
60% and at 15.00 pm 72%. The comparison of vertical and horizontal shading in
Figure 13 shows that horizontal shading is more effective. This is because the
Horizontal multiple fin shading can respond to the angle of the sun's altitude that
comes at 10.00 am , 13.00 noon and 15.00 pm. However, the eggcrate shading
shows the greatest reduction results compared to the two types of shading. This is
due to the ability of the eggcrate shading to accept the altitude angle of the sun
coming in at a low angle or at a high angle.


10 13 15

Figure 14. Graph of Decreasing West Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 21 June.
OTTV value on June 21 can be seen in Figure 14. The existing OTTV value
was at 10.00 am 56.062 W/m2, at 13.00 pm 70.341 W/m2, at 15.00 pm 66.029
W/m2. The vertical shading in the figure shows a decrease that occurred at 10.00
in the morning by 38%, at noon at 13.00 there was a decrease of 45% and in the
afternoon a decrease of 62%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am decreased by 42%,
at 13.00 experienced a decrease of 48% and at 15.00 pm decreased by 60%. In
graphic image 14, vertical shading at 15 o'clock is 2% superior to horizontal
shading. Shading Eggcrate experienced the greatest decrease between vertical and
horizontal shading , at 10.00 am the OTTV value decreased by 52%, at noon at
13.00 it decreased by 58% and at 15.00 pm 71%.


10 13 15

Figure 15. Graph of Western Orientation OTTV Value Decrease with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 23 September.
OTTV value on September 23 can be seen in Figure 15. The existing OTTV
value at 10.00 am 61.757 W/m2, at 13.00 pm 77.941 W/m2, at 15.00 pm 89.008
W/m2. The vertical shading in the figure shows a decrease that occurred at 10.00
in the morning by 41%, at noon at 13.00 it decreased by 44% and in the afternoon
it decreased by 59%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am decreased by 44%, at 13.00
experienced a decrease of 49% and at 15.00 pm decreased by 60%. In graphic
image 15, vertical and horizontal shading have a decreasing value that tends to be
the same, this is because the effectiveness of the two shadings is effective, but
horizontal shading is more effective in responding to the angle of the sun's altitude
that comes at 15.00 in the afternoon. Shading Eggcrate experienced the greatest
decrease between vertical and horizontal shading , at 10.00 am the OTTV value
decreased by 55%, at noon at 13.00 it decreased by 59% and at 15.00 pm 68%.


10 13 15

Figure 16. Graph of Decreasing West Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 22 December.
of the OTTV value on December 22 can be seen in Figure 16. The existing
value of OTTV at 10.00 am 72.010 W/m2, at 13.00 pm 84.123 W/m2, at 15.00 pm
70.608 W/m2. The vertical shading in the figure shows a decrease that occurred at
10.00 in the morning by 41%, at noon at 13.00 it experienced a decrease of 40%
and in the afternoon a decrease of 40%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am decreased
45%, at 13.00 experienced a decrease of 48% and at 15.00 pm decreased by 58%.
Shading Eggcrate experienced the greatest decrease between vertical and
horizontal shading , at 10.00 am the OTTV value decreased by 45%, at noon at
13.00 it decreased by 48% and at 15.00 pm 68%.

d. Shading device Eastern Orientation








Eksisting 0 10 20 30 40 50

Axis Title

V 60 V 90 V 120
H 60 H 90 H 120
ET 60 ET 90 ET 120

Figure 17. Graph of Variations in Decreasing East Orientation OTTV Values

with Horizontal, Vertical and Eggcrate Shading .
Shading simulation which has the highest decrease is the Vertical Shading
with a length of 120 with a slope of 50 with a decrease of 33% to 52.872W/m2.
Long Horizontal Shading 120 slope 50 decreased 53% to 29.483 W/m2. And
Shading Eggcrate with a length of 120 with a slope of 40 has the most effective
reduction of 62% to 28,912W/m2. The western orientation of the effectiveness of
horizontal multiple fin shading is superior to vertical shading , this is due to the
efficiency of horizontal multiple fin shading in responding to high sun angles and
low horizontal and tilted shading arrangement which reduces the rate of radiation
entering through the glass surface, eggcrate shading is more effective because it is

able to deflect incoming radiation and respond to the angle of the incoming sun's


10 13 15

Figure 18. Graph of Decreasing East Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 21 March.

OTTV value on March 21 can be seen in Figure 18. The existing OTTV
value at 10.00 am 199.752 W/m2, at 13.00 pm 128.627 W/m2, at 15.00 pm
69.092 W/m2. The vertical shading in the figure shows a decrease that occurred at
10.00 in the morning by 43%, at noon at 13.00 there was a decrease of 53% and in
the afternoon a decrease of 44%. Shading Horizontal at 10.00 am decreased by
71%, at 13.00 experienced a decrease of 71% and at 15.00 pm decreased by 60%.
Shading Eggcrate experienced the biggest decrease between vertical and
horizontal shading, at 10.00 am the OTTV value decreased by 77%, at noon at
13.00 it decreased by 71% and at 15.00 pm 60%. Comparison of vertical and
horizontal shading in Figure 18 shows that horizontal shading is more effective.
This is because the Horizontal multiple fin shading can respond to the angle of the
sun's altitude that comes at 10.00 am , 13.00 noon and 15.00 pm. However, the
eggcrate shading shows the greatest reduction results compared to the two types
of shading. This is due to the ability of the eggcrate shading to accept the altitude
angle of the sun coming in at a low angle or at a high angle.


