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Luck, by definition, is something that is out of our control.

However, there are some

steps you can take to increase your chances of success and reduce the impact of luck on
your life.

1. Work hard: The harder you work, the more opportunities you create for yourself.
Luck tends to favor those who are prepared and ready to seize opportunities
when they arise.
2. Be persistent: Persistence is key to achieving your goals. Even if you encounter
setbacks or failures, keep pushing forward and stay committed to your goals.
3. Be adaptable: Life is full of unexpected changes and challenges. Those who are
adaptable and can quickly pivot in response to new situations are more likely to
4. Take calculated risks: While luck can play a role in success, taking calculated risks
can help you create your own opportunities. When you take risks, make sure you
have a plan and weigh the potential outcomes carefully.
5. Surround yourself with positive influences: The people you surround yourself with
can have a big impact on your life. Seek out those who are positive, supportive,
and motivated to succeed.

Remember, while you can't control luck, you can control your attitude and actions. By
taking steps to increase your chances of success, you can minimize the impact of luck on
your life.

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