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1 - Because I've been desensitized by popular culture?

Desensitized = dessensibilizado

2 - Empty your soul and the visions will fade.

Fade = desaparecer, desvanecer, extinguir…

3 - He probably thought 9/11 was his greatest achievement.

Greatest = maior, grande, importante.

4 - I am trying to help you, as I know your proclivity is to chase the first skirt that flares at you.

Proclivity = tendência, propensão, inclinação…

5 - Someone left it soaking in the dishwater.

Soaking = imerção, encharcar, embeber, molhar, ensopar…

6 - Yet it's my most precious belonging

Belonging = pertencente

7 - Those who knew him alternately used masculine and feminine pronouns.

Alternately = alternadamente

8 - Men, prepare a deep hole outside.

Hole = buraco, orificio..

9 - My father has explained this object was discovered undisturbed.

Undisturbed = imperturbável, intacto..

10 - Everywhere, wild protests that defy the police.

Wild = selvagem, feroz, barbaro..

11 - And it also enhances nuclear weapons proliferation.

Proliferation = proliferação

12 - Nowadays losing data is not very uncommon.

Uncommon = incomum

13 - A bathroom cleanser for normal hair and treated with extract of kiwi.

Cleanser = limpador, limpeza.

14 - A wet dream turned into a nightmare.

Wet = molhado

15 - Small gestures of love that multiply can revolutionize the world.

Revolutionize = revolucionar

16 - A maintenance server can manage one or more Storage Locations.

Manage = gerir, administrar, dirigir, conduzir..

17 - We sell products cheaper and better than competitors.

Sell = vender, negociar..

18 - The clasp allows you to access your contents repeatedly.

Clasp = fecho, favela, broche..

19 - I got you apple, grape, and berry.

Grape = uva

20 - So I can help decipher what happened here.

Decipher = decifrar
21 - I'm glad that humans have progressed beyond the need for barbaric display.

Progressed = progrediu

22 - Once the needle has been inserted completely, release your grasp of the skin.

Inserted = inserido

23 - The room, dimly lit, and the dusty items contribute to this feeling.

dimly lit = pouco iluminado, mal iluminado..

24 - Helpful lever arm reducing effort by 25%.

Lever = alavanca

25 - This procedure is totally portable like drop count methods.

Drop = gota, cair, baixar, soltar..

26 -

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