10 13 15


Figure 19. Graph of Decreasing East Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 21 June.

Figure 19 shows the decline in the western orientation of the OTTV value on
June 21, the existing OTTV value at 10.00 am 173.124 W/m2, at 13.00 pm 96.260
W/m2, at 15.00 pm 47.582 W/m2. The vertical shading in the figure shows a
decrease that occurred at 10.00 in the morning by 58%, at noon at 13.00 it
decreased by 42% and in the afternoon it decreased by 38%. Shading Horizontal
at 10.00 am decreased 70%, at 13.00 experienced a decrease of 61% and at 15.00
pm decreased by 56%. Shading Eggcrate experienced the biggest decrease
between vertical and horizontal shading, at 10.00 am the OTTV value decreased
by 78%, at noon at 13.00 it decreased by 67% and at 15.00 pm 62%.


10 13 15


Figure 20. Graph of Decreasing East Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,
Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 23 September.

Figure 20 shows the decline in the western orientation of the OTTV value on
June 21, the existing OTTV value at 10.00 am 179.939 W/m2, at 13.00 pm
107.912 W/m2, at 15.00 pm 69.174 W/m2. The vertical shading in the figure
shows a decrease that occurred at 10.00 in the morning by 42%, at noon at 13.00
there was a decrease of 37% and in the afternoon a decrease of 38%. Shading
Horizontal at 10.00 am decreased 70%, at 13.00 experienced a decrease of 61%
and at 15.00 pm decreased by 56%. Shading Eggcrate experienced the greatest
decrease between vertical and horizontal shading, at 10.00 am the OTTV value
decreased by 74%, at noon at 13.00 it decreased by 67% and at 15.00 pm 62%.

Figure 21. Graph of Decreasing East Oriented OTTV Values with Horizontal,




10 13 15

Vertical and Eggcrate Shading on 22 December.

Figure 21 shows the decline in the western orientation of the OTTV value on
June 21, the existing OTTV value at 10.00 am 133.888 W/m2, at 13.00 pm
113.319 W/m2, at 15.00 pm 59.257 W/m2. The vertical shading in the figure
shows a decrease that occurred at 10.00 in the morning by 33%, at noon at 13.00
it experienced a decrease of 35% and in the afternoon a decrease of 38%. Shading
Horizontal at 10.00 am decreased by 59%, at 13.00 experienced a decrease of
58% and at 15.00 pm decreased by 56%. Eggcrate shading experienced the
greatest decrease between vertical and horizontal shading, at 10.00 am the OTTV
value decreased by 66%, at noon at 13.00 it decreased by 65% and at 15.00 pm

e. OTTV Summary with Shading Device Modification

Table 3. Table of OTTV Values After Using Shading



(Watts/ (Watts/
m²) m²)

North 74.57 41.49

South 61.32 31.95

west 62.93 23.95

East 79.47 28.91

Average 31.57

The ecotect simulation results

show that the overall OTTV value is 31.57 W/m2. On the north side, the OTTV
value is 74.57 Watt/m² to 41.49 Watt/m² after using Shading Egccrate, the South
side is 61.32Watt/m² to 31.95 W/m2 after
using Shading Eggcrate, west side 62.93
Watt/m² becomes 23.95 W/m 2 after using Shading Eggcrate and east side 79.47
W/m 2 becomes 28.91 W/m 2 after using Shading Eggcrate. The OTTV analysis
value using the shading device is included in the standard category that has been
regulated in SNI, which is 35 W/m 2 and does not exceed 45 W/m 2 .

5. Conclusion

The shading device has an effect on decreasing the OTTV value , the
longer the shading device and the higher the slope, the more effective it is in
blocking radiation from entering through the glass surface. This can be seen in the
shading response tested for 1 year, tested during the apparent motion of the sun on
March 21, June 21, September 23 and December 22 at 10.00 am, 13.00 pm and
15.00 pm. This can be seen in the decrease in the value of the existing OTTV of
the building without using a shading device, which has an initial value of 69.572
W/m 2 , a decrease of 55% to 31.57 W/m 2 . Shading eggcrate with a length of
120cm with a slope of 40 ° is the best shading based on the results of a
comparative analysis between vertical louver shading, horizontal multiple fin
shading, this is because eggcrate shading is able to respond to low and high
altitude angles of the incoming sun so as to minimize or block incoming radiation
through the glass surface.

6. Daftar Pustaka
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