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National Housing Authority or Social Housing Finance Corporation officials who have listened to,

negotiated with, and respected the people’s wishes and rights have contributed to the favorable
outcomes. Housing units are constructed in stages following people’s plan and assisted by
nongovernment agencies and technical support groups. Cooperating government personnel adapt the
charges and procedures to fit the residents’ earning capacity and achieve a win-win outcome. This
incremental approach succeeds by responding to people’s day-to-day realities.

Where government bureaucracies have been flexible and open to innovation by providing workable
financing and processes that accommodate the people’s plans, there the President will find examples of
thriving self-managed communities.

Why, then, are high-rise buildings suddenly sprung on the bottom 40 percent as the one-size-fits all
“solution” of this administration? It appears the President is listening to planners and developers who
have never lived in an urban poor community to be able to understand what works. Isn’t it time, Mr.
President, to visit sustainable settlements created by striving communities? They would welcome your
visit, since most of them voted for you.

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