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Who am I?

Hello! My name is Alexandria Benson, and I

am a third grade teacher at North LaFayette
Elementary School in LaFayette, Georgia. I
have been teaching for four years. I have a
passion for serving others and helping
students and teachers leverage the
technology available to them to increase
productivity and engagement within their

Professional Responsibilities
I am a full time third grade teacher who teaches all subjects.
Additionally, I serve on my school's Academic Leadership Team, where
we analyze student data and work to provide the most effective
resources for our population of learners.

ISTE-E Standards
I used the ISTE-E standards to support my role as an educator by
integrating opportunities for technology to engage, support, and
encourage student learning. The ISTE-E standards served as a
roadmap which guided me in being an effective teacher and
technology leader.

Changes Made
Using the ISTE-E standards, how I developed and implemented my
lessons, used assessment data, and integrated technology
changed throughout my time in this program. I used the ISTE-E
standards to guide my practice in choosing purposeful tools that
provide opportunities for my students to collaborate, discover, and
What I am Proud Of:
When looking back at my portfolio and reflecting on all that
has been accomplished, I am particularly proud of the way I
stepped out of my comfort zone by coaching, Mrs. Green, a
colleague on technology integration, specifically Nearpod. Before
this experience, I would utilize new digital tools and resources
within my own classroom, but I never offered assistance to
other educators, as it seemed way too intimidating. Additionally,
I never wanted to overstep or seem that I was critiquing
another teacher's teaching practices. This portfolio shows that I
can serve others by forming positive relationships with my

Moving Forward
My goal moving forward for using digital tools in my educational
practice is to continue coaching other educators on how to
effectively utilize purposeful digital tools. I would like to start
providing monthly tech tidbits to the teachers at my school via
email. The tech tidbits will feature new digital resources, tech
strategies, and suggestions on how to effectively utilize technology
within education.

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