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This is the chess board and set up. You can see that every letter is corresponding to one column and
every number is corresponding to every row. If you take all the letters in one that is one row, if you
every number in one that is one column. In chess there are two teams, black and white. In every
match white moves first.


This is a pawn. A pawn moves one space and can only move in front, and only one square, but when
you move a pawn for the first it can go two squares ahead. When a pawn is able to capture another
piece, it can go diagonally but only one square. The pawns positions are A-H second row this is
including all of them. There are a total of 16 pawns in a match 8 black and 8 white.

A knight is a very useful piece in chess. A knight’s move is a little complicated. It moves in a L shape,
three steps in front/right/left/down and one space right/left. A knight can jump over another piece.
Its position is B and G the first row. There are total of 4, 2 black and 2 white. To capture a piece, it has
to land on it. You can not jump over a piece and say it is captured just because you jumped over it.


A bishop is a useful piece but a little downgraded. It moves in a diagonal shape. You can move it all
across the board but it can only move diagonally. If a bishop is on a black it can only be on a black
and it’s same for if it is on a white square. Its position is C and F and first row. If a piece is blocking a
bishop you can’t jump over it. You have to move it or capture it. There are 4 bishops in total, 2 black
and 2 white.

A rook is also a useful piece but downgraded but more useful than a bishop because it can go in both
coloured squares. It moves in a column and row. It is little similar to a bishop. It can’t jump over
another piece; you have to move it or capture it. Its position is A and H first row. There are 4 in total,
2 black and 2 white.


These are the king and queen. The king is the taller one and the queen is the shorter one. The queen
is basically a rook and bishop together. It also has the same traits. The king is the most valued piece.
It can only move 1 square at a time and it can go in any direction. The queen’s position is E or D
depending on which team you’re on. The king’s position is D or E depending on what team you are
on; both one the same row.

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