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Munoz, Elisha A.

M1 - Pre Task

1. What is Outcome-Based Education for

Personally, outcome-based education is the type of
education or a type of system that highly focused on the
outcomes that is the results shown by the learners.
It is not a system that highly relies on the suggested
syllabus prescribed to be finished, it is not a subject-
centered education, nor is it a type of system that teaches
students tp simply pass their exams.
This system integrates values, morals, and skills into the
learnings of the students. This therefore produces positive
outcomes from the students,
2. Give 2 advantages of Outcome-Based
1. It showcases the value of providing a conducive learning
environment that promotes daily life skils and not just
theoretical knowledge
2. It is focused on the welfare of the students. The productive
outcome of the student is prioritized over finishing all that
is recommended to be taught in the syllabus and publishing
all suggested assignments. Provided workload is feasilble to
the students and educator
3. Give 2 disadvantages if any of Outcome-
Based Education. If you cannot identify
any disadvantage/s, please explain.

1. Pressure to produce competent teachers that could

accommodate the varied outcomes that could be showcased
by their students. Since outcome-based education drives out
the best in children, the pressure rises on whether
educators are equipped enough to adequately usher those
children's capabilities and to hone them even further.
2. No set standards. Since each individual possesses unique skills
and instincts, one cannot measure a student's adequacy in
life in general simply based on measurable quizzes and
assessments. Hence setting a stand in itself poses a challenge
to educators. Therefore, flexibility and a creative solutions
ought to be honed.

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